Pepster Try-outs
*Mandatory Parent/Pepster Try-out Meeting for Cheer and Song –TuesdayApril 3, 7:00 pm in the cafeteria
5 squads planned – Varsity, JV, Freshman cheer & Varsity, JV song
* Freshmen are eligible to try out for JV Song, or Freshman Cheer
Try out Dates: Monday April 16 – Thursday April 19
First cuts on Tuesday April 17
4 Judges: cheer or song coach, advisor, 2 professionals
Wear: White T-Shirt, Red or Crimson Shorts, White tennis shoes.
* We will be selling LS shirts for $10 if you would like to purchase one.
*Please visit our website for further details:
or email Mrs. Klock @
Cheer, Song, Try-out Criteria:
Teacher Recommendations: 20%
Grade Evaluation: 20%
School Attendance: 10%
Try-out Performance: 50%
-Stunting – cheer
-Tumbling – cheer
-Mandatory show cheer –cheer
-Turns – Song/Spirit (minimum for varsity song: triple turn and eight count of second turns, single leg hold turn)
-Advanced technical skills – song (leg hold turns, specialty leaps)
-Mandatory pom and jazz dance – song
*All girls trying out for cheer or song will have the opportunity to participate in competition as a member of the competition team or as an alternate! Competition teams will be determined at the start of summer practice. All grade levels are eligible to compete at the Varsity Level.
La Serna High School Pepsters
Five Game squads are planned for next year. Here are a few details about each.
Cheer squads:
minimum tumbling try-out requirements:
Freshman Game Squad – Freshman only (no minimum requirements)
JV Game Squad – sophomores and juniors (standing or running handspring)
Varsity Game Squad – sophomores, juniors, seniors(jump to handspring, and running handspring)
JV Game Squad – freshman, sophomores, juniors
Varsity Game Squad – sophomores,juniors, seniors(minimum for varsity song: double turn and eight count of second turns, single leg hold turn)
Cheer and Song primary duties will be to cheer at all athletic contests assigned, in addition to participating in competition.
-Will cheer at all Football games (Varsity will cheer for Varsity, JV and freshman will share cheer duties for lower level football games) and any other games assigned by the advisor
-Will perform in assemblies as assigned by Pepster Advisor
-Will perform at football and/or basketball games as assigned by Pepster Advisor.
-Will make posters and other spiritleading necessities for the season.
-May participate on one of the competition squads to be determined at the start of spring practice.
-If chosen to do competition, Pepsterwill attend after school spring practice beginning immediately after try-outs, andattend all practices during the 2018-2019season. Practices are during 6th period and afterschool, including Saturdays from September – February.
-Will participate in all Pepster Fundraising
*Spring practice will begin the week of April 23rd!