Next meeting will be held on Thursday 9th April 2009
St Paul=s Church Hall, 7.00pm
1. Introductions and apologies
2. Minutes of March meeting (attached)
3. Crime Information: update from SNT
4. Reports back from other Meetings, especially regarding Charter and Festival
5. AOB
6. Date of nest meeting: Thursday 14 May
Ian Sygrave, chair Burgoyne rd NHW
Eileen O’Dwyer vice chair Falkland Rd NHW
Pauline Syddell Borough NHW coordinator
Gill Pengelly Umfreville Rd, Chair of S Harringay School
PC Glyn Kelly Harringay SNT
Karen Alexander, Harringay Ward Cllr
Carolyn Baker Harringay ward Cllr
Nora Mulready, Seymour Rd / David Lammy’s Office
John Blake Seymour Rd
Paul Jenkins Wightman RdN4 Res Assoc
Maria Longo Wightman Rd N8
David Trickett Allison Rd
Jane Human Sydney Rd
Anthony Belcher Umfreville Rd
Liz Eixer Warham Rd
Peter Lorimer Burgoyne Rd
John McMullan Lausanne Rd
David Schmitz Falkland Rd NHW
Philip Clarkson Effingham Rd
1. Apologies
Gina Adamou, , Nilgun Canver, Councillors, Joanne McCartney, GLA Dasos Maliotis, Neighbourhood Manager, Neil Harlan, Umfreville Rd NHW:/secretary: Paul McKay, Living Sts/Hewitt Rd,; Geoffrey Winston, Beresford Rd; Roger Topping Woollaston Rd; Bryan Williamson, Allison Rd; Helen Wang Sydney Rd ; Adam Coffman Fairfax rd; Geraldine Bethune, Burgoyne rd
2. Minutes of the last meeting: Agreed.
Matters Arising
- street cleaning and dumping etc
the Chair had written to Mike McNicholas asking him to provide us with an update on the issues discussed at our November meeting and had also passed on residents’ concerns about Christmas tree dumping (Jan meeting)
- Shelton Hotel Wightman rd
the Chair noted that a meeting of the full planning committee had refused permission for the extension and underground car park.
- Local Charter and Festival
further progress had been made on both and there would be an important meeting for both working groups in two weeks’ time. An outline structure for the charter had been developed and the next, vital stage would be to consult the local community as thoroughly as possible. It was expected that this process would include a ‘drop-in’ open day at a local venue (afternoon and evening) postal response cards, door-to-door surveys etc. Regarding the Festival, once agreement and costings had been secured from TFL and the police, public consultation and involvement would begin. Gill Pengelly noted the willingness of S Harringay School to be involved as an auxiliary venue in a ’ Festival week’.
3. Crime Information update from SNT
Reported crime during the previous 2 weeks included:
Burglary : 7 (Pemberton; Hewitt x2, same property; Beresford x2, same property; Cavendish, Endymion)
Robbery: 1 (2 teenage girls have been arrested)
Thefts from motor Vehicles: 4 (Warham, Fairfax x2, Venetia)
There had also been a number of very unusual incidents over the past week or so including:
a) shooting incident in Cavendish Rd Sun 8 March 7.45pm.: two men travelling by car were shot at, one victim wounded in the leg, but no serious injuries sustained. Believed to be gang-related, but not local to area.
b) stabbing incident near the Post Office in Green Lanes, Thurs 5 March 1.40pm: argument and fighting between group of 4 youths began on 141 bus travelling N from Manor House. On getting off bus this led to one of the group being stabbed , sustaining a punctured lung (since released from hospital). Other youths escaped via Warham Rd
c) fight in Effingham rd: a violent argument between 2 workmen on a site in the road; no other implications.
d) a small number of youths, under bail conditions have been displaced from Wood Green area. Police are aware of identities and will be adopting appropriate strategies.
The first 2 incidents are very rare in our local area and they are not believed to be in any way related. This has obviously been an exceptional week of unusual events. Residents at the meeting felt that the last item was likely to have the most impact on daily lives and therefore welcomed police action in this context.
In the course of further discussion residents noted:
- youth problems in the Fairfax/Falkland Rds area and in and around the Open Space (recently renamed Fairland park). Given the money allocated for enhancing this area it was suggested that CCTV should be part of the budget, to protect any new equipment/installations.
- similarly, CCTV at the junction of Wightman Rd/Station Approach/Burgoyne rd was recommended
-PC Kelly noted that there had been a fatal accident in Green Lanes on the morning of Wed 11 march; police would welcome further witnesses
-PC Kelly also noted that he was following up the issue of razor wire overhanging the Passage between Effingham and Fairfax Rds.
- finally residents thanked PCSO Bengu Solak for all of her excellent work in the area and wished her the best in her new career as a police officer.
Pauline Syddell Borough NHW Coordinator
- this was an ideal time to start a new NHW – currently 217 in LBH
- help and support available from Pauline to set it up (0208 721 6803) or
- several scams recently reported in our area; take extra care with ‘hole in the wall’ cash machines and if they swallow your card report this immediately. Also be wary of sob stories at the front door, which are sometimes co-ordinated with a phone call to distract you further.
- report crime and save money! The SNT can be contacted via a new mobex number 020 8721 2677. This will automatically go through to the SNT mobile number but you will only be charged the landline rate. Please make a note of the number.
4. Follow-up from meeting with David Lammy MP
a) Gambling in Green Lanes
The chair noted that an Enforcement Notice had been served by LBH on Agora, 48 Grand Parade. The Notice will come into effect on 6 April 2009 and one month has been given for compliance (this principally concerns the breach of planning permission, which allows opening until 11 pm only. The license for the premises allows 24 hour opening.
b) Traffic
The chair noted that there will be a special, additional Area Assembly on Monday 23 March 7.30-9.30 pm at Cyprus Kitchen, 628-30 Green Lanes N4. There will be an expert panel including LBH members and officers, SNT, TFL, Arriva buses, Sustainable Haringey, Living Streets, London Cycle Campaign. Etc. Nora Mulready (DL’s office) said that DL had raised the issue of a holistic traffic survey (again) with the Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive.
c) HMOs and Conversions
The Chair noted that Cllr Canver (Cabinet member for Enforcement and Safer Communities) had recently made available a helpful Briefing paper on this topic (copies available at the meeting).
The work of the HMO group was also continuing, as noted in our January meeting.
Nora noted that DL has begun a series of meetings with key LBH officers, in order to ensure the full range of inter-departmental co=operation and liaison. He had already met Phil Harris (Housing) and next on the list was Robin Payne (Enforcement). There were also plans for DL to make a specific site visit to an ongoing unauthorised conversion, and to hold a special one-day HMO surgery for constituents.
Residents wondered about the regulatory powers of the fire brigade in this area and Nora agreed to follow up on this.
The Chair agreed to chase LBH on the unauthorised Athena Palace Hotel
5. Reports back from other meetings
LBH Enforcement had recorded some successful operations at a recent meeting of Green Lanes Strategy Group.
- an ongoing campaign against the unauthorised proliferation of estate agents’ boards had seen the removal of 30 in Gn Lanes. Contact Brian Ellick if you have concerns about this issue.
- ‘man and a van’ adverts in Green Lanes: found to have no license for waste disposal, nor for the vehicle!. Fined for both offences and will also be prosecuted for posters on walls along G Lanes.
- three commercial premises on G Lanes fined for waste dumping.
-the Enforcement team has recently been recognised for its work in G Lanes by a Highly Commended’ Local Govt Award 2009
6. AOB
Liz urged residents to respond to the Borough’s new Community Engagement Framework proposals. See p29 of the March issue of Haringey People.
- the Chair noted the presentation by LBH Planning Strategy officers at the recent Area Assembly (9 March) on the new Core Strategy for LBH. Officers had expressed a willingness to visit local groups such as LCSP. Residents unanimously agreed that they would like to take up the offer, particularly in a workshop format, at a future LCSP meeting. The Chair would follow up on this.
7. Date of Next Meeting
Agreed to keep to the original date, despite the holiday weekend:
Thursday 9 April at 7pm, St Paul’s Church Hall