KSMAAnnual Meeting Minutes

Saturday, Sep. 5th, 2014

Pacific City, OR

Board Members Present:Committee Members Present:

Paul Schmidt (President)Road Committee: Scott Culp, Roger Paul

Ewan Rose (Secretary)Architectural Committee:

Sheryl Paul (Membership)

Peggy Halley (Director)

The meeting was held at 35305 Brooten Road, Pacific City, OR. President Paul Schmidt called the meeting to order at 10:00am, Sep. 5th, 2015. Residents representing nineteen properties signed the register.

Certification of Proxies

In compliance with the Bylaws (para.2.6), the Directors certified that a quorum of members holding voting rights were present, including written proxies. A quorum of Directors was present.

Report of the Officers

1. President’s Report

-The President updated the status of the Sand Removal Permit. As it currently stands the County is requiring a master survey, application, before and after surveys for each sand removal action at each property. Phil Bent has contacted a consultant that has previously worked on this issue. Scott Culp suggested that a group of homeowners should go to the County Commissioners.

2. Treasurer’s Report

-The Treasurer presented the financials. Reserves of $86,000 were noted as were costs in line with past experience and little deviation between budgeted and actuals.

3. Secretary’s Report

-The Secretary reported that the HOA did not yet have control of kiwandashores.com but it was expected.

-Report of the Committees

1. Architectural Control Committee (ACC):

-Preapproval required before any: major landscape change, exterior painting or major maintenance, major external remodeling, or new construction.

2. Membership:

3. Road Committee

-Scott Culp reported that the South gate fence had been driven around, new bearings and semi-annual preventative maint had been performed on gates. Grounds had been treated for scotch broom, trails blown off, beach access cleared.

-There was a discussion of proposed repairs to Ocean Dr. There is a proposal from Coastways to remove the existing surface, replace, regrade. The cost for the entire length of Ocean Dr. would be $121k. It is anticipated that a few isolated sections would be done first as a test case.

3. Rules Committee

-Peggy Halley gave the reminder that exterior lighting is required to be downlighting.

Unfinished Business

New Business


Presentation by Gloria Scullin regarding Pacific City Park and Skatepark.

Presentation by Jeanette Miller regarding emergency preparedness.

Ewan W. Rose

Ewan W. Rose, Secretary


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