LADSE Job Description: Chief School Business Official
Job Goals:Provide the Executive Director, Executive Council, and Directing Board with the fiscal and
operationalleadershipnecessary to achieve the mission of the organization; develop
and maintain fiscal and operational management policies and practices consistent with
both state and federal laws and regulations; assume responsibility for the administrative
management of the organization in accordance with the Directing Board policies and as
directed by the Executive Director.
Reports to:Executive Director
Qualifications:Illinois State Board of Education School Business Official endorsement on General
Administrative certificate/license
Experience in Human Resources Management/Supervision is preferred
Demonstratesstrong professional ethics and integrity.
Physical The job requires light physical exertion (i.e., lifting, carrying materials or supplies, Requirements: driving, clerical tasks while sitting or standing, and mobility), with the possibility of
occasional moderate exertion (e.g., lifting more than 15 lbs.)
ProfessionalConducted annually by Executive Director according to Illinois standards for
Evaluation:principal/assistant principal evaluation, but based on this job description and using an adapted rubric for evaluating professional practice.P
Contract:12-month administrative position (Executive Council)
Salary, benefits, work hours/days as established by the Directing Board
Status:Exempt; non-CBU
Essential functions (Duties & Responsibilities)
- Implement professional practices and standards associated with discipline (CSBO, ASBO, etc.)
- Implement LADSE’s policies and procedures.
- See Employee Handbook – General Duties, Responsibilities, and Competencies.
- Drive own car, or otherwise provide for transportation between assignment locations.
1.Contribute expertise resulting in the effective management of business operations, with an emphasis on financial, technology, facilities, general operations, contracts, and some personnel-related matters.
2.Implement leadership standards found in LADSE’s standard administrative job description and professional standards for business management found in relevantstate federal guidance documents (such as, but not limited to the Illinois Public Accounting Manual or Individuals with Disabilities Education Act grant instructions).
3.Participate as a member ofLADSE’s Executive Council and consult with both the Executive Director and the LADSE Directing board on issues of policy, procedures, and other matters of a confidential nature relating to fiscal aspects of the organization.
4.Act as the Directing Board’s representative for policy and financial presentations to the District 204 Lyons Township High School Board of Education.
- Provide financial modeling as a component of service delivery model evaluation and/or proposedreformation.
6.Supervise preparation and development of the organization’s budget to support the programs approved by the Directing Board at the direction of the Executive Director.
7.Prepare long-range budget projections for programs and services.
8.Provide financial reports for the administrative staff and the Directing Board; prepare for the annual audit of LADSE funds.
9.Oversee the development of systems and procedures for fiscal administration,technology support services, purchasing, building services, payroll/benefits,and transportation services.
10.Assume responsibility for the professional development and cross-training of the business services department staff.
11.Coordinate all business office responsibilities.
12.Review and maintain all LADSE contractual agreements with outside vendors.
13.Direct the calculation and preparation of all multi-district program tuition bills and purchased services bills.
14.Coordinate accounting, forecasting, and reporting systems necessary to provide accurate, comprehensive, and up to date information relating areas of assignment.
15.Ensurethe use of business procedures and internal controls adequate to implement all Directing Board Policies and Procedures.
16.Assume other duties as assigned by the Executive Director.