Down Ampney
Land at Rooktree Farm, Down Ampney – DA_5A
410434 197461
1Designated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
SM 1015133 Village cross approximately 650m to the south west of the site
SM 1003446 Settlement at Bean Hay Copse approximately 850m south of the site
Numerous LBs within 1km, none within the site
Down Ampney conservation area approximately 800m to the south west
2Undesignated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
HER No. / Area Description3023 / Possible building S of Down Ampney
28728 / Possible medieval field system recorded during a modern evaluation at Broadway farm, Down Ampney.
44735 / April 2013 geophysical survey by Pre-Construct Geophysics of land at Broadway Farm, Down Ampney.
44799 / 2013 evaluation at Broadway Farm, Down Ampney
3Historic landscape character
Nothing mapped by NMP or visible on AP.
Not within the historic towns survey.
A3m and G3 HLC categories - Regular organised enclosure ignoring former unenclosed cultivation patterns and Existing settlement - extent by mid 19th century respectively
4Potential to include currently unknown heritage assets with archaeological interests
There is potential for currently unknown heritage assetsdue to the lack of previous investigation of this site.
5Recent planning history
There is no record of any consultation regarding this area.
Assessment and evaluation should be undertaken prior to the determination of any planning application, to include an assessment of the impact of the development on the significance of any heritage assets and their settings.
Land at Rooktree Farm, Down Ampney – DA_5B
410578 197548
1Designated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
SM 1003446 Settlement at Bean Hay Copse approximately 1km south of the site
SM 1015133 Village cross approximately 900m to the south west of the site
Numerous LBs within 1km, none within the site
Down Ampney conservation area approximately 1km to the south west
2Undesignated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
No undesignated heritage assets within 20m of the site3Historic landscape character
Nothing mapped by NMP or visible on AP.
Not within the historic towns survey.
A3m HLC category - Regular organised enclosure ignoring former unenclosed cultivation patterns
4Potential to include currently unknown heritage assets with archaeological interests
There is potential for currently unknown heritage assetsdue to the lack of previous investigation of this site.
5Recent planning history
There is no record of any consultation regarding this area.
Assessment and evaluation should be undertaken prior to the determination of any planning application, to include an assessment of the impact of the development on the significance of any heritage assets and their settings.
Broadway Farm, Down Ampney – DA_1B
Not on attribute table but probably 410215 197384
1Designated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
SM 1015133 Village cross approximately 500m to the south west of the site
SM 1003446 Settlement at Bean Hay Copse approximately 850m south of the site
Numerous LBs within 1km, none within the site
Down Ampney conservation area approximately 650m to the south west
2Undesignated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
HER No. / Area Description28728 / Possible medieval field system recorded during a modern evaluation at Broadway farm, Down Ampney.
44735 / April 2013 geophysical survey by Pre-Construct Geophysics of land at Broadway Farm, Down Ampney.
44799 / 2013 evaluation at Broadway Farm, Down Ampney
44937 / 2004 evaluation at Broadway farm, Down Ampney.
44938 / Medieval pit from a 2013 evaluation at Broadway Farm, Down Ampney.
44939 / Field boundary and ditches from a 2013 evaluation at Broadway Farm, Down Ampney.
3Historic landscape character
Nothing mapped by NMP or visible on AP.
Not within the historic towns survey.
A3 and G3 HLC categories - Regular organised enclosure ignoring former unenclosed cultivation patterns and Existing settlement - extent by mid 19th century respectively
4Potential to include currently unknown heritage assets with archaeological interests
There is limited potential for currently unknown heritage assets due to the previous investigations listed below
5Recent planning history
A pre-application enquiry in April 2013 and a subsequent planning application (13/01667/OUT) for residential development prompted geophysical survey (SW12112; HER44735) and trial-trenching (SW12112; HER44735 (and note that the southern part of the land had also been investigated in 2004).
The work revealed a medieval agricultural landscape with localised activity represented by pits. It is recommended that a condition is attached to any planning permission for excavation. The planning application is currently undetermined.
An agreed mitigation strategy to cover:
- Archaeological recording of assets to an appropriate level
Little Jim’s, Down Ampney – DA_4
409840 197017
1Designated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
SM 1015133 Village cross approximately 50m to the west of the site
SM 1003446 Settlement at Bean Hay Copse approximately 700m south east of the site
Numerous LBs within 1km, none within the site
Down Ampney conservation area approximately 150m to the south
2Undesignated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
No undesignated heritage assets within 20m of the site3Historic landscape character
Nothing mapped by NMP or visible on AP>
Not within the historic towns survey.
G4 HLC category - Existing settlement - present extent
4Potential to include currently unknown heritage assets with archaeological interests
There is potential for currently unknown heritage assetsdue to the lack of previous investigation of this site and the density of archaeology known in the surrounding area.
5Recent planning history
There is no record of any consultation regarding this area.
Assessment and evaluation should be undertaken prior to the determination of any planning application, to include an assessment of the impact of the development on the significance of any heritage assets and their settings.
Broadway Farm, Down Ampney – DA_1A
410223 197481
1Designated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
SM 1015133 Village cross approximately 550m to the south west of the site
SM 1003446 Settlement at Bean Hay Copse approximately 950m south of the site
Numerous LBs within 1km, none within the site
Down Ampney conservation area approximately 700m to the south west
2Undesignated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
HER No. / Area Description44735 / April 2013 geophysical survey by Pre-Construct Geophysics of land at Broadway Farm, Down Ampney.
44799 / 2013 evaluation at Broadway Farm, Down Ampney
44939 / Field boundary and ditches from a 2013 evaluation at Broadway Farm, Down Ampney.
3Historic landscape character
Nothing mapped by NMP or visible on AP.
Not within the historic towns survey.
A3 HLC category - Regular organised enclosure ignoring former unenclosed cultivation patterns
4Potential to include currently unknown heritage assets with archaeological interests
There is potential for currently unknown heritage assetsdue to the lack of previous investigation of this site and the density of archaeology known in the surrounding area.
5Recent planning history
There is no record of any consultation regarding this area.
Assessment and evaluation should be undertaken prior to the determination of any planning application, to include an assessment of the impact of the development on the significance of any heritage assets and their settings.
Land adjacent to Chestnut Close, Down Ampney – DA_9
409693 197215
1Designated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
SM 1015133 Village cross approximately 200m to the south of the site
SM 1003446 Settlement at Bean Hay Copse approximately 1km south east of the site
Numerous LBs within 1km, none within the site
Down Ampney conservation area approximately 450m to the south
2Undesignated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
HER No. / Area Description3136 / Enclosures north-west of Down Ampney.
3Historic landscape character
Field system mapped by NMP but not visible on AP.
Not within the historic towns survey.
D3r HLC category - Floated watermeadow system
4Potential to include currently unknown heritage assets with archaeological interests
There is potential for currently unknown heritage assetsdue to the lack of previous investigation of this site and the density of known archaeology in the surrounding area.
5Recent planning history
There is no record of any consultation regarding this area.
Assessment and evaluation should be undertaken prior to the determination of any planning application, to include an assessment of the impact of the development on the significance of any heritage assets and their settings.
Land at Broadleaze, Down Ampney – DA_8
410163 197807
1Designated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
SM 1015133 Village cross approximately 850m to the south west of the site
SM 1003446 Settlement at Bean Hay Copse approximately 1.3km south of the site
Numerous LBs within 1km, none within the site
Down Ampney conservation area approximately 1km to the south west
2Undesignated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
No undesignated heritage assets within 20m of the site3Historic landscape character
Nothing mapped by NMP or visible on AP.
Not within the historic towns survey.
G3 HLC category - Existing settlement - extent by mid 19th century
4Potential to include currently unknown heritage assets with archaeological interests
There is potential for currently unknown heritage assets due to the density of known archaeological sitesin the surrounding fields.
5Recent planning history
There is no record of any consultation regarding this area.
Assessment and evaluation should be undertaken prior to the determination of any planning application, to include an assessment of the impact of the development on the significance of any heritage assets and their settings.
Dukes Field, Down Ampney – DA_2
410187 197109
1Designated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
SM 1015133 Village cross approximately 400m to the west of the site
SM 1003446 Settlement at Bean Hay Copse approximately 650m south of the site
Numerous LBs within 1km, none within the site
Down Ampney conservation area approximately 450m to the south west
2Undesignated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
No undesignated heritage assets within 20m of the site3Historic landscape character
Nothing mapped by NMP or visible on AP.
Not within the historic towns survey.
G3 HLC category - Existing settlement - extent by mid 19th century
4Potential to include currently unknown heritage assets with archaeological interests
There is potential for currently unknown heritage assets due to the density of known archaeological sitesin the surrounding area.
5Recent planning history
There is no record of any consultation regarding this area.
Assessment and evaluation should be undertaken prior to the determination of any planning application, to include an assessment of the impact of the development on the significance of any heritage assets and their settings.
Land rear of Charlham Way, Down Ampney – DA_7
409684 197067
1Designated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
SM 1015133 Village cross approximately 25m to the south east of the site
SM 1003446 Settlement at Bean Hay Copse approximately 850m south east of the site
Numerous LBs within 1km, none within the site
Down Ampney conservation area approximately 300m to the south
2Undesignated heritage assets on/adjacent to the site
HER No. / Area Description26801 / Possible trackway and field boundary of unknown date seen as cropmarks on air photographs, Down Ampney.
3Historic landscape character
Nothing mapped by NMP or visible on AP.
Not within the historic towns survey.
D3r and G4 HLC categories - Floated watermeadow system and Existing settlement - present extent respectively
4Potential to include currently unknown heritage assets with archaeological interests
There is potential for currently unknown heritage assets due to the density of known archaeological sitesin the surrounding area.
5Recent planning history
There is no record of any consultation regarding this area.
Assessment and evaluation should be undertaken prior to the determination of any planning application, to include an assessment of the impact of the development on the significance of any heritage assets and their settings.