Board of Directors Meeting
May 19, 2016
PRESENT:Travis Welton, PJ Pinard, Mandy Tanner, Kelley Montgomery, Tina Mariner and Shane Osowski were representing Snow’s Management.
EXCUSED:Joyce Miller
CALL TO ORDER: This meeting was called to order at 6:05pm.
MINUTES:The Minutes from the April 14, 2016 were reviewed.
Financial:The Financial Report dated April 30, 2016 was reviewed.
- Update on Valley Seal Coat: Tina with Snow’s updated the Board and Homeowners that Valley Seal Coat will be crack sealing, and seal coating all driveways. The work will begin on Yakima, and work it’s way to Seneca, then Peck being last. Homeowners are advised to remove all items from the driveways, and park vehicles on the street. The City of Wasilla is aware of what is happening, and will not ticket parked cars.
- Architectural committee: Angela, a homeowner on the committee, reported that the Architectural committee has already had two meetings. The committee proposed to have the trim painted. Kelley Montgomery made a motion, Travis Welton seconded the motion, and the motion carried. For the Architectural committee to get bids on painting the trim to submit to the Board for final approval.
- Grounds committee: This committee hasn’t had the chance to meet yet. But did have several ideas. They are interested in looking into having the trees trimmed back. The Board is awaiting for the Grounds committee to meet and make recommendations.
- Travis Welton deck replacement: Travis Welton submitted an email and photos of his deck. He asked for approval to remove rotted boards and replace the edge that is uncovered. It will look like the other decks that have been replaced in the neighborhood. Mandy Tanner made a motion to approve this request, Kelley Montgomery seconded the motion and the motion carried. Travis is aware that he will have 1 year to complete the project, or he will have to submit another request.
- Patricia, 710 Peck Dish approval: Patricia Gilbert Unit 710 Peck Street asked the board for approval to have her satellite dish placed. Mandy Tanner made a motion to approve this request, Kelley Montgomery seconded the motion and the motion carried.
- Thanking everyone for attending the meetings and volunteering for the committees. The entire association is better because of homeowner involvement.
- Neighborhood Pinic in June 2016.
NEXT MEETING: The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday June 30, 2016 at 6:00pm at the Lakeside Terrace Townhomes meeting room.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: The delinquency report was reviewed.
ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to discuss this meeting was adjourned at 8:28pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tina Mariner
Snow’s Management, Inc
Association Manager