January 3, 2006 – 6:30 PM

The duly advertised Lancaster Township Board of Supervisors’ organization meeting was held on January 3, 2006 in the Township Building at 1240 Maple Avenue, Lancaster, PA. Allegiance to the flag was pledged. The meeting was called to order at 6:30PM by Vice Chair Anthony J. Allen. Treasurer Thomas H. Schaller and Kathleen M. Wasong were present. Others in attendance included the township manager, staff, and other interested parties.

The oath of office was administered to Kathleen M. Wasong, newly elected Supervisor, and James M. Humphreville, newly re-elected Auditor, by Lynn M. Stauffer, Public Notary.

Ms. Wasong nominated Anthony J. Allen as Chair of the Board of Supervisors. Mr. Schaller seconded and Mr. Allen was elected Chair. He presided over the remainder of the meeting.

Ms. Wasong nominated Thomas H. Schaller as Vice Chair of the Board of Supervisors. Mr. Allen seconded and Mr. Schaller was elected Vice Chair.

Mr. Schaller nominated Kathleen M. Wasong as Treasurer of the Board of Supervisors. Mr. Allen seconded, and Ms. Wasong was elected Treasurer.

Mr. Schaller moved to appoint David L. Clouser as Secretary to the Board of Supervisors. Ms. Wasong seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Allen moved to appoint Suzanne B. Teske as Assistant Secretary to the Board of Supervisors. Ms. Wasong seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Schaller moved to elect Ms. Wasong as voting delegate to the PA State Supervisors’ Convention. Mr. Allen seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Allen moved to recommend setting the Treasurer’s Bond at $1,000,000.00. Ms. Wasong seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Schaller moved, Mr. Allen seconded, and the Board unanimously appointed David E. Wagenseller, III as Township Solicitor.

Mr. Allen moved, Ms. Wasong seconded, and the Board unanimously appointed RETTEW Assoc., Inc. as Township engineers.

Ms. Wasong moved, Mr. Schaller seconded, and the Board unanimously appointed the firm of Reinsel Kuntz Lesher to perform the 2005 audit.

Mr. Schaller moved, Ms. Wasong seconded, and the Board unanimously appointed the Township Depositories: Bank of Lancaster County, Citizens Bank, and PA Local Government Investment Trust.

Ms. Wasong moved, Mr. Schaller seconded, and the Board unanimously appointed the County of Lancaster to collect municipal and county real estate taxes, effective with the 2006 real estate taxes.

Ms. Wasong moved, Mr. Schaller seconded, and the Board unanimously reappointed Melissa A. Kelly to the Planning Commission (term expires 12/31/09).

Mr. Schaller moved, Ms. Wasong seconded, and the Board unanimously reappointed Peggy D. Hall to the Zoning Hearing Board (term expires 12/31/08).

Ms. Wasong moved, Mr. Schaller seconded, and the Board unanimously appointed Middle Department Inspection as an alternate member of the Building Code Board of Appeals (term expires 12/31/10).

Mr. Schaller moved, Ms. Wasong seconded, and the Board unanimously appointed the following persons to one-year terms on the Public Safety Committee: Trudy Brandt, Patrick M. Egan, Susan Ellison, Doris R. James, and Michael F. Pickard (terms expire 12/31/06).

Ms. Wasong moved, Mr. Schaller seconded, and the Board unanimously made the following appointments to the Lancaster Township Historical Commission with terms expiring as noted: Terri Finger (12/31/09), Mathew Slinghoff (filling an unexpired term ending 12/31/08), Gordon B. Reed, LTPC liaison (exp. 12/31/06).

Mr. Schaller moved, Mr. Allen seconded, and the Board unanimously made the following appointments to the Lancaster Township Historic Resource Council: Elizabeth Hine, Elizabeth Miller, and Scott Shonk (all terms expire 12/31/06).

Ms. Wasong moved, Mr. Schaller seconded, and the Board unanimously reappointed William R. Worley as Vacancy Board Chair (term expires 12/31/06).

Mr. Schaller moved, Ms. Wasong seconded, and the Board unanimously reappointed Richard B. Nissley to the Suburban Lancaster Sewer Authority Board (term expires 12/31/10).

Ms. Wasong moved, Mr. Schaller seconded, and the Board unanimously reappointed Suzanne B. Teske to the LIMC Greenways Park Advisory Board (term expires 12/31/008).

Mr. Schaller moved, Ms. Wasong seconded, and the Board unanimously re-appointed Suzanne B. Teske to the Lancaster Recreation Commission (term expires 12/31/08).

Ms. Wasong moved, Mr. Schaller seconded, and the Board unanimously re-appointed Mark A. Deimler as Sewage Enforcement Officer (term expires 12/31/06).

Mr. Schaller moved to certify that streets/highways in Lancaster Township be considered as
one road district. Ms. Wasong seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

Ms. Wasong moved to certify the 2006 Municipal Calendar was advertised, as required by law, and
will be followed for Township meetings in 2006. Mr. Schaller seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Schaller moved to approve RESOLUTION NO. 2006-01 authorizing the dispensing of payroll and the payment of bills incurring penalties between Supervisors’ meetings. Ms. Wasong seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

Ms. Wasong moved to approve the Fringe Benefit Package and Holiday Schedule titled Lancaster Township 2005 Schedule of Benefits. Mr. Schaller seconded and the motion carried unanimously. This motion was immediately amended by unanimous vote to reflect that it is the Lancaster Township 2006 Schedule of Benefits.

There were no comments.

With no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Allen adjourned the meeting at 6:44PM.

Respectfully submitted,

David L. Clouser, Secretary

January 3, 2006

I. Pledge of Allegiance, Call to Order, and Roll Call
The duly advertised Lancaster Township Board of Supervisors’ meeting was held on January 3, 2006 in the Township building at 1240 Maple Avenue, Lancaster, PA. The meeting was called to order at 7:00PM by Chair Anthony J. Allen. Vice Chair Thomas H. Schaller and Treasurer Kathleen M. Wasong were also present. Others in attendance included Township management staff and interested parties. Allegiance to the flag was pledged.

II. Public Comment on Agenda Items
There were no comments.

III. Secretary's Report
By general consent, the minutes of the December 12, 2005 board meeting were approved as submitted.
IV. Treasurer's Report
Because of the early date of this meeting, the December 2005 Treasurer’s Report will be presented in full in February 2006.

V. Payment of Bills
On a motion by Ms. Wasong, seconded by Mr. Schaller, the Board approved the payment of bills:
General Fund $ 53,696.47
Highway Aid Fund 2,939.94
Parks and Open Space Fund 0.00
Capital Reserve Fund 0.00
TOTAL $ 56,636.41

VI. Reports
A. Lancaster Township Fire Department Report: Mr. Schaller reported there were 39 emergency calls in December for a total of 514 emergency calls in year 2006. Mr. Schaller then stated that the LTFD Fund Drive is approximately $10,000 short of its goal. The Board agreed to send a letter to noncontributors asking for their financial support.
B. Police, Sewer, and Subsidiary Reports: These reports are available for public inspection before and after this meeting and during business hours.
C. Recycling Report: The November recycling rate was 15.85%.
D. Lancaster Inter-Municipal Committee: David L. Clouser, Township Manager, reported on the most recent LIMC meeting. Mark Gutshall, an engineer with Landstudies, spoke on historic flood plains and flood ways and the consequence of these designated areas having built up with sediment over hundreds of years. Because of the resultant build up, Mr. Gutshall advocates new thinking on how to deal with these areas. In other business, John May of Manor Township was elected LIMC Chair. It was announced that there will be a planning session relative to the Regional Comprehensive Plan on January 23, 7:00PM, at the Lancaster County Public Safety Training Center in Salunga.
E. Questions & Comments for Community Police Officer: Officer Klete Griffin was present.

VII. Announcements
A. The next regular Board meeting will be held February 13, 2006, 7:00PM. The public is invited to attend the Workshop at 5:30PM.

The Lancaster Township Supervisors are committed to the goals
as established by the adoption of the Strategic Comprehensive Plan
and the following actions are consistent with the directives of that document.

VIII. Old Business – There was none.

IX. Planning/Zoning Business
A. LTPC #188 – Southern Village, Phase II, Final Subdivision Plan Extension
Mr. Schaller moved, Mr. Allen seconded, and the Board unanimously granted an extension of time for the above-mentioned plan until April 11, 2006.
B. LTPC #200 – Shepherd Family LP, Final Subdivision Plan Extension
Mr. Allen moved, Ms. Wasong seconded, and the Board unanimously granted an extension of time for the above-mentioned plan, 1403 West View Drive, until April 3, 2006.
C. LTPC #202 – Honeysuckle Lane Preliminary Land Development Plan Extension
Ms. Wasong moved, Mr. Schaller seconded, and the Board unanimously granted an extension of time for the above-mentioned plan until April 3, 2006.

X. New Business
A. Resolution No. 2006-02
Mr. Schaller moved, Ms. Wasong seconded, and the Board unanimously approved those persons authorized to sign on bank accounts at Bank of Lancaster County, NA.
B. Ordinance No. 2006-01
Mr. Allen presented the above-mentioned ordinance, which amends the Lancaster Township Subdivision, Land Development, and Storm Water Management Ordinance in order to abide by the provisions of the Conestoga River Act 167 Plan. This ordinance will be acted upon at the February 13, 2006 Board of Supervisors’ meeting.
C. Letter of Solicitation for Lancaster Township Fire Department
Ms. Wasong moved, Mr. Schaller seconded, and the Board unanimously authorized sending a letter to residents who have not contributed to the LTFD Annual Fund Drive asking for their financial support.

XI. Guest Recognition and Participation
Mr. Allen wished everyone a very happy New Year. There were no other comments.

XII. Adjournment
With no further business to come before the board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:18PM.

Respectfully submitted,

David L. Clouser, Secretary