Southern Adventist Student Comments /
Other Sources of Info on Academic Integrity Policy /
class sylabus
high school
how to get good grades in college
it was on a lecture for eclass
Mostly learned about these issues through my time with SA
myself? It's bad to cheat.
not sure
past students
Self research
Southern Connection class
Southern Connections class
southern connections class
Undergraduate Catalog
Southern Adventist Student Comments /
Suggested Changes in Current Policy /
1) The only reason why I am not in favor for such a harsh punishment in cheating is because I was wrongly accused of cheating on a homework assignment. This 10 point assignment was going to cause me my whole grade in the class for something that I didn't even do. However, if I had done it. I would expect this kind of punishment on cheating in an exam not a 10 point homework assignment. I was even willing to give up my 10 point before getting an F for something I didn't do. Now the teacher is going to be keeping an eye out on me and missing out on the "real" cheaters who copy homework from other people that have already taken the class. (I've only heard that some people do this in my class so I won't report something that I haven't seen for myself.) 2) Teachers should set guidelines from the beginning of the class, on working together on homework assignments. (I know that it is individual work but sometimes concepts are hard to understand and sometimes going over it with someone else helps.) 3) Teachers should also clarify how they want answers, that come from the book, to be stated (paraphrased or word for word).
A little more clarification in plagarism, having transferred in from La Sierra, it seems like teachers don't really make an effort to check here, and it's not a big deal. Especially with research papers, i need to know that it is important for me to cite my sources. If i don't have to, then i'm just wasting my time.
A unified policy for all departments would be good to have. Student involvement through SA Senate seems very appropriate/necessary to me. However, to expect the system of the honor code to work, I think, is absurd. It's not that most students don't think that cheating is a big deal (this survey may prove me wrong) but most students don't care enough about apprehending other students. Personally, I would not want to waste my time on a panel of students whose sole purpose is to punish cheaters. Secondly, I would be amazed, and find it ridiculous, if the faculty allowed this. All of the student committees that exist have very little power to do anything, except spend some money. Southern has set up a system which gives the image of student involvement/leadership but does very little to actually foster real student led change. The faculty don't even believe that students at Southern are able to handle their own spiritual lives, why would it be acceptable for us to handle our academic integrity?
All papers in every class should be required to be turned in to or some similar service. It seems like way to promote academic integrity that does not add much more work for the student or teacher, so it is a win win (except for cheaters). Only a few classes I have taken use this service regularly, and I think it is very useful. I don't think most students actually copy a whole paper from another souce but I think it is not uncommon for people to paraphrase without citing.
Allways tell the student how to avoid that.
As it stands i do not feel the need to report someone for cheating, first because it is there problem, but mainly because no one else is expected to report it. I would like to see SAU have an Honor System were students are required to report cheating.
Cannot think of anything relevant.
Check and make sure that students are doing what they are supposed to be doing. Students should not participate in cheating and they should be cautious when taking exams.
Dont know much about it
enforce not cheating
even when they are our friends, we should let them know how it will affect them in a negative way, when they cheat.
every class i have ever been in addresses the issue of cheating and plagarism. i think southern is doing a pretty good job.
Get rid of Bill Wohlers. He's a jerK!
giving a bettern knowledge of what's expected.
Have students sign honor code
-Have the teachers ENFORCE the policies in their syllabi! -Unsure
Help the students become aware of the higher calling of integrity.
honor code: i believe honesty should be enforced by students.
I appreciate it when we make trips to the library (even though it gets redundant sometimes) to make sure we know how to do proper research, properly locate materials we will need, and network with faculty with resources. More classes should do this so their students don't feel desperate if they don't know how to do something... Teachers could walk around the classroom more "observing" to discourage students from cheating during tests/quizzes. This is somewhat distracting and intimidating (and sometimes makes me nervous), but it would decrease cheating.
I believe Southern should have an Honor Code. I believe more ownership should be given to students instead of merely placing academic integrity in a decentralized system of faculty adn administrators.
I believe that it is not necessarily the job of students to go out of their way to monitor their peers. This, for the most part, should be left up to the faculty/staff. I don't know a tremendous amount on the current situation at southern, but as far as the people I know who attend, it is not a huge problem and/or issue (they aren't really involved with cheating and whatnot).
I believe that teachers should explain more specific what is cheating for them?
I believe that the standards that Southern have are good ones and that teachers just need to remind students throughout the course of the year that there are consequences to cheating. Students should follow the guidelines and may report cheating if they are 100% sure that someone was cheating.
I do not think this is a problem. In the nursing program if there were cheating going on this would be noted in number of students that do not pass boards.
I don't have any specific things that I would like to see change, but if students who cheat would have more of a conscience and just do their own work everything would be better. Because the students that actually work hard to get everything done makes them feel a lot better about themselves.
i don't know
i don't know if anything can be changed to be honest! i only think we can pray!
I dont know of anything. I dont see a lot of cheating.
I don't know the policies, so I'm not sure how to answer this.
I dont think students should "police" anyone. Just be aware of their surroudings.
I feel the aim is not design for a student to fully understand the class their class subject. There isn't enough time in a day for students to effectively comprehend their classes. Which promotes stress, lack of sleep and the temptation to do all or part of the cheating tactics mention above.Some of the Professors just aren't sympathetic to the demands each of them put on the students.Even the test are very deceptive. I would like to see more credits apply to each course and less classes. If not the main gold seems to be on grades not learning. The students or to "Stressed to be Blessed".
I have a concern about students reporting others who have allegedly cheated or being encouraged to report cheating. If student A has a quarrel or is angry at student B, Student A may wrongly accuse them of cheating. How would Student B prove their innocence? I realize students will occasionally cheat, but I think the teacher should be the one to catch them, if at all possible. I believe it's a touchy situation that deserves a lot of prayer as well as move cautiously.
I haven't personally heard of or seen someone cheat at Southern so I guess Southern is doing a good job. Students should be more involved in telling professors about cheating.
I haven't viewed any academic integrity here except in Public Speaking class. Students should play the role of monitor of themselves. I don't think it is the responsibility of a student to keep an eye on another student.
I honestly do not think it is the students job to "snitch" on other students. That is ridiculous. It is someone's choice whether or not they are going to do honest work. And if they so happen to get caught, they should be ready to take the blame for it.
i like the idea of an honor code. more trust should be given to students
I really do not know enough about it or see enough academic dishonesty to objectively evaluate this.
I think a signed policy is a good idea. Students should not be responsible for seeing if other students cheating.
I think an Honor Code is a great idea for Southern!
I think an Honor Code would be very effective and useful at this school. Either representatives on the Senate or other elected representatives from the student body should help plan and the run the council that enforces the Honor Code.
I think Freshmen especially need to be instructed about plagiarism and how to appropriately cite sources and put quotation marks around quotes. Some of them still don't understand that.
I think it is important that faculty at least briefly go over the academic integrity if it is something that they feel strongly about. In my classes non of the teachers did anything more than say "look in the hand book if you need to know anything about academic integrity" and most students including myself do not take the time to read it for theirselves.
i think its each students responsibility to watch out for themselves, cheating is sabotaging your education, and i pay too much to do that to myself, if want to learn, if you dont want to learn and your ok with cheating, hey its your money your wasting.
I think its fine
I think it's fine the way it is. I think students should just be more mature as they age and the problem of cheating should dwindle the higher the class rank is.
I think Southern is doing as much as it can, from a faculty standpoint as it can against cheating. Students need to realize that cheating will not help them in the long run and that it really isn't helping them, but keeping them from learning. Which is the purpose of them being here.
I think Southern is dong a decent enough job. I honestly really have not seen any cheating, so that must mean you guys are dong something right.
I think Southern supports integrity alright.
i think teachers need to make sure to look up each citation in a paper
I think teachers should change their assignments and quizzes more often. It would significantly cut back on cheating.
I think that cheating is a problem that many people don't take seriously enough, however I think a great deal of it could be alleviated by making students feel more prepared for exams and also by teaching good study skills, test taking skills, and note taking skills (perhaps through a mandatory freshman orientation class). I don't think it should be up to students to report other students, but rather that professors should be responsible for controlling cheating by making their own exams or changing exams frequently as well as giving multiple forms of an exam each time.
I think that in certain classes there is way too much copying of homework. Although I don't feel that it is the obligation or concern of students to report other students specifically (naming names), it is important to identify the methods that people are using to cheat so that these methods can be eliminated.
I think that Southern already has a pretty good support of academic integrity which is shown through the classes and professors. I believe that maybe students should be a bit more active in this process; however, I myself, just concentrate on my studies than look at others if they are doing their work fairly. If one cheats, that person is really cheating themselves. Grades are just a part of what you are. Academic integrity builds character, moral, and values. Maybe students should consider academic integrity in a little bit higher importance but other than that, I think that it is pretty well emphasized as it is of now.
I think that students need to be more accountable for reporting cheating. I know that it does go on and a lot of times students don't want to cause a problem so they just ignore it. I also think that students need to be educated better on the process of reporting cheating and its consequences.
I think that students should be made more aware of the seriousness of cheating. Many have been doing it for years so they don't even give it a second thought. I think that students should be expected to watch out for others who are cheating as well. People will be less likely to cheat if they know that fellow students are watching for it as well as the teachers.
I think that students should be more willing to tell on other students. I know it is hard, but I have had to do it before. Not here, but in high school.
I think that the consequences for plagarism should be more common knowledge than they are now. Not very many people are knowledgable about this.
I think that there should be more things open for students who need help.
I think the biggest thing is better clarification on how papers are to be scited, it gets so confusing from one class to the next, it almost seams that the "standard" isn't really a "Standard"
I think the bottom line is that we should take care of ourselves and keep ourselves dependable and accountable for our actions, in this case homework and exam material. As this does not always happen, my view is that people who cheat will eventually have to make up for it some other way either at Southern, or later on in life.
Southern Adventist Student Comments