L.C.BirdHigh School

PTSO Meeting Minutes

April 3, 2017


Meeting called to order at 6:38 PM by Mandy Hamner-Ford

ATTENDEES:Mandy Hamner-Ford,Tracey Means, Sherry Harris, Amy Jackson, Viola Middleton, Dr. Laura Hebert,Ryan Baldwin and Rachel Jancsics (interpreters), Sarah Davis, Andrea Oliver, Pam Adams, Michelle Meyer-Ban,Sydney Means, Noah Ford, Stacy Ban

Reading and Approval of Minutes, Amy Jackson

The meeting minutes were presented by Amy andthere was one error noted. Amy asked for a motion to approve meeting minutes with correction.Pam seconded motion. All were in favor to approve minutes with correction.

Correspondence, Amy Jackson

Amy reported that a Thank you card was received from Dr. Hebert for providing lunches during Work Week at the U. There was no outgoing correspondence.

Treasurer's Financial Report, Sherry Harris

Financial Report as of 04/02/2017:

Budgeted Amount for 2016-2017 $28,315.00

Total Income YTD $23,826.05

Total Expenses YTD -$ 9,116.03

Check Book Balance $14,710.02

Monthly Transaction Report:

03/06/2017 – 04/02/2017

Starting Balance $14,713.38

Total Deposits & Adjustments $ 260.00

Total Checks & Other Expenses -$ 263.36

Check Book Bal & Statement Bal through 04/02/17 $14,710.02

Sherry reported that she received a letter from Kroger and we have a check coming for $842.72 from the store cards program. Sherry also reported that we supported the DVD class project for 1st and 2nd place classes by providing pizza. A total of $86.88 was spent but Mr. Hinton is giving $64 back for the additional pizzas. Sherry also presented to the group that the Basketball team has approached the PTSO requesting to order championship rings. Sherry noted that we would not be using our tax exempt status to order the rings. She

explained that they would like to order through the PTSO due to the contracted prices through Herff Jones. All were in favor. Sherry went over the budget through the end of the school year, noting that we have $15,816 left in the budget with $14,345 left in planned expenses. Sherry reported that we are in good shape financially as long as we stay on budget. Sherry reported that we have a net difference of $1,471 for unexpected expenses. It was also noted that any excess will go towards scholarships, as noted in the approved budget.

Officer Reports

President, Mandy Hamner-Ford

Mandy congratulated Genesis and Viola for the recognition during the Chesterfield Outstanding youth awards. She also congratulated Sydney, although she was not eligible due to her position, she was still acknowledged. Mandy wanted to especially thank Viola for the many things that she does behind the scenes. She also thanked Sherry for the extra work she has been doing with eat out night at Marco’s. Mandy reported that she and Viola attended the Community Partners luncheon. She noted that it was very nicely done and they both enjoyed being guests. Mandy announced the April Newsletter deadline is the 19th.

Vice President, Tracey Means

Tracey reported that she also attended the Outstanding Youth awards and it was very nice. She noted that Bird had 16 nominees. Tracey also reported that the Core Values reception was also a success. She did report that she had to find someone to open the room but the reception went well. She thanked everyone involved for having things set up and to Mandy for bringing the gloves.

Viola Middleton, Membership

Viola reported that membership is rising and the current total is 546 members.

Big Blue Day: Viola reported that the next Big Blue day is scheduled the same week as prom ticket sales and proposed it be moved to April 25th, all agreed. Viola thanked Sarah for letting Russell help the day before to promote Big Blue Day.

Review of positions/events

Nominating Committee: Sherry, Viola, and Tracey will present slate of officers in May and we will vote at the June meeting.

Scholarships: Sherry reported that the deadline for applications is May 5th. Sherry noted that the scholarship committee will be meeting on May 17th at 2:00 to go through applications.

Baccalaureate: Sherry reported that Sydney will be the PTSO student representative and Tracey will be the board representative. Sherry noted that the church changed its name and is Ironbridge church, not Baptist. She states that the church has a big screen to project pictures and asked the group their thoughts about displaying pictures. Sydney noted that she liked the idea and the majority agreed. Sherry reported that she will discuss with Pat Fore. Mandy asked Sherry about the invitations. Sherry reported that she uses postcards. She stated that Jennifer and aides in the office assist. Sherry noted that she will bring a sample of the invitation to the meeting.


Core Values Reception: Many reported that the next reception is April 27th and asked for volunteer to chair.

Viola volunteered. It was noted that the instruction book is available in the PTSO closet.

Skyhawk of the Month: Sydney nominated Ashley Cox. Tracey motioned to nominate, Sherry seconded, nomination approved. Sydney and Dr. Hebert will both write something. Mandy will check with Jennifer regarding a picture. Sherry will order paperweight.

Prom: Mandy reported that she received a spreadsheet from Liz O’Shea regarding ticket sales. We will have 2 volunteers for Monday, 3 for Tuesday, 4 for Wednesday, 6 for Thursday, and 8 on Friday. Volunteers will do all lunch blocks. Mandy reported that Liz O’Shea seemed excited and Rosa Murphy will help.

Administrative Assistants Appreciation Week: 13 administrative assistants will be recognized. Amy volunteered to select and present their gift. Amy suggested a potted flower with the theme of thanking them for helping our children grow. Sherry suggested that I contact the technical center horticulture department to see if they can assist. Andrea suggested that we should give them soil in a bag and seeds for them to grow their own.

Monthly Teacher Appreciation: Viola reported that she has been busy and did not provide a monthly treat. She noted that she will double up next month.

Nurses Appreciation:Mandy reported that the nurse will be recognized on May 5th. The group discussed the custodial staff being recognized and agreed that they are included in other events.

Eat Out Nights: Sherry reported that they had 17 total orders for a total of $447.33. She noted that we have a $75 credit of 10 pizzas. Sherry reported the next eat out night is scheduled for April 25th.

Grab-n-go Teachers Breakfast: Sherry announced that if there is anyone interested in helping to please let her know. Sherry noted that she cut back on the menu a little. She states that orange juice, coffee, and water will be provided. Sherry noted that we need crockpots, she has 2 but 2 more are needed, as well as toasters. Sherry provided a handout to the group that included the menu, items needed, and layout in the large commons. Sherry reported that she ordered the biscuits from Linda Hughes and 3 gallons of sausage gravy from a local vendor. Sherry asked for feedback regarding the coffee. The group agreed that making in the large coffee pot would be the best solution and Sherry noted that Linda will let us use the large pot.

Spiritwear Coordinator: Sherry reported that Pam will be selling spirit wear during engineering orientation.

Store Cards Program: There was no report.

Volunteer Coordinator: There was no report.

Web Master: There was no report.

Bulletin Board: There was no report.

Parent Organization Liaisons:

Band Boosters: Needs to be filled/no report

Chorus Boosters: Viola/no report

Engineering Rocket Boosters: Mandy reported that the robotics team have been competing and doing

well. She reported that orientation will be held Wednesday night. They

have a bowling event in May. A lot of things going on

Orchestra Boosters: Needs to be filled/no report

Student Reports

Sydney presented a Thank you card from Mr. Hinton’s class.

Principal’s Report

See attached report

Faculty Report

There was no report

Sherry thanked Sarah and her kids for helping with Work week at the U.

New Business

Andrea announced that she has a home business sewing and altering. She presented her card as a resource.

Sherry asked if anyone is interested or know of anyone interested in serving on the board or a committee for next year to please let her know.

ADJOURN: 7:59 PM by Mandy