Kwangsuck Lee
School of Economics
Sungkyunkwan University
53 Myeongnyun-dong 3-ga, Jongno-gu
Seoul, 110-745 Korea
(Tel) 82-2-760-0612 (Fax) 82-2-744-5717
Birth Feb. 24, 1952, Korea
Mar. 1970 to Feb. 1974 B.S. Yeungnam University, Daegu, Korea
Department of Livestock Management
Mar. 1974 to Feb. 1977 M.S. Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Department of Agricultural Economics
Aug. 1978 to Aug. 1984 Ph.D. University of Hawaii, Manoa, Hawaii, U.S.A
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Professional Experience:
Aug. 1984 to Feb. 1985 Post-doc Researcher, Dept. of Agricultural & Resource
Economics, University of Hawaii
Mar. 1985 to present Professor, School of Economics
Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea
Feb. 2005 to Jan. 2009 Dean
School of Economics, Sungkyunkwan University
Dec. 1990 to Dec. 1991 Fulbright Visiting Scholar
Dept. of Agricultural & Resource Economics, University of Hawaii
Dec. 2002 to Feb.2003 Visiting Scholar
Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics, University of California, Davis, U.S.A
Mar. 2008 to present Auditor
The Korea Economic Association
Mar. 2009 to present President
The Korea Environmental Economic Association
Mar. 2005 to present Board Member
The Korea Agricultural Economic Association
June 1997 to June 1999 President
The Korea Resource Economic Association
Selected Publications (after 2001)
Journal Articles:
"Effects of Airport Noise on the Household Property Values (co-authored with S. T. Lee)." Environmental and Resource Economics Review, Vol. 1, No.4, 2001. 12.
“Hedonic Analysis of Automobile Attributes in Korea(co-authored with S.T. Lee),” Environmental and Resource Economics Review , Vol.11, No.4, 2002. 12.
"New Concerns on Agricultural Sustainability of Korea under the WTO System" The Korean Economic Review, Vol. 30, Korea Institute of Industrial Development, Sungkyunkwan University, 2003. 12.
“Estimating the value of leisure time in Korea.(co-authored with In-Moo Kim)" Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 12, No. 10, August 2005: 639-641
“Considering Data Generating Process and Values of Leisure Time in Modeling Recreation Demand for Natural Resources(co-authored with Y.S. Eom), KYONG JE HAK YON GU, The Korean Economics Association, Vol. LIV, No. 3, Autumn 2006.
“Measurement of Willingness to Pay by Using Fuzzy Theory(co-authored with S.T. Lee ”, Environmental and Resource Economics Review, Vol.15, No.5, Dec, 2006:921-937.
“Fuzzy Hedonic Analysis of Airport Noise (co-authored with Sung Tae Lee), Environmental and Resource Economics Review, Vol.17, No.1, Feb, 2008:147-164
Books and Report:
Agricultural Reform in North Korea: Challenges and Prospects (in Korean co-authored with K. R. Kim and S. K. Hong) , Hanwool Academy Pub. Co., Seoul, 2005
Frontiers in Economics: Theory, Policy, and History (in Korean co-authored with 22 others), Haenam Publ. Co., Seoul, 2005.
Economic and Environmental Effects of FTA between Korea and China (in Korean co-authored with 3 others), Research Report sponsored by Ministry of Environment, Korea, 2009.