Ladies Committee Meeting Notes
21st March 2017
Marion Gatland (MG) / Lady CaptainJo Eames (JE) / Lady Vice-Captain / Mixed Friendly Matches
Myra Scarbrough (MS) / Handicap Secretary
Maureen Sinclair (MoS) / Senior Ladies Liaison / Fun Day Organiser / Midweek Ladies Friendly Matches
Aileen Oliver (AO) / Website
Shirley Harris (SH) / Division Match Liaison
Kathy Smith (KS) / Treasurer
MG welcomed SH and KS to her committee.
Apologies: Jo Eames
Notes of previous meeting, and review of action points.
i. Notes from the previous meeting approved.
ii. No matters arising from previous meeting
3.1 ‘Bible’ – MG had received the memory stick from BG
Lady Captains report
- Ladies Open was now full, with 6 pairs as reserves.
- MORRICE Fours;Jackie Reed and Liz Vizardlost on the 18th hole to a pair who won with a ‘birdie’.
- Jumpers – MG would ask Matt for an approximate for delivery – hopefully soon.
- Donna Davis had gone through golf rules on 10th March. Her visit had been very interesting and a great success. MG had sent her an email thanking her and photos had been put on the website and in Facebook.
- Unified course. The course was being measured in September. A small group led by AO was leading on unification. Ongoing.
- Gardening. Dates had been sent out. This was open to any ladies to come along and garden.
Ladies Handicap Secretary Report
- Nothing to report. No new ladies had joined, but it was hoped this would change at the start of the new membership year.
Senior Ladies Liaison / Fun Days / Midweek Friendlies / mixed Friendlies
- Spring Fun Day, 11th April. MoSwould send an email reminder.
Future Events
- Ladies Exchange Day – Tyrrells Wood, 2nd May. MG would be putting a notice on the board.
Web Page
- The website was up to date. Website awareness. MG would ask the ladies to let her know of any successes.
Any Other Business
- Ping 4BBB. MG would be setting up dates and tee times.
- Division matches. These had now started. Division 1 and 2 captains would be sending SH a result sheet after every match.
- The committee would be buying Vicky a leaving present to thank her for her assistance.
4th April - AO
18th April - MS
25th April - KS
Date of next meeting:
Tuesday 18th April at 3.30 pm
MG closed the meeting.
………………………………….………………. Date………………………….
Marion Gatland / MG