Lake Woodmoor Holdings LLC
1755 Telstar Dr. Suite 211
Colorado Springs, CO 80920
N.E.S. Inc.
619 N Cascade Suite 200
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Dear Applicant and/or Consultant:
Subject: The Beach at Woodmoor – PUD Development Plan with Request for Approval as a Preliminary Plan – (PUDSP-17-002) – Review 1
The purpose of this letter is to provide you with thereview agency responses to the above named development application that have been receivedto-date by Planning and Community Development.
You are encouraged to directly contactthose agenciesthat did provide review comments if the comments requireadditional action by the applicant/applicant’s representative. You are also encouraged to directly contact those agencies that did not provide review comments if such response is required by state statutes and the El Paso County Land Development Code.
Current Planning
- Information provided in the development guidelines sections of the development plan will be required to be complied into a separate development guideline document. Additionally, all references to the Land Development Code should be eliminated by providing the specific development details in the development guide.
- See attached redlines for specific comments on the submittal documents and plans.
Engineering Division
- Engineering redline comments on the following pdf documents will be uploaded by the project managers: Preliminary/Final Drainage Report, PUD development plan, Grading and Erosion Control Plan, Letter of Intent, and Traffic Impact Study.
Request for approval by N.E.S., Inc., on behalf of Lake Woodmoor Holdings, Inc., of The Beachat Woodmoor PUD Development Plan/Preliminary Plan and Filing No. 1 Final Plat. The site islocated northeast of Monument, immediately southeast of Lake Woodmoor near the intersectionof Lower Lake Road and Lake Woodmoor Drive. The property consists of 12.32 acres, with 35residential townhome lots and 8 tracts and is currently zoned R-4 and RR-5, however, a PUD Development Plan/Preliminary Plan rezone is being processed concurrently.
The 2013 El Paso County Parks Master Plan shows no regional trails running through or directlyadjacent to the proposed subdivision. The proposed Jackson Creek Regional Trail, CherryCreek Regional Trail, and Highway 105 Bicycle Route are all located 0.25 mile south of theproperty, while the existing New Santa Fe Primary Regional Trail is located 0.75 mile to thewest of the property. The Beach at Woodmoor does not lie within any candidate open spacearea.
The Beach at Woodmoor PUD Development Plan/Preliminary Plan shows 2.675 acres of openspace/landscape area, thus providing for 21.7% open space within the development. As no traileasements dedications are necessary for this filing, Parks staff recommends fees in lieu of landfor regional and urban park purposes in the amounts shown below.
Recommended Motion (PUD Development Plan / Preliminary Plan):
Recommend to the Planning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners that theapproval of The Beach at Woodmoor PUD Development Plan / Preliminary Plan include thefollowing conditions: require fees in lieu of land dedication for regional park purposes in theamount of $14,245 and urban park fees in the amount of $8,995.
Recommended Motion (Filing No. 1 Final Plat):
Recommend to the Planning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners that theapproval of The Beach at Woodmoor Filing No. 1 Final Plat include the following conditions:
require fees in lieu of land dedication for regional park purposes in the amount of $14,245 andurban park fees in the amount of $8,995.
The El Paso County Environmental Division has completed its review of the The Beach at Woodmoor PUD/Preliminary Plan. Our review consisted of the following items: wetlands, federal and state listed threatened or endangered species, general wildlife resources and noxious weeds.
- The project lies within an area with documented noxious weeds including diffuse knapweed and common mullein. The Site Development Plan must address the prevention of the introduction of new weeds and the spread of existing weeds during construction through the incorporation of the measures identified in the Natural Features, Wetland, Wildfire, Noxious Weeds and Wildlife Report dated May 26, 2017. It is the applicant’s responsibility, and not El Paso County’s, to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to the Colorado Noxious Weed Act and the El Paso County Weed Management Plan.
It is strongly recommended that the applicant obtain the necessary approvals from all federal, state and county agencies as a part of their planning process.
We appreciate the opportunity to comment on this project. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at (719) 520-7845.
Pleaseacceptthe followingcomments from El Paso CountyPublicHealth regarding the projectreferenced above:
- The 12.3acresitewith35residentiallots planned for thedevelopment will beprovidedwaterbyWoodmoor Water and Sanitation District. There isafinding forwater qualitysufficiencyfrom this Colorado Departmentof PublicHealth andEnvironmentregulatedandapproved district.
- Wastewaterservicewill beprovided by Woodmoor Waterand Sanitation District.Per the May8,2017,letter fromKiowa Engineering Corporation, and theMay18, 2017, letter from Woodmoor Waterand Sanitation Districtthere is adequate capacityforwastewatertreatment for thisproject.
- Radon resistant construction building techniques/practices are encouragedtobeusedin thisarea.TheEPAhasdeterminedthat Colorado, and theElPaso Countyarea, havepotentiallyhigher radon levelsthan other areas of thecountry.
- The detention pondplanned for Tract H must have mosquito control responsibilitiesincluded asa part ofthemaintenance agreementin an effort to control WestNile Virus.
- Earthmoving activities greater than 25 acres requirea Construction ActivityPermit from the Colorado Departmentof PublicHealth and Environment,Air Pollution Control Division.Go tothe ElPasoCounty PublicHealth site the link tothe Colorado Departmentof PublicHealthand Environment,Air Pollution Control Division, for the permit application.
- El Paso CountyPublic Healthencouragesplannedwalk-abilityof residential communities.Please considerappropriate connections to commercialareas throughthe useof sidewalks, and biketrails. Walk- abilityfeatures help reduceobesityand associated heart diseases.
Mike McCarthy
El Paso CountyPublic Health Environmental Health Division 719-575-8602
RE: The Beach at Woodmoor PUD/Preliminary Plan (PUDSP-17-003)
Residential Subdivision Planning Documents (6 sheets) REVIEW I
The Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District No.I (the District) has received plans and documents related to the development applications referenced above. The District has the following concerns and/or recommendations:
General Comments
1.This review is a general overview of the Preliminary Drawing. This review does not encompass technical aspects of design for the proposed water and sewer systems within the development such as minimum curve radii, maximum deflection requirements, slopes, etc. A digital .pdf file of WWSD System Specifications can be obtained from the District Engineer at joeys@woodmoorwater. com.
Utility System Plan
1.The curvilinear sanitary sewer line from Captiva Beach Lane across Lot 35 violates the District's system specifications because it is non-tangential. As possible, the District avoids curvilinear sewer lines and an easement twice as wide as the main is deep would be required around the proposed route. Please note the alternative route the District proposes, in accordance with our system requirements, between Lot 33 and 34 with easement (not to scale) for the District depicted on the attached marked drawing.
2.There are no fire hydrants shown south of Lake Woodmoor Drive along Captiva Beach Lane. Please consult the applicable fire department with jurisdiction over this development regarding spacing and location of fire hydrants and add hydrant locations to plan.
3.The District requires a minimum of 6 feet of cover for all mains measured from the finished grade to the top of the main. Please confirm the grading plan for Tract H maintains this minimum cover requirement for the existing sewer main in this proposed lot.
- The District is concerned about adding a fourth connection from the northwest to the manhole in Lake Woodmoor Drive. Please terminate proposed Coronado Beach Drive sanitary sewer main on north side of Lake Woodmoor Drive. Reference the attached marked drawing.
- Manholes are required at minimum every 500 linear feet for sewer mains per the District's system specifications. Please ensure this requirement is met along Coronado Beach Drive.
6. Riprock (End FES) at STA 10+00 North of Tract H interferes with the existing sanitary sewer manhole risking storm water infiltration to the District's sewer infrastructure Developer's engineer will need to evaluate relocating riprock or relocation of existing sanitary sewer manhole.
Final Plat Drawings (24" x 36")
1. As shown on the Utility System Plan, Tract H encroaches upon the District's Parcel #14100015. Use of District property required Board approval. Please revise plans or obtain Board approval prior to plan approval.
2. Please clarify the boundaries of Parcels A & B.
Ifyou should have any questions, please contact me.
Joseph Seed
District Engineer
cc: Jessie J. Shaffer
Randy Gillette
Mountain View Electric Association, Inc. (MVEA) has these comments about the following:
Project Name: Beach at Woodmoor PUD Project Number: PUD-17- 003
Description: Approval is being requested for The Beach at Woodmoor, Filing
#1. This filing will consist of 35 single family residential lot and 8 tracts on 12.317 acres. Located east of Interstate 25 and north of State Highway 105 in Section 14, Township 11 South, Range 67 West.
This area is within MVEA certificated service area. MVEA will serve this area according to our extension policy. Information concerning connection requirements, fees and upgrades under MVEA line extension policy can be obtained by contacting the Engineering Department of MVEA.
MVEA requests a ten (10) foot front and rear lot utility easement, a five (5) foot side lot line utility easement along with a twenty (20) foot exterior easement on plat. MVEA also request that utility easements be granted in open space, drainage and tracts to allow for design to all lots. Additional easements may be required once a review of civil drawings with grading and erosion plan is provided to MVEA in order to serve this new subdivision.
If the above easement(s) are not provided on the final plat MVEA may not be able to serve the subdivision
If additional information is required, please contact our office at (719) 495-2283.
Cathy Hansen-Lee
Engineering Administrative Assistant
Contact Justin with El Paso/Teller 911 Authority for approval of street names. An email from Justin to the Enumerations department is required. Justin Annan
Standard DP comments: For tact & lot addressing placement place (xxxx) where they are intended to be utilized. Contact Enumerations department for addressing.
It appears that the floodplain has been contained in the tract. For further Floodplain questions please contact Keith, Floodplain Administrator or 327-2898
- As requested, we have reviewed thepreliminarydevelopmentplans forTheBeach atWoodmoor. Forthis review we receivedthe followingdocuments:
- Application Form(EdwardCodyHumphrey, 5.18.17),
- LegalDescription (CivilConsultants, Inc, 5.23.17),
- Letterof Intent(N.E.S., Inc., 5.17),
- NaturalFeatures, Wetland,Wildfire, NoxiousWeeds and Wildlife Report(EcosystemServices, LLC, 5.26.17),
- Preliminary/PUDDevelopmentPlan (N.E.S.,Inc., 5.26.17),and
- Geologic Hazards Evaluation and PreliminaryGeotechnicalInvestigation(CTL|Thompson, Inc., 12.13.16).
Accordingto the Letterof Intent, the applicantplans torezonethe propertyto develop 35 single-familylots on
Thesite doesnotcontainsteep slopes, is notundermined, anddoesnotcontain, nor is itexposedto,any geologic hazardsthatwould preclude the proposedresidentialuse and density.However, severalgeologic conditions existatthis locationrequiringsitespecific investigations,detailedengineeringrecommendations, and carefulattention duringconstruction.We offer thefollowingcomments onthese conditions.
Soiland bedrock engineering properties.CTL makes appropriatepreliminarygeotechnical recommendationsbased ontheresults often borings, limitedSPT’s(standard penetration tests, an insitu test indicatingrelative density), and limitedlaboratorytesting. Claystone samples exhibited lowto moderate swell and CTL statesthatintheirexperience highlyexpansive claystonelayerscould beencounteredin thisarea.
Additionalgeotechnicalinvestigations and analysis willbe needed, once buildinglocationsare finalized, to more accuratelycharacterize lot-specific soiland bedrockengineeringproperties such as expansion/consolidation potential, density, corrosion potential,etc.This information isneeded to determine subgrade preparationrequirements and todesign individualfoundations, and floor systems.
Shallowgroundwater.Groundwaterwas measuredatdepths between10.5 and 28.5 feetin seven holes eight days afterdrilling. Additionally, shallowbedrockencounteredatthesitecan contribute tothe future developmentof perched groundwater.To mitigatethis condition, CTL recommends below-grade foundation drains connectedto underdrain systems. Theyfurther recommendthatthe lot-specific geotechnical investigationsdetermine ifwetconditionsexistthat require active underdrainsorifpassive systemsare
adequate.These recommendationswillbecriticalformitigationofexistingand/or future developmentof shallowgroundwater atthislocation.
Provided these andCTL’srecommendations are strictlyadhered to, CGS has no objectionto approval ofthePreliminaryPlan as proposed.
Thank you for the opportunityto commentontheslopestabilityanalysis for this project. If you have questions or requirefurtherevaluation, pleasecallus at303-384-2654, or .
Jonathan R. Lovekin, P.G. Senior EngineeringGeologist
Wehavereceivedtheabove-referencedproposaltocreateasubdivisioninElPasoCounty. Accordingtothematerials,itappearsthedevelopmentconsistsof35singlefamilylotsand8 tractson12.317+/-acres.Theproposedsource ofwatersupplyandwastewaterdisposalisto beserved bythe WoodmoorWaterandSanitationDistrict(“District”).
WaterSupply Demand
TheWaterSupplyInformationSummary,FormNo.GWS-76,providedwiththesubmittal estimatesademandof20.58acre-feet/yearfor35singlefamilylots,whichequatestoan anticipateddemandof0.588acre-feet/yearpersinglefamilylot.Theproposaldoesnot clearlydefinetheamountoflawnandgardenirrigationanticipatedforeachlot.The anticipateddailywater demandforthesubdivision equatesto 18,375gallonsperday.
Pleasenotethatstandardwateruserates,asfoundintheGuidetoColoradoWellPermits, WaterRights,andWaterAdministration,are0.3acre-foot/yearforeachordinaryhousehold,
0.05acre-foot/yearforfourlargedomesticanimals,and0.05acre-foot/yearforeach1,000 square feet of lawn andgardenirrigation.
Theproposedwater supplierisWoodmoorWaterandSanitationDistrict(“District”),andMay18, 2017letterofcommitmentfromtheDistrictwasincludedwiththesubmittal.Accordingtothe letter,“TheBeachpropertiestotal12.38acreswhichtheDistrictiscommittedtoproviding waterandsewerservicewithitsstandardpolicyallocationtotaling6.19AFannuallyand additionallyhascommittedtoservingAgreementproperties(collectively)withupto86.21of
SupplementalWaterService. WiththecompletionoftheDunesatWoodmoor,thereremains71.89AF/yrofsupplemental waterservice thatcan be allocated(whollyorpartially)towardthe remainingAgreementproperties,includingtheBeach. Resultantly,theDistrict’stotalwater
servicecommitmentat thistimefortheBeachisupto78.08AF/Yr(i.e. 71.89AF+6.19AF0)”.
AccordingtotheDecember2012WoodmoorWaterandSanitationDistrictLongRangePlan (LRP),onfilewiththisoffice,theDistrictutilizestwowatersupplysources.The firstsupplyof watercomesfromtheDenverBasinAquifers,whichtheDistrictcanpumpupto6,322.4acre- feetperyear(basedona100yearaquiferlife),or2,107.47acre-feetperyear(basedona300 yearaquiferlife).ThesecondsupplyofwatercomesfromdiversionsonMonumentCreekand DeadWomanCreekthatoccurviaanexchangeoftreatedwastewatereffluentforsurface water,whichsuppliedanaverageof365acre-feetperyearovertheperiod2007-2011(an annuallyrenewablesupplywithnoadministrativelifespan).Combined,theDenverBasinwater rights(basedona300yearaquiferlife)andsurfacewaterexchanges(annuallyrenewablewith noadministrativelifespan)exceedtheaverageannualwaterdemandof2,148acre-feet estimatedforcurrentbuild-out.
StateEngineer’sOffice Opinion
Accordingtothisoffice’srecords,itappearstheDistricthassufficientwaterresourcesto servetheproposeddevelopment.BasedupontheaboveandpursuanttoSection30-28- 136(1)(h)(II),C.R.S.,itis the opinion ofthis office thattheproposed water supplyis adequate andcanbeprovidedwithoutcausinginjurytodecreedwaterrights.Shouldyouhaveany furtherquestions,pleasefeel freetocontactme directly.
Sincerely, Caleb Foy.P.E.
Water Resources Engineer
No comment
The following agencies have not provided review comments to-date:
Comments received from any of the above non-responding agencies following the issuance of this letter will be forwarded to the applicant/applicant’srepresentative and will be added to the end of this letter for record keeping purposes.
Due to the number of comments and necessary revisions to the plan(s) an additional detailed review will be necessary. Please address the comments as listed above. A detailed letter needs to accompany the revisions to allow for an expeditious re-review timeframe. The letter shouldinclude each comment listed above and, immediately thereafter, include a response from the applicant addressing the comment.
If any review agency has an issue that needs resolution or requires a revision, you will need to provide the necessary documents, drawings, etc., to the Planning and Community Development Departmentin the form of a resubmittal. The Planning and Community Development Department will then forward the resubmitted items directly to the appropriate review agency. If you have any questions pertaining to specific agency comments please contact the appropriate agency directly.
PLEASE NOTE: The application cannot be scheduled for public hearing until and unless a final response has been received by Planning and Community Development from those agencies that are required (pursuant to state statute and the El Paso County Land Development Code) to provide such response (i.e.- State Engineer’s Office, County Attorney’s Office, County Health Department, etc).
In order to be considered for the September 5, 2017 Planning Commission hearing, all outstanding issues must be resolved no later than August 15, 2017. In order to give the reviewers time to confirm that those outstanding issues have been resolved, revisions need to be submitted by August 1, 2017. Please contact me if you would like to schedule a meeting with myself or the multi-disciplinary team.
When all the comments have been addressed and corrections made please submit the required documents as requested on the attached resubmittal matrix.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me at 719-520-6302.
Raimere Fitzpatrick, Project Manager/Planner II
El Paso County Planning and Community Development Department
cc:Gilbert LaForce, Engineering
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