Lab C Organization and Management:

In lab C you are all tested on your organizational skills, time management skills and your ability to have eye for detail. While we hope you have all obtained such skills in high school and earlier within your undergraduate degree, this is not always the case. So for those who need it, here is a guide of what you should have by now and what you will be working on over the weekend coming into lab C.

Check / When / What
Already completed? / Met with your groups – I suggest 1 more meeting before teaching
Scope and sequence chart final product – organizer will tip fit up
Block Plan for a specific grade within your level
Lesson plan for a specific date on that block plan
Your 1 responsibility for your group work (history of country, game rules, teachable moments, etc.)
Wednesday / Activity progression sheet – form is under forms online – should be typed up
Behavior plan – you will have students acting up in your class, what will you do? Think of a plan. Even though it may be extra work but I always made sure I had some rules on the wall to refer to.
Thursday / Work with your group
Think about equipment you will need and create a list of what you need (this should be on your lesson plan).
Think about if you want to use any technologies, if so talk with people to organize this.
Friday / Assessment: you have put forth objectives for your lesson, you must create an assessment for each objective. This could be for different lessons or for the one you created. In your part, you will show 3 assessments that address each objective (psychomotor, cognitive, affective) - note the objectives down on the sheets.
If you are teaching Monday – go into the gym with your group and think about how you will organize your space and how one lesson will flow into the next. For those of you not teaching on Monday, make sure you go into the gym before you teach. Poor preparation and organization can throw off your entire lesson.
Finalize equipment needs – give in blue sheet 2 days in advance of you teaching to Penny!
Weekend / Check and update lesson plan, block plan, scope and sequence
Type out all materials you need for binder and organize them, check what’s missing
Create your visual aid and if you want, a sign with the rules on behavior
Oct 26 / Lab C binders are due
1 Week after teaching / reflections are due – videos will be sent to you.

Lab weeks:

Teachers: Be early to set everything up as we start right on time. Bring your finalized lesson plan to me. Remember that you are the teacher for 10 minutes, bring a watch and time yourself. I am not bringing in any equipment/music, you have to organize all of that yourself

Observers: 3 of the 4 teachers will observe while the other is teaching. You pick up the sheets with me, I will have your name on sheets and when to observe who, be sure to do the complete observations.

Video person: 1 student in the class volunteers to tape, so 4 video people a day

Students: Always have your activity monitor sheet with you, put on watch when entering and take of when leaving. Make sure you log your activity on sheet in class and online after class.

Binder Check list

Checks / (put in this order in binder – organizer checks this!)
1. Binder with ability to put title page in front of binder
2. Title page including names, school name, mascot
3. History of country
4. Game info + rules on how to play it
5. List of teachable ideas
6. K-12 scope and sequence chart – typed
From each individual student
7. Lesson plan
8. Block Plan
9. Activity Progression
10. Assessments (3)
11. Behavior Management Plan
12. Picture of VA

Following teaching – reflection part

1. General reflection on your growth from lab A to B to C
This includes a separate reflection on each of the observation sheets (use headings and data to show proof), show strengths and weaknesses.
2. Time coding sheets (the observer, 1 you made when watching video)
3. Feedback Analysis (from observer)
4. Movement Analysis (from observer)
5. Physical Activity Data Analysis – show the data
6. C9 form you complete from the watching the video
7. Put in this order, organized and stapled together