ComoPark’s Building Planning Team Goals

Goal Area: ELA: by June 2008

Building Planning Team Objective: Increase *SPI on NYS Assessment in 3rd grade from 184 to 186

*SPI: Standard Performance Indicator (2014 goal is 200 points)

(Level 4% + level 3%)2 + level 2% = current SPI

200- 184 = n, then 15%(n) = number of points to increase

What? / How? / When? / Who? / Who? / Accomplished?
Strategy / Major Tasks / Activities / Dates - Begin/End / 1. Responsibility / 2. Workers / Evidence of Completion/Success
Teacher Factors: Instructional Strategies:
Through district level training in CITW teachers will continue use research-based best practices in their teaching / (a) Teachers will volunteer to attend CITW training and will provide in-service training to classroom teachers.
(b)All teachers will be invited to share their expertise at faculty meetings and extended days.
(c) Provide opportunities for teachers to visit other classrooms and observe use of CITW strategies / 2007-2008 / Principal
CITW trainers / Teachers / (a) Continued implementation of CITW strategies and other “best practice” strategies in classrooms as determined by observations and discussions at grade level meetings, faculty meetings, and each teacher’s APPR.
As a faculty, continue our work with writing and writing improvement, specifically by implementing Lucy Calkin’s Primary Units of Study in every classroom.
Also, continue with the implementation of writing prompts as presented in the MacMillan core program. / (a) Teachers will implement the Units of Study based on a monthly planning and pacing guide that was developed by each grade level in Spring 2007.
(b) Teachers will visit schools that have been implementing the Units of Study as well as attend workshops or conferences.
(c) Teachers will discuss progress, share questions or concerns at grade level meetings
(d) Teachers will teach prompt writing using the MacMillan program and will request parent support for practice purposes.
(e) Continue our partnership with the Just Buffalo Literary Center / 2007-2008 / Principal
“Resident Experts´ from ComoPark / Teachers / (a) Discussions at grade level meetings and each teacher’s APPR.
(b) Student performance on NYS ELA assessment, MacMillan writing assessments, 6 Traits rubrics
(c) Teacher observation and appraisal of student attitude, effort, and interest in writing
(d) Teacher/Principal classroom observations; Inquiry Projects or Goal Setting project results


ComoPark’s Building Planning Team

What? / How? / When? / Who? / Who? / Accomplished?
Strategy / Major Tasks / Activities / Dates - Begin/End / 1. Responsibility / 2. Workers / Evidence of Completion/Success
School Factors: A Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum:
Continue to evaluate the effective implementation of the MacMillan Reading Series fork-3 / (a) Use monthly congruence meetings, extended day meetings, faculty meetings, and grade level meetings for MacMillan topics
(b) Evaluate specific strengths and weaknesses by grade level
(c) Identify areas in need of supplemental support
(d) Determine most useful formative assessments that will inform practice, i.e. DIBELS, benchmark assessments, unit tests, weekly assessments / 2007-2008 / Principal / Teachers / K: At least 60% of the children will reach the end of year MacMillan benchmark goal (PP or above)
Grades 1-2: At least 80% will reach the end of year MacMillan benchmark (at or above grade level.)
Grade 3: At least 84% of the children will meet or exceed the standards on the NYS ELA and reach the end of year MacMillan benchmark goal (on or beyond grade level)
Use Curriculum Maps to communicate the content considered essential for all students to learn. Ask the following questions:
1. What do we want each student to learn?
2. How will we know when each student has learned it?
3. How will we respond when a student experiences difficulty in learning?
4. How will we respond when a student alreadyknows it?
(R. Defour) / (a) Use grade level meetings, extended day meetings, and faculty meetings for discussion and planning
(b)Use Essential Questions when teaching so that all children understand the purpose for learning
(c) Analyze data regularly, i.e. DIBELS, benchmark assessments, IRI’s, NYS
Assessments / 2007-2008 / Principal / Teachers / (a) Discussions at grade level meetings, faculty meetings, and each teacher’s APPR.
(b) Teacher/Principal classroom observations (informal and formal)
(c) Individual/Group Inquiry project results or Goal Setting project results


ComoPark’s Building Planning Team

What? / How? / When? / Who? / Who? / Accomplished?
Strategy / Major Tasks / Activities / Dates - Begin/End / 1. Responsibility / 2. Workers / Evidence of Completion/Success
School Factors: Student Motivation: FocusComoPark’s character education program on several all encompassing character values.
Pilot and explore using the Responsive Classroom model in our classrooms and as a whole school philosophy.
As a way to include students in the decision-making process of the school, develop a Leaders of Tomorrow program for 3rd grade children. / (a) Use Respect, Responsibility, and Citizenship as our grounding traits for the year.
(b) Form a school study group around the Responsive Classroom model by reading Teaching Children to Care by Ruth Charney. Discuss progress and share questions or concerns at our monthly study group meetings.
(c) Adjust 2007-2008 schedule so that once a month ComoPark can hold whole school community building meetings.
(d) Begin by offering a Plus Program opportunity to interested 3rd graders in Fall 2007. Include children in planning the whole school meetings. / 2007-2008 / Principal
Character Education
Committee / Teachers
C. Tosoline,
P. Barrett.
E. Fantini
(Leader’s of tomorrow) / (a) Through observation, discussion, and survey determine if more concentrated focus on 3 traits and whole school assemblies has moved Como Park toward a more authentic and purposeful character education program.
(b) Concurrently, determine if an emphasis on Responsive Classroom constructs helps to build a solid school community and provides more integration with classroom curriculum than previous programs.
(c) Individual/Group Inquiry project results or Goal Setting project results
Assist teachers in understanding the dynamics of motivation and learning about strategies that they can employ to influence student motivation / (a) Use R. Marzano’s What Works in Schools to promote discussion at grade-level meetings or faculty meetings
(b) Share info from DOL / 2007-2008 / Principal
CITW Trainers / Teachers / (a) Discussions at grade level meetings and faculty meetings
(b) Teacher/Principal classroom observations (informal and formal)
(c) Individual/Group Inquiry project results or Goal Setting project results