2017 L’Oréal-UNESCO UK and Ireland Fellowships For Women In ScienceWinner’s Terms & Conditions

2017L’Oréal UK and Ireland Fellowships For Women In Science


Please carefully read the following terms and conditions which form an integral part of the L’Oréal UK and Ireland Fellowships for Women in Science. If you wish to accept this Fellowship, you must sign and date both copies of this Fellowship Agreement (the “Agreement”). Keep one original document for your records and return the other copy to L’Oréal UK and Ireland at the following address:

Karina O’Gorman, Head of CSR, 255 Hammersmith Road, London W6 8AZ, UK



“Beneficiary”:The Fellowship is provided in respect of the given individual indicated below in the signature block (thereafter “Beneficiary”) and is not transferable.

“Fellowship”The sum of £15,000 (or equivalent value in Euros for Republic of Ireland) awarded by the Fellowship Provider to the Beneficiary under the terms of this Agreement.

“Research Project”The research project described by the Beneficiary on her application form.

“Term”The 12 month period specified in this Agreement.

“Fellowship Provider”:L’Oréal (UK) Limitedin partnership with the UK National Commission for UNESCO, the Irish National Commission for UNESCO and the Royal Society.

1Host Institution

1.1The Fellowship is for useonly for the Research Project at the UK or Irish university or research institute specified in the Beneficiary’s original application form (the “Host Institution”).

1.2The Beneficiary must have secured acceptance at the HostInstitution for the full duration of the Term.

1.3The Beneficiary must have access to all facilities at the Host Institution and any other external fundingthat are essential to her Research Project. Failure to secure the above acceptance may result in the withdrawal or termination of the Fellowship.

1.4For the purposes of clarity the Beneficiary may conduct field work overseas as part of her UK or Ireland-based Research Project.

2Duration of the Fellowship

2.1The Beneficiary agrees to realise her Research Project through the 12-month Term.

2.2The Beneficiary can utilise the Fellowship to pursue her Research Project either on a full-time or on a part-time basis.

2.3The Beneficiary must commence her Research Project within six months of the award announcement (i.e. by 1November 2017). The Beneficiary is aware that the Fellowship will lapse and not become payable if it is not taken up within this period, unless the provisions of Clause 2.4 are complied with.

2.4Only in exceptional circumstances will a later utilisation date be allowed. The Beneficiary must advise the Fellowship Provider immediately upon becoming aware that she will not be able to commence the Research Project by the date specified in Clause 2.3 above. The Fellowship Provider may then, at its discretion, agree a later date with the Beneficiary.

3Use of Funds

3.1The Fellowship is provided in respect of the given Beneficiary, to help the Beneficiary to undertake the Research Project, and is not transferable for any other purpose whatsoever.

3.2The payment is made directly to the Beneficiary unless the Beneficiary requests that it should be paid into a university account on her behalf.

3.3The Fellowship money will be made in respect of the items and figures contained within the budget estimate submitted in the Beneficiary’s original application and, subject to any amendments made by the Fellowship Provider therein, the money should be used accordingly. It is not to be used as a salary for the Beneficiary.

3.4The Beneficiary should make any requests for significant changes to the expenditure as stated in the Fellowship Agreement to the Fellowship Provider. Requests must be made in writing and the Beneficiary notified if the changes are acceptable within 21 days of receipt of the request.

3.5The Beneficiary is responsible for the administration, care and upkeep of any equipment purchased, or management of human resources hired with the Fellowship.

4Payment of Funds

4.1The Fellowship award is final and no additional payment will be made.

4.2The Beneficiary will receive the sum of £15,000 (or equivalent value in Euros for Republic of Ireland) by BACs paymentin one instalment on a date to be agreed in advance in writing with the Fellowship Provider.

4.3Payment will be made directly to the Beneficiary unless she makes a request to the Fellowship Provider for the money to be paid to her Host Institution to administer on her behalf.

4.4It shall be the beneficiary’s obligation to account to the tax authorities for any taxation and/or National Insurance Contributions payable in connection with the Fellowship grant.

5Publication and Acknowledgement of Support

5.1TheBeneficiary must acknowledge the support received from the Fellowship Provider. The Beneficiary is therefore expected to display the phrase “supported by the L’Oréal UK and Ireland Fellowship For Women In Science” in all publications and other forms of media communication, including media appearances, press releases and conferences, that result from or are in any way connected to the Research Project wherever possible.

5.2The Beneficiary should inform the Fellowship Provider of any publications and other forms of media communication as above.

6Use of Fellowship winner in publicity and promotional materials

6.1The Beneficiary acknowledges that she will be photographed, filmed and interviewed by the Fellowship Provider for purposes linked to communicating the "For Women in Science" programme and these photos, videos and texts will be used in advertising, publications and audiovisual means including but not limited to written press, television, internet, social media (including, but not limited to, Twitter and Facebook) photographs and brochures including distribution to the media worldwide.


6.2The Beneficiary expressly authorises the Fellowship Provider to reproduce, represent and use her image, name, distinctions and titles, worldwide.The Winner’s information will also remain on the For Women In Science website as part of the past fellows section. Such authorisation shall be limited to non-commercial uses in relation to the For Women in Science Fellowship programme.

6.3The Beneficiarywill not receive any remuneration for such promotional activity.

7Reporting Obligations

7.1The Beneficiary is required to submit a final financial expenditure statement on the actual Fellowship expenditure incurred on the Research Project, within three months of the end of the Term. The statement should be accompanied by appropriate receipts, copies of invoices etc.

7.2The Beneficiary is also required to complete an end-of-fellowship questionnaire, within three months of the end of the Term.

7.3The Fellowship Provider reserves the right to require the Beneficiaryto complete and submit a progress report or a statement of expenditure at any time during the Term, or to provide supplementary information in support of a final expenditure statement.

8Changes in circumstance

8.1The Beneficiary is required to notify the Fellowship Provider as soon as possible, and in advance, in case of change of place of employment, major change in the proposed research, and/or resignation from the Research Project.

8.2Under exceptional circumstances requests to use the Fellowship at another host institution within the UK or Ireland, may be considered, but only with prior notice. The Fellowship Provider will wish to be assured that satisfactory arrangements have been made that will enable the Research Project to be undertaken, or to continue, and to be successfully completed in accordance with the Beneficiary’s research objectives.

8.3The Fellowship Provider reserves the right to require repayment of any Fellowship money not yet spent at the point of termination if, at any point during the Term the Beneficiary is no longer able to pursue the Research Project.

8.4The Beneficiary is required to notify the Fellowship Provider in case of any change of employment status (including a change of hours worked e.g. full time to part time or vice versa).

8.5Under exceptional circumstances the Fellowship Provider will consider the postponement of the Term to cover, for instance, periods of maternity leave or sick leave exceeding 3 months. The request should be made as soon as the requirement is identified and confirmed when the period required is known.

8.6The Beneficiary is allowed to hold the Fellowships alongside other awards, grants, scholarships and fellowships. However, the Beneficiary should submit to the Fellowship Provider details of any additional sources of funding in connection with the research project as and when secured during the Term.

9The payment of the Fellowship shall be conditional in all respects upon the acceptance of these terms and conditions by the Beneficiary.

10The Fellowship Provider reserves the right to terminate the Fellowship on the grounds of the Beneficiary’s failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the Fellowship.


11.1Save for the Fellowship, the Fellowship Provider will provide no assistance to the Research Project and as such accepts no liability, financial or otherwise, for expenditure or liability arising from the Beneficiary’s Research Project.

11.2If the Fellowship Provider is terminated for any reason whatsoever prior to payment of the Fellowship, the Beneficiary shall not be entitled to any payment or compensation.

11.3If any provision of these terms and conditions is found by a court or other legitimate body to be illegal, invalid or unreasonable, it will not affect the remaining terms and conditions which will continue in force.

11.4This Agreement shall be governed by the Laws of England and Wales and both parties will submit to the jurisdiction of the English courts.

Signed: ……………………………………………………………

Print Name: ……………………………………………………….

Date: ………………………………………………………………..




