Thursday 10 April 2014

2.00 – 4.00 pm

Present: / Jeff Gosling / Ian West
Helen Smith / Howard Becke
Pat Snowdon / Terry Blackburn
Peter Bennetts / Ann Lyons
Bob Wilson / Mick Lyons
Clare Allom / Toni Sambridge
Apologies: / Doreen McAllister
Maureen Elliott
Arthur Whitfield
Shirley Ford
In attendance: / Christine Briggs, Director of Operations / STCCG
Lucy Topping / NHS England
Jane Leighton, PA to Chief Officer (Minutes) / STCCG
Notes / Actions
1. / Notes of previous meeting – 6th February and matters arising
These were agreed as a true record with the following matters arising:-
1.1 / Helen Smith confirmed that Lucy Topping will present on the NHS Constitution and feedback on primary care at today’s meeting.
1.2 / Helen Smith confirmed that Kate Hudson, Chief Finance Officer is scheduled to attend June’s meeting to feedback on end of year accounts. / June agenda item
1.3 / Accessible information for visually impaired – Peter Bennett had previously raised this matter at the December meeting in the presence of Amanda Healy and Sue Collins when it was agreed that a meeting with Sight Services, RNIB and the Local Authority will be arranged. Peter Bennett expressed his disappointment that despite making contact with Sue Collins no suggested date has been received for a meeting. Noted that action has now been passed to Amanda Healy’s PA in order to progress. Members also shared disappointment in relation to their previous experiences regarding lack of communication; Howard Becke specifically expressed disappointment regarding the lack of communication/no response following face to face meetings with individuals at the Council and CCG.
ACTION: Jeff Gosling agreed to take on board comments and encourage colleagues to respond to outstanding matters. / J Gosling
1.4 / Screening services – Clare Allom to approach Sue Collins to request a presentation to the diabetes group. Noted that this may not take place anytime soon due to the amount of business the diabetes group is currently undertaking. / Clare Allom
1.5 / Practice forums – Jeff Gosling confirmed that a conversation had taken place with appropriate CCG colleagues in relation to the apparent lack of interest in some patient forums. Representatives for Marsden Road reported that a practice forum meeting had taken place since the last PRG in February, following which an extra-ordinary practice forum meeting had also taken place with excellent attendance and organisation. Forum meetings for Marsden Road will now take place every two months.
Agreed that Jeff Gosling and Helen Smith will discuss ways around how to enthuse other practices. / J Gosling/H Smith
Jane Leightonadvised that confirmation has been received to say that there is no reason why minutes cannot be uploaded onto individual practices websites.
1.6 / Pioneer status model update–standing item - Helen Smith confirmed that Sue Collins was not invited to today’s PRG meeting as the agenda had already been set. Helen Smith to invite Sue Collins to future meetings. / H Smith
Helen Smith also confirmed that the new Chief Executive of NHS England, Simon Stevens, recently visited South Tyneside during which he was pleased to receiveinformation on the pioneer bid.
1.7 / Northumberland, Tyne & Wear NHS Mental Health Trust consultation -Confirmed that the consultation period finished in March. Comments have been received via various sources which will be collated by Caroline Latta, Senior Communications and Engagement Locality Manager, and a report will be produced. Helen Smith advised that Dr Gordon has met with North East Commissioning Support (NECS) colleagues in relation to commissioning decisions. A report will be presented to the Governing Body on 15thMay.
2. / STCCG Five Year Plan
Christine Briggs, Director of Operations attended to present on the CCGs plans over the next five year. Presentation slides attached.
Christine Briggs confirmed that an Integration Board has been established which includes membership from the Council, South Tyneside Hospital, the Mental Health Trust and third sector organisations. Explained that the Integration Board links to the Health & Wellbeing Board. Members noted the vision of the Integration Board which is to ensure the ‘person’ is at the centre.
Howard Becke enquired as to whether there ispatient representation on the Integration Board; Christine Briggs advised that this was not the case at the moment as the Integration Board is still in its early days. However, this will be considered for the future.
Christine Briggs explained that an engagement group has been established to look at how we maximise communication and work with people in the community in the most meaningful way. She also went on to explain that a Better Care Fund has been set up which will see budgets pooled; noted that finance planning will take around a year. There are 4 key areas of work identified as follows:
  • Development of integrated community teams that will work in a geographical way, for example social work, mental health and NHS professionals. A number of workshops have been arranged to look at this closer;

  • Integration Hub – relates to dementia and reablement. The Council are currently procuring this work;

  • Pioneer – is around self-care;

  • Change for Life programme.

Christine Briggs confirmed that she would be happy to share more information around the work programmes with members at their request.
Peter Bennetts expressed an interest in receiving further detailed information on the programme of work which involves sight loss. Christine Briggs reiterated that they are committed to ensuring that people with sight loss do have access to the services they need. Christine offered to meet with Mr Bennetts in order to provide more information around the work programme.
CCG outcome trajectories were noted; Bob Wilson highlighted that there appears to still be a high number of lung disease in the locality which may contradict the figures presented. Bob Wilson confirmed that the evidence figures are available to share and will do so via Helen Smith. / Bob Wilson
Christine Briggs concluded by explaining that the five year plan is system wide and not just for the CCG and as a result the CCG is developing an understanding with the Hospital, Mental Health Trust and Council. Christine confirmed that she would be happy to be invited back to present to the group at a later date in order to share progress.
3. / NHS Constitution and feedback on primary care
Lucy Topping attended for this item and explained that since her last attendance at the PRG some suggestions received from the group have been progressed such as visiting groups and reminding people about the Constitution. However, some suggestions have not been progressed such as the production of posters.
Lucy advised that a Transforming Participation Forum has been established, involving CCGs, Healthwatch, education organisations and other healthcare provider organisations, which will ensure the system joins up, encourage best practice and look at work that needs to be done at a local level. Noted two meetings have taken place so far. A document has been published highlighting three key themes being 1) individual involvement, 2) community engagement, 3) insights (understanding people’s experiences).
A bid has also been submitted to secure some funding for three work streams, namely
  1. Patient leaders

  1. Developing workforce

  1. Measurement of patient experience

It was suggested that some members of the PRG may be interested in taking part in the patient leaders work stream and to therefore let Helen Smith know who will advise Lucy accordingly.
Work will also be undertaken for primary care – the four areas being GP services, pharmacy services, optometrist services and dental services and again, some members may be interested in participating in this work. Lucy reiterated that the CCG has a statutory duty to improve quality within primary care and therefore it is essential that the CCG and NHSEngland are working together. Noted that a Quality Surveillance Group has been established which also includes the Care Quality Commission.
Queries have been raised by South Tyneside’s Overview & Scrutiny Committee regarding access to primary care,thus Lucy expressed an interest to understand areas of importance for patients and what members/others experienceshave been in primary care which is part of the NHS patient experience feedback programme.
Feedback was received as follows:-
  • Privacy and dignity

  • Integration

  • Information, communication, education – is key but not very accessible for partially sighted people

  • Physical comfort –clean comfortable surroundings

  • Emotional support - welcoming involvement of family and friends

  • Transition and continuity – patients being able to care for themselves away from clinical setting / self care

  • Access to care – time waiting, access to appointments can be problematic; seems to be variable satisfaction regarding care received; complicated and confusing system to make appointments in some practices.

Lucy Topping will feedback comments to primary care commissioners. / Lucy Topping
It was recognised that a Health Champions Team (Altogether Better) are working with some practices to receive better outcomes and agreed that the CCGs link and a Practice Manager, from one of the four surgeries already participating, be invited to a future meeting to talk more about the scheme and how successful it has been. In the meantime, it was suggested that colleagues gather examples of best practice from their respective practices, such as patient surveys to bring to the next meeting; also suggested that a Practice Manager attends a future meeting to share survey responses and examples of best practice. / Helen Smith
Terry Blackburn mentioned that certain surgeries do not wish to take part in schemes, consequently how do you develop improvement in GP services with these particular practices.
Lucy explained that if a practice is not honouring their contract there are contractual implications and levers in place to address this, however many schemes are undertaken are not at the practices discretion. Confirmed that requirements for practices are noted in the Direct Enhanced Service (DES) which is an optional incentive scheme and are accessible within the public domain.
Lucy agreed to discuss with the contracting team what level of scrutiny is in place and the contractual position for 2014/15 in terms of the DES.
Following discussion it was agreed that the PRG should have more of a relationship with Practice Managers. HelenSmith to discuss with Ros Whitehead, Practice Manager lead regarding Practice Manager representation at the PRG meeting. / Helen Smith
Helen Smith referred to ‘Change Makers’, working with practices and young people. Helen will be meeting with a representative shortly, following which Helen will feedback to the PRG. / Helen Smith
4. / Date of next meeting
Thursday 5 June, 2 – 4 pm, Monkton Hall.
5. / Any other business
5.1 / Resignation - Unfortunately the group’s Ellison View surgery representative is unable to commit to regular attendance and therefore has decided to step down. Helen Smith to discuss with Ros Whitehead regarding alternative representation. / Helen Smith
5.2 / HowardBecke raised interest regarding 2014/15 designated GP responsiblefor the care of people 75 and over and how this may work. Helen Smith confirmed this will be covered in the five year plan and will endeavour to obtain more information in readiness for the next meeting. / Helen Smith
5.3 / Terry Blackburn confirmed that he had attended a recent cancer workshop – noted that there will be a revised programme for 2014/15. It was agreed that Bill Hall, Cancer Lead will be invited to give a presentation on wider issues relating to cancer to the group in June. / Helen Smith