La Paz Middle School

Total Members Present: ___8___

Quorum (50% + 1): xYes No (no official business was conducted)

La Paz Middle School

SSC Minutes

September 13, 2016

1.0 Call to Order

Meeting called to order at 3:32 pm.

2.0 Roll Call

The following members and officers were present: Irelia Dominguez, Courtney Dennison, Trisha Moore, Marisela Cerda, Tina Forster, Citlali Alvarez, and Alexa Romero, Mindy Diaz, Jose Marquez Guests: Jill Camron (Special Projects).

3.0 Adoption to Agenda

No adoptions

4.0 Reading and Approval of Minutes

The minutes from the May 11, 2016 meeting were read. No corrections to the minutes. Minutes were approved.

5.0 Public Comments

No public Comments

5.1 SSC Training

Ms. Cameron did introduction and provided school plan. Purpose of SSC and the federal and state supplemented programs. SSC manages funds and allocates and adjust funds throughout the year.

Revived and defined Title 1 and supplemental and concentration funds. Explanation of goals with correspondence to trustee goals. Reviewed our school goals and importance of quorum. Informed SSC of responsibility to approve School Safety Plan.

5.2 Election of Officers

Parent, Mindy Diaz was elected Chairperson

Student, Citali Alvarez was elected Vice- Chairperson

Staff Member, Courtney Dennison was elected secretary

5.3 Review/Revise Bylaws

Tabled bylaws for revision

6.0 Reports

No reports

7.0 Unfinished Business

No unfinished business.

8.0 New business

SPSA/ Budget Modification: The following are suggested changes to the budget and SPSA.

Transfer $4530 (title 3) from materials (Goal 2, Section 2) will go toward non-capitalized equipment (Goal 1, section 12)

Transfer of $ 10000 (Title 3) from books/ reference materials (goal, section) will go toward materials and supplies (Goal 2, Section 2)

Transfer of $25000 (Title 1) from teacher’s salary (Goal 1, Section 2) will go towards non-capitalized equipment (Goal 1, Section 12)

$2840- Installation for technology (Goal 1, Section 11)

$4000-non capitalized equipment (Goal 1, Section 11)

$16000-materials and supplies, licenses, replacement of chrome books and parts for technology items (Goal 1 Section 11)

$2160- Non-capitalized equipment (Goal 1, Section 11)

Motion was made by Courtney Dennison to approve suggested transfers, Mindy Diaz, second the motion. Motion carried.

9.0 Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 4:26 pm. The motion was made by Citlali Alvarez and seconded by Ms. Cerda. Motion Carried.

SSC Secretary – Agenda, Sign-In Sheet and Monthly Minutes sent to SPO each month.