AWARDS / Chapter: 14
Lactation Room / Section:14.4
REFERENCES: / Page: 1 of 3
Revised: 5-01-2013



To provide a lactation room to allow breastfeeding employees to return to work, yet continue to provide breast milk for their infants.


Employees located at the Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) buildings in Jefferson City, Missouri.

Employees in other DHSS offices are encouraged to contact the Chief, Office of Human Resources, or the State Breastfeeding Coordinator.


Breastfeeding is one of the most important measures for protection of maternal, infant and child health. Significant nutritional, immunological, biochemical, dental, and anti-allergic benefits have been well documented for infants fed breastmilk.

A.The Department will make available:

1.A private furnished room for women to use to express their milk.

a.The rooms are located in Jefferson City in the 912, 920, and 930Wildwood buildings, State Public Health Laboratory on North Chestnut, and the Knipp building.

b.The lactation rooms located in the 912 and 920 Wildwood buildings and State Public Health Laboratory are kept locked at all times and the employee will need to get the key from the building receptionist.

2.A minimum of one (1) electric breast pump to express breastmilk, if available. Electric breast pumps are not available in all Department lactation rooms.

3.A refrigerator to store breastmilk.

4.A listing ofbreastfeeding resources available in the community.

5.Written instructions on how to use the electric breast pump (if a pump is available in the room).

6.Educational materials on breastfeeding.

7. Sign-up sheet for a time slot to allow for multi-user availability.

8. Time for breastfeeding employees to breastfeed or express milk during working hours using their normal breaks and mealtimes.

a. For time that may be needed beyond the usual break times, employees may use personal leave or may make up the time as negotiated with their supervisor.

b. Supervisors are encouraged to allow breastfeeding employees to adjust break times and lunch periods as needed.

B.Breastfeeding employees will be responsible for:

1.Keeping their supervisor informed of their needs so that appropriate accommodations can be made to satisfy the needs of both the employee and the Department.

2. Obtaining and returning the key with each use for the lactation rooms located in the 912 and 920 Wildwood buildings and State Public Health Laboratory.

3.Obtaining a pumping kit that can be used on the electric breast pumps provided in the Department lactation room. Employees should ask to receive instructions on how to use the pumping system at the location where they purchase the kit or contact the State Breastfeeding Coordinator at 526-4792, if technical assistance is needed.

4.Labeling and storing expressed breastmilk in the refrigerator.

5.Cleaning their own pumping system.

6.Cleaning the electric breast pump and wiping up any spills after each use.

7.Leaving the lactation room in order.

8.Contacting the State Breastfeeding Coordinator at 526-4792 if there are questions or problems with the room or the Department owned breast pump, such as:

a.Cleanliness of the room.

b.Cleanliness of the refrigerator or the refrigerator is not cooling properly.

c.Mechanical problems with the electric breast pump or the electric cord is fraying.

d.Questions about breastfeeding or the use of the electric breast pump.

The Department is not responsible for any problem that results from use of equipment in the room.

Prepared by:Approved by:


Chief, Office of Human ResourcesActing Director