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Our Ref: MDR/lma/OX69164
Your Ref: /
Ms C Rowley - Planning Policy Manager
Planning Services
West Oxfordshire District Council
Elmfield, New Yatt Road
Witney, Oxfordshire
OX28 1PB
Anchor House
269 Banbury Road, Summertown
Oxford OX2 7LL
T: 01865 511444
F: 01865 310653
11th March 2009

Dear Tina

Land fronting Sheep Street, Burford

Carter Jonas LLP acts for Mr Nicholas Mills who owns land to the west of Burford. As you know some of this land was put forward for residential development at the initial stage of the LDF process by both Mr Mills and Burford Town Council.

I have read your recently published Draft SHLAA Settlement Summary for the town. I note that it says that ‘the Town Council suggest an increase in the housing stock is required to provide some affordable housing to enable younger families to live in the town, secure the future of the primary school and increase the supply of key workers’. There is a particular shortage of affordable housing which in part relates to the fact that no sites have been allocated for residential development in Burford since the late 1980s. In addition, there is a problem with the adequacy of parking provision within the town.

To try and help address these issues, my client would be happy to work with the District and Town Councils to bring forward a suitable development. The SHLAA’s conclusion suggests that the most appropriate location for a small scale extension to the built-up area is on the land fronting Sheep Street, adjoining the doctors’ surgery which is on my client’s land.

In line with this conclusion, I attach a plan for your initial comments showing a small site of 4½ acres which could accommodate about 40 to 50 dwellings, a public car park and landscaping. An appropriately designed scheme could deliver an appropriate level of much needed affordable housing and a range of market housing.

Carter Jonas were invited to meet with Burford Town Council last week to confirm our client’s intentions. During the discussions it appeared that the Town Council were supportive of this outline proposal.

I would be interested to know your views and would welcome an opportunity to meet with you to discuss how we could best progress matters.

I look forward to hearing to from you.

Kind regards.

Yours sincerely

Mike Robinson MRTPI


for and on behalf of Carter Jonas LLP


DD: 01865 404401
