Exploring Construction 151

Lake Holcombe School District

Instructor:Mr. Lorenzen

Room: 216

Phone: (715) 595-4241 Ext. 286

Course Description: Students taking this course will learn through hands on activities of building a scale model house. This is an introduction to any students wanting to learn basic construction from planning stages to completion of modern homes. Internet research will be used to develop house plans.

Materials:Pens and Pencils

Z87 Safety Glasses

Textbook:Modern Carpentry

Course Outline:

  • Internet research to select house planWall framing
  • Basic drafting of house plansRafter construction
  • Site preparationRoofing
  • FoundationsWindows and siding
  • Sub-floor construction


  1. The student is responsible for arriving to class before the bell rings
  2. Students who arrive late without a pass will be sent to the office for a tardy slip

-Three tardies will result in a referral

Late Work:

  1. Late work will be accepted up to five days after the original due date
  2. 10% will be subtracted each day the assignment is late
  3. No credit will be given after five days


Class work 10% (assignments)

Daily work20% (production)

Writing30%(log book)


Lake Holcombe Grading Policy

A+ (4.0)-100-98

A (4.0)-97-93



B (3.0)-86-83



C (2.0)-76-73



D (1.0)-66-33


F(0)-below 60

Posting Grades in Skyward:Due to the complexity of some assignments or projects, grades may take up to 3 weeks to be posted in Skyward. If there are questions of concerns, contact the teacher directly.


  1. Be on time everyday
  2. Be prepared for class
  3. Sit in your assigned seat
  4. Stay on task the entire class period
  5. Be respectful and considerate of others and their personal property
  6. Respect the authority and position of the instructor and any person acting in their place
  7. Respect and visitor to the classroom of shop setting. Represent yourself and your school district in a positive manor
  8. Inappropriate language will not be tolerated. Two warnings will be issued and a referral on the third offense.

Destruction of School Property:

  1. The student will cover the cost of any equipment that is broken due to misuse or carelessness.
  2. Respect other people’s property. If you don’t know, ask.

Computer Policy:

  1. Only use YOUR assigned computer
  2. Gaming, social media and certain video sites will not be allowed

( referrals will be issued)

What you need before you can use power tools:

  1. Z87 approved safety glasses
  2. Parent letter
  3. All safety documents and tests completed