· 1902-67
· Born in Joplin, Missouri
· Mexico, NYC, Paris
· Fiction, Drama, Essays, Biographies,
· Newspaper column
o In the Chicago Defender
o Jesse B. Simple (fictional Everyman)
· Poetry
o “Poet Laureate of the Negro Race”
· “Harlem” (1951)
o re-titled in 1959 as “Dream Deferred”
o Which do you prefer?
· Structure:
o 11 lines
o 1st and last –
§ questions
§ 1-line stanzas
o Middle stanzas =
§ 4 questions (possibilities)
o 2 lines, 2 lines, 1 line, 2 lines
o similes
o last = not a question
o Last line =
§ italicized
· Thesis Question:
o “What happens to a dream deferred?”
· Answers:
o dries up (raisin in sun)
o festers (sore)
o stinks (rotten meat)
o crusts over (sweet syrup)
o sags (heavy load)
o explodes (bomb)
· Diction:
o Dream =
§ hopes, aspirations, wishes, talents
§ delusion, illusion
o Fester =
§ to rot, puss, ulcerate
§ (ugly, repulsive images)
o Heavy load & sag =
§ Burden
§ Slaves carrying bales of cotton, supplies
o Raisin, sore, black meat, syrup, bomb =
§ Black in color
o Syrup =
§ Doesn’t seem so disgusting
§ Why would he use it?
§ Is it disgusting to the persona? How?
o WHO would these objects symbolize?
o Who = raisin, sore, rotten meat, crusty syrup, bomb?
o What are there actions/reactions?
· Title:
Harlem Renaissance
o “New Negro Movement”
o post-Civil War, move North
o Harlem, Manhattan, New York
o @ 3 miles, @ 175,000 blacks
o WEB DuBois, Langston Hughes
o Countee Cullen, Zora Neale Hurston,
o Jazz Age, Roaring ’20s
o Great Depression, Harlem Riots
o Harlem, 1950s
§ Racial inequality
§ Riots: 1935, 1943, 1964 (Watts 1965, Detroit 1967)
o How did people react?
§ Rot
§ Anger, frustration festers
§ “Uncle Toms”
§ Anger, frustration explodes
o Why the change?
§ What does the change do to the audience?
§ What does the shift from a specific locale @ a specific people do to the meaning?
§ If we were to update the city-title, what would it be & why?
· Questions:
o What is the “dream”?
o Why has it been deferred?
o Title?
o Why are the 1st and last lines separated?
o Why is the last line italicized?
o Why is the last line w/o simile?
o Why is the “heavy load” not a question?
o What is the answer to the thesis question?
o Why are “load” and “explode” the only rhymes?
o Why the break from disgusting images with syrup?
· UPDATE: Title = Harlem, change to another city/country to reflect social, political, religious repression
o personalize (what is your “dream” & how would you feel if it were deferred)
o gays & marriage
o illegal immigrants
o Middle East:
§ Tunisia, Egypt (“successful” “explosions”)
§ Iraq (w/Saddam), Syria, Libya (w/Khadafy)
o Occupy Wall Street (non-violent “explosion”)
o Penn State football scandal (moral responsibility to do something)
o repression, riot, explosion, anger management
o reaction formation
o how to deal
o Things They Carried (how to deal)
o Antigone, Lottery, Things Carried, Eveline, Rose, A&P, Chrysanthemums, Hour (take a stand, do something, moral obligations)
o Antigone, Chrysanthemums, Cask, A&P, Eveline, Rose, Hour (repression, trapped)