SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS 1. Examples of sheets used to record farm (smallholding) layout, block (woodlot), plot and tree data.

Land Cover types (Number and Short name)

Tree farms1TF

A. mangium11AM

Gmelina arborea12GA



Orchards and fruit trees2O






Fallow & grazing land3F


Early regeneration32ER

Late regeneration33LR

Secondary forest34SF

Agriculture Horticulture4AH


Sweet potato42SP



Misc vegetables45MV

Home gardens46HG





Note enter only one option based on tallest stratum. Categories in bold are general categories, only to be used if land cover type fits general category but differs from others within the section

Situation (Substrate)

In situ – substrate not transported (e.g. soil derived from rock of local environment, outcrop etc)

Colluvium – substrate transported to site by gravity (e.g. rock deposit at base of scree slope)

Alluvium – substrate transported to site by water (e.g. sediments along river terraces)

Aeolian – substrate transported to site by wind (e.g. sand dunes)

3. Plot Sheet

Plot reference number _ _ _ _ _ F _ _ _ - B _ _ - P _ _


Location of plot (encircle): Centroid/Edge/Other

Aspect: _____ degrees

Slope: Level 0-3 (1): Gentle 4-8 (2): Mod 9-16 (3): Steep 17-26(4): V.steep.27-45o(5): Precipitous >45(6).

Topographic position: Crest/plateau (1): Upper slope (2): Midslope (3): Lower slope (4): Low flat (5).

Drainage: Dry (1): Seasonally moist (2): Seasonally wet (3): Perennially wet (4).

Soil depth in m: Skeletal 0.05 (1): Shallow: 0.05-0.15 (2): Medium: 0.15-1.00 (3): Deep >1.00 (4)

TopSoil texture: clay (1): loam (2): fine sand (3): coarse sand (4)

Cover abundance ratings within 5 m radius plot (1-6)

Cover abundance values 1 <1%: 2 - 1-5 %: 3 - 5-25 %: 4 - 25-50 %: 5 - 50-75 %: 6 - > 75 %

Rock cover: gravel (2-4 cm)__: pebbles (4-20 cm)__: stones (20-50 cm)__: boulders (>50 cm)__: bed-rock __

Ground cover ; Bare soil ___: Leaf litter total ___:Grass___: Ferns ___: Herbs ___

Coarse litter by diameter: 2.5-10cm ___: 10-50 cm ___: > 50 cm ___

Shrub cover: Woody vegetation <2.5 cm dbh, including seedlings: < 1 m___1-2 m ___> 2 m ___

Canopy cover (using periscope) ____ visual estimate above 2 m height

Clumping epiphytes < 0.001 m3___; 0.001-1 m3____; > 1 m3____ : Stem-clasping plants ___

Vines <1 cm___ : 1-5 cm ___ : > 5 cm ___ : Scramblers (multi stemmed thorny shrubs)____

Woody stems (tally) within 5 m radius plot

2.5-10 cm D / 11-20 cm D / 21-50 cm D / >50cm D
2-5 m Ht
6-10 m Ht
11-20 m Ht
> 20 m Ht



Plot reference number _ _ _ _ _ F _ _ _ - B _ _ - P _ _

Graph locations of all trees >5 cm and show any stand edge. Start from North and work clockwise

Must have at least 7 target trees >10 cm

Height of Tallest tree: Tree number __ Height (m) __Plot Radius __m

Waypoint number: ____

GPS Zone: ___ East ______North ______Elevation (m) ___Accuracy (m) ___

Height (Ht) for coconut only, no Bark Thickness (BT) for coconut!

Stem / Species / E/R / DBH / DB / BT(1) / BT(2) / Ht / Dir / Dist

Coc = Coconut Man = A. mangiumGme = Gmelina Mah = Mahogany

E/R = Edge or Reference tree?


Table S1.Material, equipment and instruments and corresponding functions

Material, instrument or equipment item / Functions
GPS receiver / Mainly for referencing smallholdings and mapping of the woodlots
Laser Ace Hypsometer / Collection of data for diameter (large end and small end), logsections and branches, height, crown radius and distance of each tree with reference to the plot centre
Compass / Taking bearings of each sample tree in the plot with reference to the plot centre
Diameter tape / Mainly to collect DBH data and diameter at the tree base
Bark thickness gauge / Measuring the thickness of bark at least 10 cm below breast height of the tree
Digital camera / Mainly for photo documentation
Aluminium tags, set of letter and number punches, hammer and galvanised nails / To label trees and made from 28 gauge aluminium sheeting and cut into about 2cm by 5 cm lengths
Spray paint / Used to record tree numbers on boles just above breast height facing always to the reference point.
Data sheets and miscellaneous materials / Data sheets were reproduced on substance 20 book paper (8.5 by 11 inch) using a photocopier

Table S2. Species recorded in 2006 from plots established in Rainforestation Farming System sites in Leyte. Ranges are given in parentheses.

Scientific name / Common name / No. of trees / Mean DBH
(cm) / Mean Height (m) / Mean Age (years) / Native or Exotic / Fruit tree / Dipterocarp
Swietenia macrophylla / Mahogany / 158 / 11.8
(5.0-40.0) / 9.1
(3.5-17.6) / 9.3
(4-11) / E / N / N
Terminalia microcarpa / Kalumpit / 90 / 13.3
(4.9-31.5) / 9.6
(3.0-18.8) / 8.4
(6-10) / N / N / N
Vitex parviflora / Molave / 86 / 11.3
(5.2-26.5) / 7.5
(0.0-12.7) / 9.2
(7-11) / N / N / N
Casuarina rumphiana / Mt agoho / 70 / 14.9
(6.7-29.5) / 9.9
(4.6-15.2) / 10.0
(6-11) / N / N / N
Parashorea malaanonan / Bagtikan / 67 / 10.1
(4.6-18.9) / 7.9
(3.0-11.9) / 7.6
(7-9) / N / N / Y
Gmelina arborea / Gmelina / 59 / 21.9
(6.1-49.3) / 14.6
(4.9-25.5) / 9.9
(8-10) / E / N / N
Shorea contorta / White lauan / 51 / 10.6
(5.1-23.8) / 8.5
(0.0-14.7) / 8.0
(5-10) / N / N / Y
Dracontamelon dao / Dao / 44 / 12.2
(5.5-27.8) / 9.2
(0.0-17.0) / 9.5
(6-11) / N / N / N
Shorea polysperma / Tangile / 41 / 12.4
(5.0-24.3) / 9.5
(4.5-12.6) / 7.0
(7-7) / N / N / Y
Pterocarpus indicus / Narra / 36 / 10.1
(5.0-24.5) / 8.2
(3.9-16) / 9.3
(8-11) / N / N / N
Hopea plagata / Yakal-saplungan / 35 / 8.0
(5.1-13.0) / 7.6
(4.4-11.0) / 7.9
(5-10) / N / N / Y
Cassia siamea / Thailand acacia / 29 / 10.3
(5.2-14.7) / 8.4
(4.2-13.2) / 10.0
(10-11) / E / N / N
Tectona grandis / Teak / 26 / 15.4
(5.5-24.7 / 11.3
(4.0-14.0 / 10.0
(10-10) / E / N / N
Agathis philippinensis / Almaciga / 24 / 10.5
(5.6-19.7) / 6.2
(3.6-11.9) / 9.4
(9-10) / N / N / N
Melia dubia / Bagalunga / 24 / 22.1
(8.0-49.3) / 13.4
(0.0-21.6) / 9.4
(6-11) / N / N / N
Calophyllum lancifolium / Bitanghol sibat / 22 / 8.2
(5.4-12.1) / 6.3
(3.4-9.2) / 8.8
(6-10) / N / N / N
Shorea palosapis / Mayapis / 22 / 14.3
(7.5-23.6) / 10.0
(7.5-12.0) / 7.0
(7-7) / N / N / Y
Hopea malibato / Yakal kaliot / 17 / 7.0
(5.0-13.0) / 6.8
(4.5-10.1) / 7.9
(7-9) / N / N / Y
Sandoricum koetjape / Santol / 13 / 14.8
(7.3-21.2) / 6.0
(0.0-14.7) / 10.2
(8-11) / N / Y / N
Artocarpus heterophylla / Nangka / 12 / 12.3
(6.6-16.0) / 5.1
(0.0-9.0) / 10.2
(9-11) / E / Y / N
Nephelium lappaceum / Rambutan / 12 / 9.2
(5.0-13.5) / 6.6
(0.0-12.3) / 8.5
(5-10) / N / Y / N
Artocarpus blancoi / Antipolo / 11 / 12.0
(5.9-22.0) / 9.7
(4.8-17.3) / 9.8
(9-10) / N / N / N
Pterocymbium tinctorium / Taluto / 10 / 17.0
(9.2-34.7) / 15.1
(5-20.7) / 10.0
(10-10) / N / N / N
Durio zibethinus / Durian / 9 / 8.9
(6.0-14.1) / 4.1
(0.0-11.1) / 8.1
(5-10) / E / Y / N
Leucaena leucocephala / Ipil-Ipil / 9 / 28.8
(2-39.8) / 12.0
(0.0-17.6) / 9.2
(6-11) / E / N / N
Samanea saman / Raintree / 9 / 17.9
(5.5-40.5) / 11.4
(4.5-19.1) / 10.0
(10-10) / E / N / N
Artocarpus odoratissima / Marang banguhan / 8 / 13.2
(7.0-30.5) / 7.9
(0.0-11.3) / 9.4
(9-10) / N / N / N
Dipterocarpus warburgii / Apitong hagakhak / 7 / 9.9
4.9-16.0) / 7.6
(4.7-11.3) / 7.6
(7-9) / N / N / Y
Podocarpus philippinensis / Malakawayan / 7 / 6.2
(4.4-9.0) / 4.6
(3.8-5.4) / 9.9
(9-10) / N / N / N
Theobroma cacao / Cacao / 6 / 9.0
(7.4-11.8) / 6.3
(5.5-7.5) / 7.7
(7-9) / E / Y / N
Myrica javanica / Hindang / 6 / 10.4
(5.5-18.3) / 1.9
(0.0-5.9) / 10.0
(6-11) / N / N / N
Toona philippinensis / Lanipga / 5 / 9.3
(6.7-12.5) / 6.8
(4.4-9.1) / 10.0
(10-10) / N / N / N
Shorea almon / Almon / 4 / 17.5
(13.3-22.5) / 9.9
(9.0-11.0) / 7.0
(7-7) / N / N / Y
Ficus septica / Hauili / 4 / 13.8
(10.1-17.9) / 10.0
(5.4-14.4) / 10.0
(10-10) / N / N / N
Dipterocarpus kerrii / Malapanau / 4 / 7.3
(5.8-10.5) / 5.9
(0.0-12.7) / 9.5
(9-10) / N / N / Y
Radermachera pinnata / Banai-Banai / 3 / 9.0
(8.0-10.5) / 7.1
(4.7-9.8) / 10.0
(10-10) / N / N / N
Coffea arabica / Coffee / 3 / 7.3
(6.0-9.1) / 5.1
(4.4-6.3) / 5.0
(5-5) / E / Y / N
Dracontomelon edule / Lamio / 3 / 23.4
(20.3-27.8) / 13.2
(11.3-15.6) / 9.7
(9-10) / N / N / N
Leucosyke capitellata / Alagasi / 2 / 16.4
(15.8-17.0) / 0.0
(0.0-0.0) / 11.0
(11-11) / N / N / N
Artocarpus ovata / Anubing / 2 / 11.7
(6.4-17.0) / 8.7
(5.7-11.8) / 10.0
(10-10) / N / N / N
Dipterocarpus grandiflorus / Apitong / 2 / 12.1
(8.1-16.0) / 7.6
(6.8-8.3) / 8.0
(7-9) / N / N / Y
Ormosia calavensis / Bahai / 2 / 6.4
(5.7-7.0) / 7.0
(6.6-7.4) / 9.0
(9-9) / N / N / N
Homalanthus populneus / Balanti / 2 / 7.6
(6.6-8.5) / 6.4
(5.7-7.0) / 10.0
(10-10) / N / N / N
Macaranga tanarius / Binunga / 2 / 16.3
13.0-19.6) / 11.9
(11.6-12.2) / 10.0
(10-10) / N / N / N
Glochidion camiguinense / Bunot-Bunot / 2 / 7.4
(7.1-7.7) / 6.1
(6.1-6.1) / 10.0
(10-10) / N / N / N
Chrysophyllum cainito / Caimito / 2 / 13.3(12.8-13.7) / 10.0
9.5-10.4) / 9.0
(8-10) / E / Y / N
Annona muricata / Guyabano / 2 / 6.3
(6.2-6.4) / 0.0
(0.0-0.0) / 10.0
(10-10) / E / Y / N
Gliricidia sepium / Kakawate / 2 / 10.0
(9.5-10.5) / 7.6
(5.6-9.7) / 10.0
(10-10) / E / N / N
Polyalthia oblongifolia / Lapnisan / 2 / 13.4
(11.8-15.0) / 6.0
(4.5-7.5) / 10.0
(10-10) / N / N / N
Vitex turczaninowii / Lingo-Lingo / 2 / 20.9
(17.7-24.1) / 4.4
(0.0-8.8) / 8.5
(6-11) / N / N / N
Acacia mangium / Mangium / 2 / 31.3
(16.0-46.5) / 14.1
(6.8-21.3) / 10.0
(10-10) / E / N / N
Breynia rhamnoides / Matang hipon / 2 / 20.5
(16.6-24.3) / 13.1
12.8-13.4) / 10.0
(10-10) / N / N / N
Combretodendrom quadrialatum / Toog / 2 / 13.1
12.1-14.0) / 8.9
(8.6-9.3) / 10.0
(10-10) / N / N / N
Premna odorata / Alagau / 1 / 6.7
(6.7-6.7) / 6.2
(6.2-6.2) / 10.0
(10-10) / N / N / N
Securinega flexuosa / Anislag / 1 / 8.7
(8.7-8.7) / 4.5
(4.5-4.5) / 10.0
(10-10) / N / N / N
Persea americana / Avocado / 1 / 6.8
(6.8-6.8) / 6.0
(6.0-6.0) / 8.0
(8-8) / N / Y / N
Averrhoa carambola / Balimbing / 1 / 11.4
(11.4-11.4) / 5.5
(5.5-5.5) / 8.0
(8-8) / N / Y / N
Diplodiscus paniculatus / Balubo / 1 / 8.2
(8.2-8.2) / 10.7
(10.7-10.7) / 8.0
(8-8) / N / N / N
Voacanga globusa / Bayag-usa / 1 / 7.5
(7.5-7.5) / 6.7
(6.7-6.7) / 6.0
(6-6) / N / N / N
Calophyllum inophyllum / Bitaog / 1 / 23.3
(23.3-23.3) / 10.6
(10.6-10.6) / 9.0
(9-9) / N / N / N
Hopea foxworthyi / Dalingdingan / 1 / 25.2
(25.2-25.2) / 12.9
(12.9-12.9) / 9.0
(9-9) / N / N / Y
Macaranga bicolor / Hamindang / 1 / 5.0
(5.0-5.0) / 4.5
(4.5-4.5) / 10.0
(10-10) / N / N / N
Diospyros discolor / Kamagong / 1 / 7.6
(7.6-7.6) / 6.5
(6.5-6.5) / 5.0
(5-5) / N / N / N
Elaeocarpus wenzelii / Karot / 1 / 7.2
(7.2-7.2) / 7.9
(7.9-7.9) / 10.0
(10-10) / N / N / N
Artocarpus nitidi / Kubi / 1 / 20.0
(20.0-20.0) / 10.6
(10.6-10.6) / 6.0
(6-6) / N / N / N
Pterospermum obliquum / Kulatingan / 1 / 9.5
(9.5-9.5) / 7.3
(7.3-7.3) / 6.0
(6-6) / N / N / N
Lansium domesticum / Lanzones / 1 / 5.0
(5.0-5.0) / 0.0
(0.0-0.0) / 10.0
(10-10) / N / Y / N
Mangifera indica / Mango / 1 / 8.1
(8.1-8.1) / 5.6
(5.6-5.6) / 9.0
(9-9) / E / Y / N
Gardenia philastrei / Rosal / 1 / 7.4
(7.4-7.4) / 5.4
(5.4-5.4) / 10.0
(10-10) / E / N / N
Commersonia bartramia / Suyapao / 1 / 19.0
(19.0-19.0) / 11.9
(11.9-11.9 / 10.0
(10-10) / N / N / N
Terminalia foetidissima / Talisay gubat / 1 / 7.5
(7.5-7.5) / 5.2
(5.2-5.2) / 10.0
(10-10) / N / N / N
Strombosia philippinesis / Tamayuan / 1 / 6.6
(6.6-6.6) / 4.2
(4.2-4.2) / 10.0
(10-10) / N / N / N
Ficus nota / Tibig / 1 / 11.5
(11.5-11.5) / 6.0
(6.0-6.0) / 8.0
(8-8) / N / N / N
Afzelia rhomboidea / Tindalo / 1 / 8.1
(8.1-8.1) / 5.7
(5.7-5.7) / 10.0
(10-10) / N / N / N