ISD 2889

December 19, 2016

Approved Minutes

The regular December 19, 2016 Lake Park Audubon Board of Education meeting was called to order by Chair Bryan Anderson at 7:00 PM in the Media Center in Lake Park. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Roll call and guests:

Members present: Marvin Vareberg, Skye Bjerke, Bryan Anderson, Cara Bjerken, Darrel Pederson and David O’Connell

Members absent:

Administrators: Principals Sam Skaaland & Mary Merchant

Guests: Vicki Gerdes and Staff Members

Board Calendar Dates: Organizational Meeting – January 3, 2017 at 7:00 PM – LPA High School Media Center

MSBA Conference – January 11-13, 2017

Regular January Meeting – Jan. 23, 2017 at 6:00 PM – LPA High School Media Center


M/S/CU (Pederson/Bjerke) to approve the agenda as presented.


Ø  Principal’s – Mary Merchant & Sam Skaaland

Ø  Superintendent - Dale Hogie

Consent Agenda items:

M/S/CU (Pederson/O’Connell) to accept/approve the following consent agenda items:

Ø  Payment of bills and claims in the following amounts: 01)$89,187.01; 02)$14,348.80; 04)$775.30; 08)$16,383.42; totaling $120,694.53 and the District Financial report.

Ø  Minutes of the regular November 28, 2016 Board of Education meeting.

Ø  List of donations.

Unfinished Business:


New Business:

M/S/CU (Bjerken/O’Connell) to accept seniority list as presented and authorize presentation to the local education association for review.

M/S/CU (Pederson/Bjerken) to approve contract for services with The Village Business Institute for $3,000 for the 2016-17 school year.

M/S/CU (O’Connell/Vareberg) to approve Certification of the 2016 Payable 2017 Levy for a total of $2,540,285.20.

M/S/CU (Pederson/Bjerken) to approve Leah Rebrovich’s advancement from BA10 to BA20 effective with the February 1, 2017 payroll.

M/S/CU (O’Connell/Pederson) to approve Nicholas Paur’s FMLA for approximately four weeks.

M/S/CU (Pederson/Vareberg) to approve an adjustment in co-curricular compensation for Mr. Paur’s wrestling salary with an hourly reduction in salary that is proportional to the entire length of pre-season and season. O’Connell requested a calendar of wrestling dates, discussion followed. Discussion was tabled until the January 23rd meeting. Motion carried.

M/S/CU (O’Connell/Pederson) to approve Steve Westlund’s snow removal proposal for times when our LPA staff cannot provide assurance that snow removal cannot be completed in a timely manner.

M/S/CU (Bjerken/Pederson) to approve Brett Skjold as a substitute cook at Class 2, Step 3.

M/S/CU (Bjerken/Pederson) to approve advertisement to fill the Indian Education positions to begin in January.

M/S/CU (Bjerken/O’Connell) to approve Nancy Brekke as long-term substitute for Krystle Sauer with no change to Ms. Brekke’s compensation.

M/S/CU (Pederson/Bjerke) to approve advertisement to fill the vacancy created by the change to Nancy Brekke’s reassignment.

M/S/CU (Bjerken/Pederson) to approve resignation payment plan submitted by Tim Sherman.

Discussion/Information items:

Present appreciation plaques to Care Bjerken and Bryan Anderson

Visitor’s comments: None

M/S/CU (Bjerken/Pederson) to go into closed session to approve Superintendent Hogie’s evaluation

M/S/CU (Pederson/O’Connell) to re-open the meeting

M/S/CU (Pederson/Bjerken) to approve summary of Superintendent’s evaluation

Adjourn: M/S/CU (O’Connell/Pederson) 8:25 PM

Respectfully Submitted:

Kathy Hamre, District Clerk


LPA Board of Ed Minutes

December 21, 2015