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We've had the model for a week now and we are working on some sort of manual to go with it that will have relevant factoids. Is there anything else anyone needs to help facilitate this properly? Please let me know. Thanks!
It's looking like the uniform will be the "spacey vest" iteration. However, it will most likely not be the same colors or fabric as the prototype. More than likely, we'll stick to the same color scheme as the current uniform, but this also has yet to be determined. For those that need a refresher, the "spacey vest" is hanging in my cubical. It's the gold and blue colored item hanging at the back of my cubical.
A new feature for the update, here's a word from our Senior Space Science Educator, Eddie Goldstein:
"Hi Museum Galaxy Guides.
I've decided to write up a little section for the Volunteer Newsletter which Dave B sends out each week. The idea is to have a place to "talk" you about how things are going in Space Odyssey, directions we would like to go, ideas to try out, that kind of stuff. I hope that what I write will get you thinking about all of the ways we can make Space Odyssey into an even better visitor experience than it already is.
As you know, I was on the original team that conceived Space Odyssey way back when. (Along with Frances Kruger, Jodi Schoemer, and Laura Danley.) The idea was to create a place which was dynamic, updatable, and completely different from anything we had seen before. We decided that putting a heavy emphasis, and responsibility, on our terrific volunteer corps was the way to go. And it has certainly paid off.
One of our main focuses was how we could encourage great conversations between the visitors and you. Our job is to create the tools and your job is to take those tools and run with them.
I am so proud of Space Odyssey because all of the dreams we had for it have become real in a way that far exceeds our original plans. Space Odyssey is unique in the world. There is no where else where a visitor can come in and have the personalized experience that you give them every day.
But, now is the time to raise the bar. Over the next few weeks I'll be talking about what that means to me. In the meantime, here's something for you to think about: If we want to "raise the bar" in Space Odyssey, what specific things would we do?"
This site gives one a great virtual tour of the rover and it's main components:
Some of you have asked about adding signage just beyond the ticket takers to direct visitors over to the rover. We've decided not to do so as it will add to the already healthy amount of signs in that area and folks don't read signs for the most part. :) Also, it's quite possible that any additional signs may not work that well anyway because once folks have paid admission and entered the Museum, they might be reluctant to turn around and go back out to see the rover right away. We'll just have to do our best to direct folks over to see it and to let them know it's there.
Thanks to Ken Anderson for passing this website along...
NSC Creative ( needs your help to put the finishing touches to their latest Fulldome show, "We Are Aliens." They need a response by October 2. Please read on if interested...
For those of you who have seen We Are Astronomers you will be familiar with the little red, square headed "2.0" characters, see them here for those that are un-familiar
And here is a never before seen video of the lovely people we filmed to capture the voices in We Are Astronomers
Well, the 2.0's are making a re-appearance but this time we want to give it an international flavour.
They would like contributors from around the world to send their response to the question "Are we alone?" They need the response to be in English but with an international accent (Not British). At a later stage they will be doing translations so they may ask you again for a version in your native tongue.
They do have a place holder script which shows the durations they need, they can't be any longer than a sentence. If you would rather just record what they have and then maybe add a few of your own answers that would be welcome, script here:
They have no idea how many responses (if any!?) they will get so if they get lots they will do a fun video after the film is launched containing as many as possible. Those that they select for the film will receive a credit and our eternal love and thanks!
The deadline for this is very tight, they need any responses a week today at the latest, 2 October for inclusion in the film but any late responses will hopefully be used in our fun follow-on short film.
They don't need video just audio but if it is easier to film it then that is fine! The quality doesn't have to be perfect, ideally no background noise but if all you have to hand is a smartphone that will do the job.
If you have some fancy kit then you can send them as WAV files, 24bit 48k but mp3/aac etc is fine. You can email, dropbox, sound cloud, vimeo, youtube your clips, whatever is easiest for you, the important thing is that they are good and they get them asap!
All submissions must be accompanied by a signed release from everyone who is featured in the audio clip. You can grab a copy here
If you have any further questions don't hesitate to get in-touch.
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to be in an NSC Creative dome film, spread the word and get involved!
If you want to share this further then there is a blog post about it here which you are welcome to tweet and facebook etc.
These trainings are required for all new volunteers. If you haven't been to one or signed up for one, please read on....Orientations are from 9:00 a.m - 1:30 p.m. To sign up for an orientation please sign up in the book located on Shelley Knepley's desk or contact Shelley at 303.370.6419 or
Saturday, October 6
VIP Room
Tuesday, November 13
VIP Room
Volunteers may attend some events for free on a space available basis by calling Adult Programs at 303.370.6303 or emailing .
This is only for lectures, for other programs, like Science Lounge, please call Reservations, 303.370.6000, thank you!
60 Minutes in Space
Go "behind the stories" in space science using the best images and animation available to help understand new developments. Seating is limited to first come, first served.
Wednesday, October 24
7 p.m.
Gates Planetarium
The next 60 Minutes in Space will be Wednesday, October 24 (note one week earlier than usual) at 7:00 p.m.
ECF (Education and Collection Facility) CONSTRUCTION UPDATE
The ECF project (the addition being built on the south side of the Museum) is getting up to the ground level outside on the south side and in preparation for the future connection to the new addition, we will begin work in the South Atrium in the next month. The South Atrium will become a construction zone (similar to what was done in 2009 for the Phipps Gallery project). Temporary walls and dust protection will be going up to separate the construction zone from the public areas. The following changes will occur:
- Passage to the freight elevator, former mail room and outreach areas and stair 4 (to exhibits/marketing offices) will be through the school lunch room.
- Access to the Planetarium and El Pomar classroom will be through Space Odyssey.
- After the walls are up, hard hats, safety vests, safety glasses and appropriate footwear will be required in the construction area.
- Material remaining in the construction areas on levels one (south atrium and Planetarium passages) and two (bridge and old dig site) will be thrown away after 8 October.
- The Discovery Zone and passage to stair 4 will remain open on level 2.
- Emergency egress from Coors Mineral Hall and offices will be provided along a path through the Hall's southeast door to the school check-in desk.
Monday, October 15
4:00-5:30 p.m.
Southeast Atrium
Veronika Hall is collecting photos of Kirk with Museum staff and/or volunteers for his farewell party. If you have photos that you can send electronically, please email them to Veronika at . If you have slide or prints please bring them in to Veronika and she will have them scanned.
Click here for Lunchtime Lectures
Click here for Evening Lectures
See bulletin board in the Volunteer Lounge for more info
Coordinator of Volunteers for Space Science
Denver Museum of Nature & Science
Phone 303.370.8344
Fax 303.370.6005
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