
Proficiency Standards for

Program Completers


Step 1Refer to the course objectives set for each course taught in your program.

Step 2Develop a list of standards that students must meet by the end of the year for each course.

Step 3Create a separate check list for each course that includes all standards.

Idea’sMake this check list easy to follow.

Have a place for the teacher to sign and maybe even the student and parent.

NoteThis document will be a great addition to student portfolios.

Agriculture Science

------has completed------

Courses of study and practice in Agriculture Science and has attained a competency level of: (n/a) not applicable; (0) does not meet basic standards;

(1) basic; (2) good; or (3) excellent as certified by instructor in the following skill areas:

Competency Level

Basic Animal Science

Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals

Livestock Breeding and Genetics

Handling Livestock

Livestock Nutrition and Feeds

Animal Health

Beef Cattle



Beef, Swine, and Sheep Husbandry

Dairy Cattle and Dairy Cattle Husbandry

Livestock Evaluation and Selection

Livestock Products


Basic Plant Science

Plant Classification Systems

Areas of Crop Production

Vegetable Crops

Tree Crops

Forage Crop Production

Vine and Small Fruit Crops

Land Preparation and Planting



Irrigation and Drainage


Identification of Crops, Products, and By-Products

Agricultural Production Records

Agricultural Production Products

Marketing Agricultural Products

Financing Agricultural Production

Certifying InstructorCourse GradeDate

I.California Agriculture
  1. Economic importance of the agricultural sector in California
  1. Identify the major agricultural production areas of California and commodities produced in each.
  1. List the approximate dollar value of the five leading agricultural commodities produced in Orange County.
  1. List the approximate dollar value of the five leading agricultural commodities produced in California.
  1. Describe and discuss the economic impact of the California agricultural sector on the state and national economy.
  1. Agricultural and Society
  1. Identify problems faced by California farmers caused by population shifts and social and technological trends.
  1. Identify government agencies which influence and affect agricultural production in California.
  1. Agricultural Production on the Environment
  1. Define the economic effects of air pollution on agricultural production in California.
  1. List major environmental effects of production agriculture in California.

  1. Animal Science
  1. Importance of Domestic Animals
  1. Describe the importance of animal domestication.
  1. Identify within each domestic species four livestock enterprises that are part of production agriculture in the United States.
  1. Identify the major sources of animal protein in the world.
  1. De aware of the public health issues related to growth hormones and their use in meat production.
  1. Basic Understanding of Animal Behavior
  1. Visually identify the external anatomical parts of a pig, cow, horse, chicken, goat, and sheep.
  1. Describe the basic differences between animal and plant cells and identify examples of each.
  1. Basic Understanding of the Structure, Function and Maintenance of the Major Body System
  1. Describe the basic physiological function of the primary components of the digestive systems.
  1. Visually identify examples of each and describe the basic differences between the three types of digestive systems found in farm animals.
  1. Describe the shape and function of different animal anatomical structures and compare them to similar human structures.
  1. Identify with reduction in both male and female animals.

  1. Animal Nutrition
  1. Describe the six classes of nutrients and identify examples of feeds containing each.
  1. Identify common feed additives.
  1. Define symbiosis and describe how microorganisms (protozoa/bacteria) contribute to the breakdown of complex carbohydrates in ruminants.
  1. List contributions of microbial digestion (in ruminants) to the host including synthesis of amino acids and B-vitamins.
  1. Animal Health
  1. List predisposing conditions that cause animal health problems.
  1. Identify samples of parasites, describe how they may harm the host and prescribe methods of control for each.
  1. Demonstrate a method of control for an internal and external parasite.
  1. Identify ways that infectious agents may gain entrance and do harm to an animal.
  1. Properly determine the body temperature of an animal.
  1. Identify unhealthy animals by using both visual and

non-visual indicators of health.