Unapproved Minutes of 5/10/11 Meeting
1.1. In attendance: Trustees; Shelley Barnes, Doug Beach, Gina Beach, and Sexton, Curt Barnes.
2.Meeting called to order @ 7:00pm.
3.Motion made by Doug to accept the minutes as read from the 4/12/11 meeting, Shelley seconded, unanimous.
4.Shelley informed us that the Trustees of the Trust are working with former Trustees on transferring all the records and will join us in a meeting when they are ready to discuss some of our issues.
5.Curt spoke with Tom Esslinger regarding trimming some of his trees that are over-hanging the Lower Cemetery rear boundary.
6.Special thank you to Nathan Beach and Jason Leclerc for their continued work volunteering their time and equipment in tree and brush removal of the rear boundary of the Lower Cemetery in preparation for the new fence.
7.The rear boundary for the new fence is almost completed; we need to ask Todd if he can remove a rock and tree stump that remains in the way. Doug will follow up w/Todd.
8.Work still needs to be completed along the Stagner’s side boundary of the Lower Cemetery and Shelley will coordinate with Nathan and Jason since she met with the property owner to discuss what he has given us permission to trim and cut.
9.The missing check to Cheshire Fence was rewritten and dated 12/27/10 as it was originally and Gina hand delivered on Saturday, 5/7/11. Thank you to
Bob Cunniff and Kathy Beam for pushing this through in a very timely manner.
10.We need a total of 300 linear feet to complete fencing along the back boundary to behind the shed. Between what we purchased last year (held to be installed this spring) and the $2000.00 the Town voted to spend on fence in 2011 we still don’t have enough funds to complete the fence to behind the shed. Doug made a motion to purchase the additional same product we purchased in December 2010 and complete as much as possible along the rear boundary of the Lower Cemetery. Gina seconded the motion. Passed unanimously. This year’s price is $15.75 per linear foot. Doug to coordinate with Cheshire Fence.
11.Shelley will contact Mike Waysville to have him access not only the damage to the stone wall on Holden Hill in the Upper Cemetery, but to give us an overall estimate of cost to tie in the repair of damage to this existing wall which has structural issues that need to be addressed.
12.Had a discussion on the division of monies received to purchase a (plot) Right of Interment. We will explore setting up a working account to supplement our annual budget as well as deposit a portion into the Perpetual Care Fund. State regulations prohibit us from spending any of the principal of the Perpetual Care Fund and only the interest earned, however, with the decline in the market in the past several years, the interest earnings are insignificant. Shelley will discuss with Paul Massicote who is a Cemetery Trustee in Walpole and who have this type of account established.
13.We need to have a “probe” for identifying exact locations of vaults when an exact location is in question. Curt will get one or make one.
14.Rules and regulations have not been finalized as we had hoped to since this requires significant research and discussion before finalizing with final decisions at the discretion of the Trustees.
15.Shelley built and painted a new door for the shed in the Lower Cemetery.
16.Gina made a motion to adjourn, Shelley seconded, unanimous, meeting adjourned at 8:37pm
Respectfully submitted:
Gina Beach