Summer Camp Enrollment Packet 2015

We are offering three weeks of camp, each week will have a special theme and is sure to provide an enriching and fun atmosphere for your child!

Camp dates:

July 6th-24th

9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Ages: 3-6 (must be potty trained)

* There will be a brief quiet time mid day but NO NAP

You may sign your child up for any number of weeks. Many of our current staff will be returning to run the camp. Daily activities include crafts, games, singing, socialization, free play, outdoor play and weekly water play.

Registration will open March 2nd for current families and open enrollment for new families will begin on March 16th. The following enrollment packet should be completed and returned to the preschool office along the full tuition, activity fee and a $25, non-refundable Registration Fee.
*Tuition will be reimbursed with a 30 day notice of cancellation.

Week Themes

·  Session 1: Ocean Commotion (July 6th - July 10th)

o Come and join us to start off the summer camp series with five days of fun in the sun! This week our theme is ocean commotion. We will learn all about our sea animals that live in the deep blue sea. Our creations for the week will be ocean bottles, painting sea shells, making sting rays, rainbow fish, and don't forget to bring your bathing suit and towel to go swimming. At noon we will set out our blankets and enjoy our picnic lunches along with popsicles for dessert! We will also have a water balloon race and bob for apples. Summer time is finally here :)

·  Session 2: Traveling around the world (July 13th - July 17th)

o Grab your passport and travel the world with us. We will Learn all about our seven continents in 5 days! We will travel to South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Antarctica, Australia, and return to North America. We will try new foods from all over the world and cook it ourselves!! The artists in us will make animal masks, create our own passports and stamp our way around the world.

·  Session 3: Outer Space (July 20th - July 24th)

o Ready...5, 4, 3, 2, 1.... BLAST OFF!!!!! We will venture out into space and make great discoveries in our solar system. Our campers will create their own solar system! Join us in learning all about our planets, stars, and discover the planets we could possibly live on some day. The artists in us will paint the night sky with beautiful bright stars and moonlight. We will learn about all the phases of the moon with Oreo cookies :) The most exciting part will be taking a field trip on the magic school bus to our nearby Arlington Planetarium.

Policies & Procedures

Drop Off & Pick Up Procedures

Summer Camp drop off will begin promptly at 9:00 a.m. every day. Our program will begin at 9:15 a.m. , so it is important that your child arrive on time to begin their day. Please be respectful of your fellow parents and remember drop off in the fire lane should be safe and quick. If your child requires that you stay a little longer to assist them in getting settled, please park in the parking lot and walk him/her in.

The Summer Camp program will end at 3:00 p.m.. In order to ensure an orderly pick up please follow the same procedures as drop off. If you pull into the fire lane a staff member will walk your child out to your car and assist them. There is a late charge of $15.00 for any pick-ups after 3:15 p.m. After 3:15 p.m. the late charge will increase $1.00 for every minute.

Example: Child picked up at 3:18, late fee=$18.00.

Lunch Time

Each child should bring their own lunch each day, please label your child's lunch box and the items inside. Snacks will be provided twice during camp. This is a nut free environment so please do not send in any foods that contain peanut products. Due to the high number of allergies, please indicate any allergies your child may have on the attached form. Please document what type of reaction(s) to look for and what type of medical attention is necessary.

Medication and Sunscreen Application

Each day we will be going outside (weather permitting) and lots of water days. Please apply sunscreen to your child before dropping them off at summer camp, we will reapply with your consent throughout the day. Due to the effects of the sun's rays and the allergic reaction caused by many insects our staff has been P.M.A.T. certified to apply sunscreen and administer the EpiPen©. Please provide your own sunscreen and/or bug spray for your child and any food/bite allergy medication on the first day of camp. The attached Bug Spray/Sunscreen Consent form must be signed in order to apply sunscreen and/or bug spray. All medications and sunscreen must be clearly labeled with your child's name.

Sick Child Policy

Children attending CUMC Summer Camp are expected to be able to participate in all activities. Parents are responsible for bringing their child to the center in good health and capable of participating the day’s activities including playing outdoors. We are not able to provide one-on-one supervision.
Children with short-term contagious illnesses are not allowed to attend summer camp. You are required to inform the school within 24 hours of your child getting sick. You will need a note from your child’s doctor stating that the child is no longer contagious. Our school is not licensed to care for sick children.
If a child is at home with a communicable illness other than a routine cold, the parent MUST alert the Center within 24 hours so that we can advise the other parents to look for symptoms. Such illnesses may include strep throat, head lice, pink eye, chicken pox, measles, mumps, rubella, flu-like symptoms, or a high fever. Any life threatening diseases MUST be reported immediately. Your child may not return to school without a note from the doctor stating that he/she is no longer contagious.
Staff members will perform a daily health check and if in the opinion of the CUMC Summer Camp staff and Director, a child arrives at preschool and is ill, we cannot admit the child. When a child becomes ill at school, we will immediately notify the parent/caregiver, and if necessary, isolate the child until he/she is picked up. Parents and/or caregivers are requested to pick up sick children within one hour of being called.

Water Play

For water days please send your child in a bathing suit with a change of clothes, towel and water shoes. All items should be labeled with your child's name. All kids must be potty trained, no swimmer diapers.

Deposit and Payment

In order to secure a spot in any of the summer sessions you must complete the enrollment packet and provide a $25.00 non refundable registration fee. Tuition for all of the sessions in which your child is enrolled in, is due on May 18, 2015. The activity/material fee for each session is also due on May 18, 2015. Spots are limited so enrollment will be completed on a first come first serve basis.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

Tuition will be refunded only if a written notice is submitted to the office within 30 days prior to the start of the camp session. The $25.00 registration fee is non-refundable.

Forms to be Submitted

·  Enrollment Form indicating preferred sessions

·  Sunscreen & Bug Spray Consent Form

·  Allergy Information Medical Consent Form

·  VA Health Form (current families already have this on file)

·  Copy of Birth Certificate (current families already have this on file)

·  Signed Receipt of Summer Camp Policies and Procedures

·  List of emergency contacts (current families already have this on file)

Sunscreen Consent Form

I______, hereby authorize the staff at Chesterbrook UMC Preschool and Child Care to apply sunscreen for my child ______when necessary during the summer camp program 2012. I will supply the staff with sunscreen for my child labeled with my child's name.

Bug Spray Consent Form

I______, hereby authorize the staff at Chesterbrook UMC Preschool and Child Care to apply bug spray for my child ______when necessary during the summer camp program 2012. I will supply the staff with bug spray for my child labeled with my child's name.


I have read and understand the Chesterbrook UMC Summer Camp policies and procedures for sunscreen and bug spray application.

Signed ______Date ____/_____/_____

Allergy Information & Emergency Treatment

I______, hereby authorize any physician member of the Department of Emergency Medicine of Commonwealth Hospital, Inova Hospitals, ACCESS or Arlington Hospital and/or any member of the Medical Staffs of the above-mentioned hospitals requested by the Department of Emergency Medicine physician, to render medical treatment, which in his/her judgment may be deemed necessary in the care of ______.

Child’s Allergies (if any) ______

Child's Reaction:______

Medical Response Necessary:______

Child’s Doctor ______

Telephone number______

Family Doctor______

Telephone number______

Medicines child is taking ______

Medical History (for example Allergies, Surgeries, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Seizures, Etc.:



Insurance Company ______

Identification Number ______

Subscriber’s Name ______
Subscriber’s Place of Employment______

Family Information & Emergency Contacts

Name of Child :______

Date of Birth: ____/_____/_____



Mother's Name:______

Mother's Cell #:______

Mom's Work #:______

Father's Name:______

Father's Cell #:______

Father's Work #:______

Emergency Contacts

If I can not be reached in an emergency please contact the bellow mentioned persons. I authorize the following people to pick up my child from CUMC Summer Camp and understand that my child cannot and will not be released to anyone else (except emergency medical personnel) with my express written permission:

Name:______Relationship ______

Phone Number:______

Name:______Relationship ______

Phone Number:______

Name:______Relationship ______

Phone Number:______

Chesterbrook UMC Summer Camp 2015

Enrollment Form

Student Name ______

DOB ____/_____/_____

A non-refundable enrollment fee of $25, tuition & activity fees are due with this application. Your reservation will not be held without these paid fees and completed registration form. There is a discount to those families who chose to enroll in all 3 weeks and also a 5% discount for siblings.

Please check off the camp session(s) you would like to attend.
______Week 1 July 6– June 10
Ocean Commotion / Camp: $325.00
Activity Fee: $25
______Week 2 July 13 – July 17
Traveling around the world
/ Camp: $325.00
Activity Fee: $25
______Week 3 July 20 - July 24
Outer Space
/ Camp: $325.00
Activity Fee: $25
For Office Use Only / Total Due:
Total Weeks / ______$325 per week, $926.25/full camp
Activity Fee / $25 per week, $75/full camp
Registration Fee / $25 / $
$ / Check #

I have read and understand the Chesterbrook UMC Summer Camp policies and procedures.

Signed ______Date ____/_____/_____

Upon registration additional forms will need to be completed if you are not already a student at Chesterbrook UMC Preschool & After Care.

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