Kent State University


Lesson Planning Template 2

Student Teacher: Paul Cowan Date of lesson: 10/10/2013

Class name:Women’s ChoralDistrict: North Canton School:

Start time: 9:09Room: I5

End time: 9:59

Information about the class: This women’s choral is a class B ensemble, composed of sixty women.The women have prior knowledge of Solfege and a basic understanding of conducting patterns.

Grade levels in this class: This class is comprised of grades 10-12

Special modifications and/or accommodations for exceptional students:

There will be a variety of methods to help students with certain needs. I will use proximity to help students who need that to remain on task. I also used audial reinforcements and visual cues to help as well. Some students in the class have tabs in their notebooks to assist with page turns throghout lessons. Specific vocal parts of the song are highlighted so the students can find their line quickly from one stanza to the next.

Learning Central Focus:

Central Focus/Objectives for this lesson:

The purpose for this lesson is to strengthen student’s knowledge of how to use correct notes and rhythms. We will also look at using phrasing and correct dynamics in this video segment. Blend and balance will also be focused on.

National Music Standards addressed:

-Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music

a. sing with *expression and *technical accuracy a large and varied repertoire of vocal literature with a

*level of difficulty of 4, on a scale of 1 to 6, including some songs performed from memory

b. sing music written in four parts, with and without accompaniment

c. demonstrate well-developed ensemble skills

Ohio Fine Arts Standards addressed:

Creative Expression and Communication. Students will be able to sing, play instruments, improvise, compose, read and notate music. Within this standard, the lesson will focuses on Benchmark A (9-12). Singing and/or play, independently or in ensembles, demonstrating technical and stylistic accuracy and musical expressiveness with appropriate responses to a leader’s cures and gestures.

Student Learning Goal(s)/ Objective(s)


Concepts and reasoning/problem solving/thinking/strategies

Equipment and/or Technology to be used:

Piano, risers, music, wall of mirrors, (for writing the order of music, also this allows students to monitor their own facial expressions and posture) dry-erase markers.

Repertoire to be used:

“Sing and Rejoice” Russell Robinson, “Remember” by Donna Gartman Schultz, and “Life Has Loveliness to Sell” by Mary Lynn Lightfoot,

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks:

Opening set and warm-up: Time allocations: 10 minuets

1. Welcome class, and give morning announcements.

2. Give an overview of what will be done in class today (“ Today we are going to try and make it through three of our songs; Sing and Rejoice, Life has loveliness, and Remember. The thing I want us to focus on the most is singing through the transitions, and also sing all the note and rhythms correctly. First lets have a great warm up, please stand up and lets get started.”)

3. Stretch

- Arms over head and feel the stretch upward

- Left arm across chest and pull with right arm

- Right arm across chest and pull with left arm

- Head down

- Head back

- Head to the left

-Head to the right

- Bend over and left arms dangle

- Roll up into correct singing position

4. Breathing exercises

- Breath in for 4 and out for 4 on a hiss (then repeat in for 8,12, and16 (stopping at 16 to remind them that this is how long a four bar phrase is.) After 16 breath in for 8 and out for as long as you can with the goal being 32.

5. Vocalizing Ya-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha on Major triad up and down (do,mi,sol,mi,do) them moving up by half step

6. Sing “ A cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup” on a C major scale. Starting on middle C and sing the whole line on one note, going all the way up the scale. When the choir reaches the C above middle C, turn around and go back down the scale on “red leather yellow leather”.

7. Sing a major scale on solfege starting at middle C, using hand signs

8. Sing a major scale on solfege starting at middle C, using hand signs. This time stopping on appropriate part creating a major chord. Soprano 1’s stopping on Do and not resolving, Soprano 2’s on the way down stopping on La and resolving to Sol, Alto 1’s stopping on Fa resolving to Mi, Alto 2’s stopping on Re resolving to Do.

Procedures & Activities Time allocations: 37 minuets

Closure: Time allocations: 3 minuets

What Ifs (What might not go as planned and how can you be ready to make adjustment?)

Evaluation and Assessments:

What types of evaluation and/or assessment tools do you plan to use for your lesson? Will assessment by ( ) formative or ( ) summative?


1 / Developing
2 / Accomplished
3 / Exemplary
4 / Score
Stated goal / Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting a beginning level of performance. / Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting development and movement toward mastery of performance. / Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting mastery of performance. / Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting the highest level of performance.
Stated goal / Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting a beginning level of performance. / Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting development and movement toward mastery of performance. / Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting mastery of performance. / Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting the highest level of performance.
Stated goal / Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting a beginning level of performance. / Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting development and movement toward mastery of performance. / Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting mastery of performance. / Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting the highest level of performance.

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