& Golf Academy
Ladies “Lite” League is designed to allow beginner women golfers to come out and play without all of the added pressure of league play. It’s all about fun. Every other week we will hold different competitions that women of all skills can take part in, pairings will be made by the Pro Shop. The off weeks will be for you to call up and make your own tee times with your friends, to have a good time, and to work on the parts of your game that you need to work on to make yourself a better golfer. The first three weeks will be clinics to get you back into the “swing” of things. Throughout the summer we will hold clinics to tune up your skills in the different areas of the game.
Competition Rounds
For the competition rounds we will have two levels of golfers: Intermediate and Beginners.
The intermediate golfers will play 3 holes from the red tees. You may play more holes if you like but the competition will be only on the assigned three holes. In the intermediate group you should have a basic understanding of the golf swing and be able to make solid contact with the ball.
Beginner golfers will play three holes from a designated spot in the fairwayusually about 150 yards. You may play more holes if you like but the competition will only be for those three holes. In the beginner group you should have a little knowledge of the game and how it is played.
After the competition round is complete turn in your scorecard to one of the Ladies “Light” chair members. The winners of each level will be awarded a prize to be picked up in the Pro Shop at their convenience.
Open Play
During “open play” weeks you will be responsible for making your own tee times with the friends you have made while in Ladies “Light”. If you are a Social Golf Member this will count as one of your rounds. There will be no specific game to play, just try and work on the skills we have taught you throughout the clinics.
The St. Andrews Bar or Patio Cafe will be open before and after play each week for drinks, food, and fun.
2017 Ladies “Lite” League
& Golf Academy Schedule
DAY / DATE / TIME / PLAY of the DAYThursday / May 18 / 5:45 – 6:45 pm / Clinic – Putting, Chipping, Full Swing
Thursday / May 25 / 5:45 – 6:45 pm / Clinic – Putting, Chipping, Full Swing
Thursday / June 1 / ------
Thursday / June 8 / 5:45 pm / 15-Minute Clinic/Longest Putt Made
Thursday / June 15 / ------/ Open Play – Call for Tee Times
Thursday / June 22 / 5:45 pm / 15-Minute Clinic/Closest to the Pin
Thursday / June 29 / 5:45 pm / Open Play – Call for Tee Times
Thursday / July 6 / 5:45 pm / 15-Minute Clinic /Longest Drive
Thursday / July 13 / 5:45 pm / 15-Minute Clinic/Lowest Putts
Thursday / July 20 / ------/ NO GOLF – MEN’S INVITATIONAL
Thursday / July 27 / ------/ Open Play – Call for Tee Times
Thursday / August 3 / 5:45 pm / 15-Minute Clinic/Lowest Score
Thursday / August 10 / ------/ Open Play – Call for Tee Times
Thursday / August 17 / ------/ Open Play – Call for Tee Times
Thursday / August 24 / 6:00 pm / Night with the Pro’s
Thursday / August 31 / 6:00 pm / “Party at the Patio”
Ladies “Lite” League
Golf Academy
Registration Form
Ladies Light Entry - $75.00
Please make your checks payable to:
Todd Company
*Entry is used for prizes and golf clinics
*Golf Cart charges still apply
Please check one:
Thank you for signing up for this year’s
Ladies “Lite” League.
Golf Academy