These are rules and policies for Laguna Beach. These are not exhaustive and we are probably leaving something out. Our hearts are to not be legalistic but to be good stewards of your health, fun, and growth while being a good witness for Christ. We expect you as a camper to not see how close you can bend the rules but to have a heart of respect for them and us as the authorities God has placed in your life for that week.

All of these below could be summed up with “make wise decisions, have self control, respect others, act like Christ would and don’t be lazy”

1)You are to be within an adult’s supervision or eyesight at all times. You are not to go anywhere without the cabin leaders permission or knowledge.

2)We will primarily swim in pools and wade in the surf of the ocean. Swimming in the ocean is difficult for even the best swimmers. You are not allowed to swim in the ocean unless an adult and a swim partner are with you. No one will be forced to be in the water ever. Any student that does not want to be in the water does not have to. Swimming in the ocean is only allowed at a Yellow or Green flag alert. No red flags or double red flags. Horseplay around the pool or ocean is not allowed by the camp facilities or by our camp staff. Horseplay is considered but not limited to pushing people in the pool, wrestling, running, diving in shallow water, dunking people and using objects in the water that do not belong there

3)No guys in girls rooms or girls in guys rooms. The appearance of this is poor and will not be tolerated.

4)This isn’t the culture of our group but I have to say this…Camp does not exist for you to push the line with guy/girl relationship stuff. Our group should treat each other like brothers and sisters within a family. We are very sensitive to being flirty, over emphasizing guy/girl relationships, making others feel uncomfortable with dating talk, worrying about who likes who. Again, this is not our culture at FSM and will not be tolerated. We will not tolerate physical or emotional boundaries being crossed. If you desire to talk through our views on dating and relationships, please pursue one of our staff to talk through this. I will gladly share my views on what healthy guy/girl interaction should be and how to have a healthy approach to this part of your life.

5)As outlined in the “What to bring” list, no ipods, ipads, phones, expensive cameras that you mind getting messed up, game systems, magazines that are gossip or pornographic in content, computers, alcohol, drugs, tobacco, weapons or anything else crazy. You may bring jewelry just make sure you do not bring anything expensive or sentimental that you would be sad to lose. We want you to have a week where you can get away from distractions. If you cannot, this camp is not for you.

6)Respect curfew. Laguna has a mandatory room time of midnight. We are requiring all everyone in rooms by 11:30 and lights out by midnight. This can be earlier if the room leader or students want. We reserve the right to extend curfew to a later or earlier time if we desire.

7)We ask that you use encouraging language with each other. Appropriateness in tone, words and content are expected. We seek to promote an environment that is Christ-like and does not promote, bullying, divisiveness, gossip, teasing, sexual content, swearing nor discouragement.

8)Damages are the responsibility of the student and their family.

9)Do not litter. Please respect the camp, our rooms and the other campers.

10)Get what you want to eat, but eat everything you get. The food is great at Laguna, but please do not be wasteful.

11)No playing, hanging in, or around the street between the camp and the beach. There are plenty of places to hang out. The street is busy and to be avoided unless going to the beach. All crossings the street to go to the beach should be with an adult and at the designated crossing location.

12) Attend all camp meetings and functions. Be attentive (which means go to bed on time)

13) Here are the discipline levels…

Level 1-one of the counselors will ask you to change your behavior or to refrain from the activity or behavior that you are doing.

Level 2-one of the counselors see you breaking the rules consistently and they will bring you to some of our camp staff to discuss why you are not changing the behavior that you were asked to change.

Level 3-we will contact your parents and fly you home at their expense. Camp unity is very important as is safety and the overall environment of camp. We will remove students from the camp week if needed for the health of the whole.

14)We ask that all male and female students and staff pursue modesty in attire. This means guys are asked to wear a shirt unless at the beach or pool and ladies are asked to wear a cover up over their bathing suit when not at the beach or pool. We also ask that our ladies wear tankini’s and/or one-piece swimming attire.

15)If you are wrestling with something spiritually, emotionally or physically talk to your Room Leader. We are here to help you grow and love you well.

***By signing this you and your parents are in agreement of these camp rules and policies***
