Kyle and Lochalsh Community Trust

Minutes of meeting
Meeting: / ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING / Venue: / Kyle Hall, Kyle
Date: / 14 May 2015 / Time: / 7pm
Attendees: / Ordinary members10
Associate members3
Apologies: / Frank Burstow, Bob Anderson, Pat Muchlow, Catherine Will, Janet Davies
1 / Welcome & Introductions
Brian Easter (Chair) welcomed all present and introduced Iain Galbraith (the Community Trust’s project manager) and Chris Marsh (the ranger working with the CommunityTrust and Hamilton Park Trust)
A pen portrait of the present Trustees was circulated to all members in advance of the meeting.
2 / Approval of minutes of 2nd AGM, 22nd April 2014
Fiona Begg (Secretary) read out the minutes from the last AGM.
These were proposed for approval by MurdoMacRae and seconded by Val Watson.
3 / Report by the Chair
Brian Easter gave a report on the Trusts activities. Brian commenced by explaining that his report focuses on the year to 31 July 2014, that end of the Trust’s financial year.
The Chair welcomed Iain Galbraith as Project Manager who joined the Trust August 2014 and is funded by HIE. Also new this year to the team is Chris Marsh who is funded by The Hamilton Park Trust and is Ranger on the Plock of Kyle. Both Iain & Chris have an office in the Kyle Village Hall.
Following discussions with Highland Council in spring 2014 the toilet block and the pontoons where handed over to the Trust slightly later than anticipated. Owing to this delay no changes took place with regards to the pontoons or the toilet block. This delay gave the Trust a good insight with regards to the running of the pontoons and toilets.
With the start of the 2015 season, after prolonged discussions with Marine Scotland to obtain the marine licence, the new pontoon development was installed mid April. The pontoons have been in operation since.
The Chair thanked MurdoMacrae (ASKA Marine) and Bruce Langlands whoassisted Scottish Natural Heritage in undertaking a seabed survey of the Flame Shells and Sea Pens as part of the pontoon / moorings project.
The Trust is also in discussion with the Crown Estate with ref to a Local Management Agreement (LMA). This is a formal agreement between The Crown Estate which enables a group to manage part of the Crown Estate Coastal Portfolio.
Design work continued through 2014 for the toilet block refurbishment. Work was due to commence on the refurbishment of the toilets the first week in January 2015. Owing to circumstances beyond the Trust’s control works were delayed and are due to start next week (18th May) and expected to last approx. 12 weeks. Highland Agriculture Supplies were thanked for their assistance in providing a site for the contractors units.
Phase 1 of work on the Plock of Kyle has been completed which includes road surfacing & footpath improvement. We are awaiting installation of a height barrier across the access road entrance at the old toll office and signage. The Trust is still working closely with Hamilton Park Trustees.
To concludethe Chair thanked all Trustees who have put in a lot of unpaid time to progress the aims of the Trust, in particular Fiona, as secretary, who has been very busy again. The Chair also thanked Bob Anderson who is a distant member, who has agreed to continue as Treasurer as a co-opted director.
The Trust was invited by DTAS to present the Trust’s experiences to others who may be thinking about setting up a similar organisation. The Trust has been invited to speak at the annual DTAS Conference.
The Chair also passed on our thanks to David Wynn and Lynn Kennedy for developing our presence on Facebook.
The Trust presently has 199 members.
4 / Vote on special resolution
Iain Galbraith explained the rational for changing the Trusts’ Articles of Association. The proposal to remove the cap on the number of terms a Trustee may serve has been made to ensure continuity in the board given the small number of Trustees and to avoid disruption. Iain explained that the Trust is keen to see a turnover in the Trustees and an increased number of Trustees. Trustees can still be co-opted on to the board and volunteers are welcomed.
It was proposed to amend clause33.4 to read “a retiring Trustee shall be eligible for re-election without limit;”
This was proposed by Fiona Begg and seconded by Ruth Eskine.
5 / New nominations and election of trustees
As the longest serving Trustees, Brian Easter and Fiona Begg stood down from the board.
Nominations for trustees were received for Brian Easter and Fiona Begg.
Bob Anderson was co-opted as a Trustee
This was proposed by John Adamson and seconded by Andrew MacKinlay
6 / Fixing of annual subscription
The members agreed unanimously that annual subscriptions should remain free of charge.
7 / Report from Treasurer
Bob Anderson (Treasurer) was unable to attend the AGM. Iain Galbraith gave a report on the annual accounts (see attached) and offered to answer any questions from members.
There were no questions from the floor.
8 / Approval of the accounts
The accounts were proposed for approval by MurdoMacRae and seconded by Marie Murphy.
9 / Appointment of accountant and independent examiner
The members agreed re-appoint Cambell Stewart and MacLennan & Co as accountant and independent examiner for the Trusts accounts.
10 / Close of formal business
Brian Easter thanked all for attending the AGM which closed at 7:40 and introduced Chris Marsh and Iain Galbraith to present a brief update on the work of the Trust.
10.2 / The Plock
Chris highlighted the objective of the project and his role:
Getting people involved, maintain the Plock, assisting in completion of the Access project, developing new trails and discovery of the site, exploring new ideas for the Plock.
Chris is writing a blog to let people know about the site and is keen to hear stories from people who know the Plock.
Chris also promoted the SeaShore festival which is due to take pace in on 16 May.
Future opportunities
Iain briefly outlined the other projects that the Trust is currently investigating including the corner/gap site with the housing association, the Toll Booth and potential for a marina. Iain also highlighted that the Trust is keen to improve its communications with the community.
Iain went on to explain that ideas and projects should flow from the community grass roots to the Trust and that new ideas are to be welcomed.
Discussion took place in particular regarding car parking which is of great concern to retailers in the village.