Ladies Committee Meeting Notes

21st March 2017

Marion Gatland (MG) / Lady Captain
Jo Eames (JE) / Lady Vice-Captain / Mixed Friendly Matches
Myra Scarbrough (MS) / Handicap Secretary
Maureen Sinclair (MoS) / Senior Ladies Liaison / Fun Day Organiser / Midweek Ladies Friendly Matches
Aileen Oliver (AO) / Website
Shirley Harris (SH) / Division Match Liaison
Kathy Smith (KS) / Treasurer
MG welcomed SH and KS to her committee.
Apologies: Jo Eames
Notes of previous meeting, and review of action points.
i. Notes from the previous meeting approved.
ii. No matters arising from previous meeting
3.1 ‘Bible’ – MG had received the memory stick from BG
Lady Captains report
  1. Ladies Open was now full, with 6 pairs as reserves.
  2. MORRICE Fours;Jackie Reed and Liz Vizardlost on the 18th hole to a pair who won with a ‘birdie’.
  3. Jumpers – MG would ask Matt for an approximate for delivery – hopefully soon.
  4. Donna Davis had gone through golf rules on 10th March. Her visit had been very interesting and a great success. MG had sent her an email thanking her and photos had been put on the website and in Facebook.
  5. Unified course. The course was being measured in September. A small group led by AO was leading on unification. Ongoing.
  6. Gardening. Dates had been sent out. This was open to any ladies to come along and garden.
/ MG
Ladies Handicap Secretary Report
  1. Nothing to report. No new ladies had joined, but it was hoped this would change at the start of the new membership year.

Senior Ladies Liaison / Fun Days / Midweek Friendlies / mixed Friendlies
  1. Spring Fun Day, 11th April. MoSwould send an email reminder.
/ MoS
Future Events
  1. Ladies Exchange Day – Tyrrells Wood, 2nd May. MG would be putting a notice on the board.
/ MG
Web Page
  1. The website was up to date. Website awareness. MG would ask the ladies to let her know of any successes.
/ MG
Any Other Business
  1. Ping 4BBB. MG would be setting up dates and tee times.
  2. Division matches. These had now started. Division 1 and 2 captains would be sending SH a result sheet after every match.
  3. The committee would be buying Vicky a leaving present to thank her for her assistance.
Rollup roster
4th April - AO
18th April - MS
25th April - KS
Date of next meeting:
Tuesday 18th April at 3.30 pm
MG closed the meeting.
………………………………….………………. Date………………………….
Marion Gatland / MG