November 7, 2013
Members present: Coach Huddleston, Sherry Tisdale, Kendra Atwood, Laurie Winchell, Gary Mulloy, Terry Adkisson, Stacia Adkisson, Denise Stump, Cheri Jones, Janet Kincaid and Becky Sutter
The meeting was called to order by Booster Club President Stacia Adkisson.
Secretary, Becky Sutter read the minutes from the previous meeting on October 10. There was one correction to those minutes. Terry Adkisson will provide one free oil change and not a free car wash to the family that out raises him in contributions.
Treasurer Laurie Winchell had no changes to the Booster Club account. The balance remained at $5,131.38.
Janet Kincaid gave an update on the fundraising for the Midland Invitational. She said our goal remains at $15.000.00. Janet emailed everyone sponsorship letters and forms on October 31st. Everyone needs to email Janet the companies or contributers that they will be contacting. This will help in not sending multiple sponsorship letters to the same people. Janet has a list of past contributors for anyone needing names that they can contact. It is very important that EVERYONE gets involved and do their part in raising funds. Janet would also like to use the group golf picture that will be taken in January to use as thank you cards to all of our contributors. Several families left sponsorship donations with Janet at the meeting. We will not be having a Booster Club meeting in December, but continue to mail your donations to Janet. We would like to get the majority of the donations in before the Christmas Holidays. Janet has been working very hard on organizing this fundraiser Thank you Janet!!!
The next Booster Club meeting will be Thursday, January 9th at 6:00 p.m. in the Lee Youth Center.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 P.M.
Becky Sutter