Directions: A diagnostic exam is a way for you and me to find out what you already know before we begin learning. This way, you can set learning goals for yourself, and I can make sure I am teaching in a way that is not too easy or too hard for the class.

This is a special kind of test. On this test, wrong answers do NOT count against you. If you answer every question on this test, you will get 100% no matter if the answers are right or wrong.

Here are the rules: you must answer every question to the best of your ability. If you’re not sure what the answer is, write your best guess. YOU MAY NOT WRITE “I DON’T KNOW” OR “IDK.” If you really have no idea, you may write “I don’t know, but here is my best guess: [here is where you write your best guess].”

If you feel that you can answer a question better using a combination of pictures and words, please feel free! If you feel that you will have a very difficult time writing or drawing your answers, and you would like to explain them to me verbally, please ask your advisor for a pass to me during enrichment.

These EXACT SAME QUESTIONS will be on your end-of-unit exam, which you will take after we learn more about how to answer these questions.


  1. What does sustainability mean to you?
  1. Give one example of a person acting in an UNSUSTAINABLE way, and explain why that person’s behavior is UNSUSTAINABLE. (This example may or may not have to do with science.)
  1. Based on your answer to #2, explain how the person could change his/her behavior in order to act in a SUSTAINABLE way, and explain why that new behavior is SUSTAINABLE.
  1. What does the phrase “natural resource” mean to you?
  1. Give one example of a natural resource. Explain where it comes from and explain how humans interact with that resource (How do humans use the resource? How does the resource impact humans?).
  1. What does the word “environment” mean to you? What is your environment?
  1. Are there problems with your environment? If yes, describe two problems.
  1. Describe one impact you have on your environment, and explain if the impact is positive or negative.
  1. Do you think you can change your behavior to impact your environment in a more positive way? If yes, describe one way you could change a negative impact to a positive impact.
  1. What do you think the future will look like?