LakelandCommunity College– Certificate in Emergency Management Planning and Administration
The magnitude of natural disasters, terrorist incidents, and other major emergencies has increased the public awareness of the importance of effective Emergency Management. Rapid growth and complexity in this field have created a critical need for a new higher education option for those involved in this important career area.
The Emergency Management Planning and Administration Certificate Program is a comprehensive all-hazards program with a goal of reducing the public vulnerability to disasters and other major events. It is designed to address the major umbrella areas of emergency management, which are prevention, mitigation, preparation, response, and recovery. The program is designed for both pre-service students seeking education or a career in emergency management, and for professionals or volunteers already working in the field.
All Emergency Management core courses are scheduled for on-line delivery, which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
College credit may be awarded for similar / equivalent coursework completed at State or Tribal Emergency Management Agencies, the Emergency Management Institute, EMI Independent Study, and other locations.
An Emergency Management Planning and Administration Associate Degree is also available.
Courses for the Certificate Program include:
EMGT 1000 - Introduction to Emergency Management (3 credits)
EMGT 1120 - Emergency Management Administration and Policy (2 credits)
EMGT 1140 - Emergency Planning (2 credits)
EMGT 1220 - Incident Command System (2 credits)
EMGT 1240 - Developing Volunteer Resources (2 credits)
EMGT 1260 - Mitigation for Emergency Managers (2 credits)
EMGT 1280 - Emergency Operations Center Management and Operation (2 credits)
EMGT 1350 - Public Sector Community Relations and Customer Service (2 credits)
EMGT 2160 - Exercise Design and Evaluation (3 credits)
EMGT 2210 - Public Sector Supervision and Leadership (2 credits)
EMGT 2340 - Hazardous Materials Operations and Command (3 credits)
EMGT 2360 - Disaster Response and Recovery (3 credits)
Certificate Total: 28 credits
Lakeland’s academic programs are fully accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.
For more information:
Contact: Professor Lee Silvi, MPA, Program Director
Lakeland Community College
7700 Clocktower Drive
Kirtland, Ohio 44094
Direct Number: Phone: (440) 525-7252
Alternate Number: Phone: (440) 525-7304
Additional Information:
- Some FREE COLLEGE CREDITmay be available for specified courses taken via the Emergency Management Institute (on campus or independent study) or your State or Territorial Emergency Management Agency. Certain restrictions apply. The program director will provide you with a no-risk evaluation of your certifications and certificates!
- By attending our courses you can network and learn from others! Our current students and alumni represent emergency managers, safety directors, fire departments, police departments, private industry, the military, and the American Red Cross, among other fields and employers.
- You do not have to pursue a degree. But students living a distance from our main campus may, if they wish, “attend” their core Emergency Management courses on-line, take approved general education courses (such as English, Social Science, etc.) at a college closer to home, and still receive their degree from Lakeland. (Or you may also complete said courses via Lakeland online.)
- If you already have a degree in another field you should contact the program director, Lee Silvi, to obtain information on how many of those courses might be counted toward a degree in Emergency Management at Lakeland
- Lakeland’s Emergency Management Planning and Administration associate degree program the only one in the United States that is internationally accredited by IFSAC.
The intended audience for this All-Hazards program includes anyone with an interest in Emergency or Disaster Preparedness, including but not limited to:
Pre-service students seeking an education or a career in emergency management
Federal, State, Tribal, County, and Local Officials with emergency management or planning responsibilities
Firefighters, Police Officers, and all others involved in Emergency Management, Disaster Planning, or Homeland Security or related areas
American Red Cross and other community agency administrators, staff, & volunteers
Emergency Management personnel employed in Business, Industry, or Public Utilities
Building, Planning, Engineering, Zoning, Public Health, and Environmental Officials
Hospital and School Emergency Planners and other Risk management Professionals
For additional information call Lee Silvi at 440/525-7252 or e-mail
Our web site may be found at
Update: 11/23/11
“Please note: Some of the Web sites linked to in this document are not federal government Web sites, and may not necessarily operate under the same laws, regulations, and policies as federal Web sites.”