Of the Representative of the Republic of Armenia

On the 1st Expert Group Meeting on Developing Euro-Asian Transport Linkages

(9-11 March, 2004, Almaty)

Ladies and Gentlemen, dear Colleagues,

Firstly, let me on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Armenia express gratitude to the Secretariats of UNECE and UNESCAP for the implementation of this project and I am convinced that it will have a significant role for the development of cooperation in the whole Euro-Asian region. Meanwhile, I would like to express thankfulness to the Government of Kazakhstan for organizing this meeting in Almaty and for the hospitality that we are facing.

The name of the project itself “Capacity Building in Developing Interregional Land and Land-cum-Sea Transport Linkages” gives us an idea about the creation of a general Euro-Asian network in the nearest future. It is also obvious, that the states, which are included in the project, are geographically located at the central part of the Euro-Asian continent, through which a number of transport corridors are passing.

In this respect, the Republic of Armenia might be one of the most interested parties for the implementation of this project. As a landlocked country, which has some difficulties for the development of transport linkages, we are ready to support by all means to the undertakings for establishing such schemes of development, which will be acceptable for all parties.

The transport policy conducted by Armenia is wholly directed to the establishment of an integrated Euro-Asian transport system, for creating mechanisms in order to unify the legislative acts and other regulation norms. While implementing the foresaid, one of the basic issues is the creation of legislative background for transport and carriages.

Presently some projects are implemented in Armenia with the purpose of development and modernization of transport infrastructure. Among these we can emphasize the Transport programme, which is financed by the loans of the World Bank. The total amount of this project is 47 million USD. The basic component of the project is the reconstruction of roads, railroads, bridges, tunnels and other artificial facilities, provision of safety in transport, the study of transport stock and institutional support for the state entities. 31 million USD from the mentioned sum is foreseen for the reconstruction of road sector, from which 250km are of interstate significance, and 15 million USD is foreseen for the reconstruction of the railways system, including the general repair of 37km railroad.

Another huge project for building and reconstruction of roads totaling about 50 million USD was completed during the last year, which was financed by “Linci” foundation.

In the framework of TRACECA programme a 15 million USD project for installation of fiber-optic cable for South Caucasus states was completed in the last year as well.

All the necessary activities are undertaken for involving new investment means in transport sector. A special attention is paid to the reconstruction of artificial transport facilities - bridges and tunnels, railroads, which are already operating for more than 100 years and during this entire period serious works have not been conducted for their reconstruction. The facilitation and unification of border crossing procedures have a considerable role, too.

Taking into account their effectiveness, considerable prior significance is given to the implementation of combined container haulages by the usage of Black Sea ports.

Currently Transport Inspection is being established in Armenia, which will be mainly responsible for the observation and control of the implementation of the requirements of the legislative acts.

The Armenian Party gives major importance to the functioning of international transport corridors and formation of maps. Armenia is a member of the international transport corridor Europe-the Caucasus-Asia – TRACECA, and it is notable, that the representatives of all 13 member states are present today. TRACECA route is one of the basic linking routines, which links Europe with Asia. As a chairing party of Intergovernmental Commission TRACECA, we have a positive attitude towards the expansion of the corridor and welcome and already approved the joining of new countries to the programme: this refers to the Islamic Republic of Iran and Afghanistan.

The Republic of Armenia has officially applied to the member-countries of the Agreement on the International Transport Corridor North-South. We have already received approval notes of its two members – Iran and India. In the nearest future it is foreseen that after the approval of the Russian Federation Armenia will join to the acting Agreement.

A significant meaning is given to the activities of Black Sea Economic Cooperation and to the efforts for providing transport carriages without any barriers. In the framework of the organization there is an acting Agreement on facilitation of road transport haulages.

In respect of the Intergovernmental Agreement of the Asian Highways Network, which was developed by the lasting efforts of UNESCAP Secretariat and experts of member-states, an inspiring fact is that many countries have already commenced or are already completing the internal procedures for the approval of the document. The Republic of Armenia, most probably, will also soon complete the mentioned procedures, thus becoming one of the first countries, which will sign the document in Shanghai in April 2004. The Agreement will serve as a promotion for the formulation of common transport stock and harmonized development of transport infrastructures, road safety and protection of environment, which will result in the development of social-economic and trading relations, as well tourism among the contracting parties.

Presently, the Ministry of Transport and Communication of Armenia, as an interested entity, has initiated the relevant procedures for joining to the acting agreements and conventions, which are signed in the framework of UNECE. The quantity of the agreements, to which Armenia will join in the nearest future, is 10. Among those I would like to mention the European Agreement on Main International Traffic Arteries (AGR) of 1975, Convention on Road Traffic of 1968, Convention on Road Signs and Signals of 1968, European Agreement concerning the Work of Crews of Vehicles engaged in International Road Transport (AETR) of 1970, Customs Convention on Containers of 1972 and others.

In spite of the efforts for developing transport and deepening the integrated transport system, anyways, once again I would like to make a reference to the fact, that Armenia is in a dead-end zone and the roads of international significance towards the East and West of the country, as well as towards the North via Abkhazia are not operating for about 13 years. This fact gives any economic benefits neither to us, nor to our neighbors. The reasons of these are at least the factors, that for example the railway, which links Turkey with Georgia or Azerbaijan with Iran, is passing only through the territory of Armenia and it is not difficult to imagine the advantages to be faced for all the countries in this region if these roads begin to operate and carriages begin to be implemented.

As the latest achievements in the sphere of transport we can note the Multilateral Agreement on Multimodal transport of goods, which was signed between Armenia, Georgia and Bulgaria during the last year. Armenia also became 43-rd full-member of European Conference of Ministers of Transport, which enables our country to execute haulages to the member-countries of the organization with certain privileges.

Generalizing the above said, we can conclude that the Republic of Armenia is undertaking all the possible measures for the benefit of integration process and development of Euro-Asian transport linkages at regional and sub-regional levels. The foresaid is realized basically by the means of developing unified legislative background and deepening cooperation for the development of international transport corridors and routines.

Ladies and Gentlemen, thus allow me to conclude my brief presentation about the development of transport in Armenia and wish all of you further fruitful activities.

Thank you for attention and patience!

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