Sunday, July 30, 2017Read: Proverbs 27:19

1.) Read Psalm 37:4 and the prayer below:
Delight: Whatever it takes, Lord, give medelightin you as the greatest treasure of my heart.

2.) Read this quote from Dr. Sam Storms:
“Holiness is not attained, at least not in any lasting, life-changing way, merely through prohibitions, threats, fear, or shame-based appeals. Holiness is attained by believing in, trusting, banking on, resting in, savoring, and cherishing God’s promise of a superior happiness that comes only by falling in love with Jesus.
The power that the pleasures of sin exert on the human soul will ultimately be overcome only by the superior power of the pleasures of knowing and being known, loving and being loved by God in Christ. The only way to conquer one pleasure is with another, superior, more pleasing pleasure!”

Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why?

How does approach differ from the way that you have approached holiness in the past?

3.) Read Matthew 6:9-10 and the prayer below:
Desires: Whatever it takes, Lord, align thedesiresof my heart with yours.

Why is it important for our desires to align with God’s desires?

4.) Read John 15:5 and the prayer below:
Dependence: Whatever it takes, Lord, increase my awareness of mydependenceon you in everything so that I will live continually by faith.

Can you tell us about a specific time that you were very aware of your dependence on Jesus?

5.) Read Hebrews 5:14 and the prayer below:
Discernment: Whatever it takes, Lord, teach me todiscerngood from evil through the rigorous exercise of constant practice.

What do you think this verse means by saying that our powers of discernment are trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil?

6.) Read Psalm 119:67 and the prayer below:
Desperation: Whatever it takes, Lord, keep medesperatefor you because I tend to wander when I stop feeling my need for you.

What does it mean to be “desperate” for God? Do you know anyone that you would describe as possessing a “holy desperation” for God? Describe them.

7.) Read Hebrews 12:10-11 and the prayer below:
Discipline: Whatever it takes, Lord,disciplineme for my good so that I may share your holiness and bear the peaceful fruit of righteousness.

In what way is God’s discipline a demonstration of his love?

8.) Read Ephesians 5:15-16 and the prayer below:
Diligence: Whatever it takes, Lord, increase my resolve to do your will with alldiligence.

In what specific areas of your life does your heart need increased diligence to do God’s will?

9.) How can we pray for you this week?