KU CenterforEastAsian Studies

Last Updated 3/30/2015


Courselistingsaresubjectto change. Wewill try tokeep theselists up to dateas newinformation becomesavailCable,butfortheofficial courselistingsvisit


CEAS 802
Center for East Asian Studies - Research Seminar ( 3 ) Summer 2015
Students will work with the instructor and, when appropriate, an additional faculty advisor to
design, research and write up a research paper on an East Asian topic of their choosing.
Students enrolling in this course are expected to have taken a social science research methods
class prior to taking this course and to apply those methods to the research process. A core
course for the MA in Contemporary East Asian Studies. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.
Type / Time/Place and Instructor / Credit Hours / Class # / Seats Available
SEM / Greene,J. Megan / 3 / 87036(Save) / 30
Notes / MTWRF 11:30 -12:30 PM WES 4043 - LAWRENCE
IBUS 740
International Business - Business Practices in China ( 2 ) Summer 2015
This course provides students an opportunity to learn about business in China by observing it
in practice. Students will travel to China to visit a variety of companies and meet with their
managers to learn about the unique opportunities and challenges faced by companies operating
in China. Company visits will be selected to include both manufacturing and services firms and
to reflect a variety of ownership structures (foreign subsidiaries, locally-owned companies,
joint-ventures, etc.). Lectures from faculty at a Chinese host institution will provide specific
information on the local business environment and cultural, historical and institutional context.
Prerequisite: IBUS 701 or IBUS 820 and IBUS 720. (Please note: This course involves travel
abroad and required PRIOR completion of both IBUS 701 and IBUS 720.) Enrollment restricted.
Type / Time/Place and Instructor / Credit Hours / Class # / Seats Available
LEC / Zhao,Zheng / 2 / 87783(Save) / 30
Notes / APPT - LAWRENCE MAY-19/JUN-05 / DeptReq
ARCH 690
Architecture - Architecture Study Abroad ( 3-6 ) Summer 2015
May be repeated up to a maximum of 9 credits. Students participate in a study abroad program
approved by the Architecture Chair. Students will be evaluated upon a submitted journal,
sketchbook, or equivalent assignments assigned by the instructor. Graded on a
satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.
Type / Time/Place and Instructor / Credit Hours / Class # / Seats Available
IND / Cai,Hui / 3-6 / 86157(Save) / 25
Notes / APPT STUDY STDY - ABROAD MAY-30/JUL-01 / InstReq
ARCH 692
Architecture - Documentation ( 3 ) Summer 2015
Students will document their experience in ARCH 690 or another approved study abroad program. This is intended as a critical reflection upon the student's experience and is additional documentation produced beyond the work done for the study abroad credit. The final product will include a written paper, using appropriate graphics to illustrate key points.
Type / Time/Place and Instructor / Credit Hours / Class # / 25
Notes / APPT STUDY STDY - ABROAD MAY-30/JUL-01 / InstReq