KSF Leads meeting minutes – 9thMay 2011

Venue: Mackay room, NES, Central Quay, Glasgow

In attendance:Ken Brown, Anne Campbell, Anne-Marie Campbell, Yvonne Cannon, Helen Cheyne, Birgit Clark, Lynn Cowan, Susan Dunne, Joyce Fraser-Smith, Deanne Gilbert, Dave Grigor, Paula Lee, June Livingstone, Judith McKelvie, Andy Moir, Evelyn O’Neil, Fiona Pollock, Kevin Reith, Paul Simmons, Lynn Turner.

Apologies: Lewis Berston, Ian Cant,Sandra Dunlop, Andy Glen, Irene Gott, Margaret Macdonald, Sandra-Dee Masson, Tracy McBurnie, Duncan Service, Sandy Wilkie, Gary Wilson.

  1. Welcome and housekeeping

Anne Campbell (AC) welcomed everyone and detailed the plan for the meeting.

  1. Notes of previous meeting

The notes of the previous meeting held on 28th January2011were agreed by everyone.

  1. Matters arising

All matters arising are covered within the agenda for this meeting.

  1. HEAT target


AC stated that only 2 Boards did not meet the 80% target but they were very close. Overall NHS Scotland achieved 85% on the KSF HEAT target. AC stated that the Board progress figures will be presented to SWAG on 20th May and following this meeting they will then be sent out to all Leads. This is a very positive result and should support ongoing momentum for KSF and e-KSF.

Future target

AC reminded the meeting that future targets will be linked to the Quality Strategy within the Quality Outcomes Measurement Framework as per the documents previously issued on 31st March 2011. There are 5 indicators within the Staff Engagement measure and one of these relates to PDP activities that have been initially agreed and then subsequently updated to completed, within e-KSF. If anyone wishes to see the full Quality Strategy Implementation report, please email either AC or AMC.

AC will email Leads for information regarding current data on the levels of staff participating in Learning Development in order to inform any baseline figure. AC will keep Leads informed on the progress with the Staff Engagement measure.

  1. e-KSF


AC informed the meeting that the current e-KSF contract ends on31st March 2012 and the Department of Health have said that it will not continue to centrally fund e-KSF after this. AC has produced an options paper for SGHD to consider regarding the future of an electronic tool for KSF.

There was discussion regarding an electronic tool for KSF after March 2012. AC will keep everyone updated on any progress.


AMC informed everyone that a new version of e-KSF would be implemented this year. The updates are being made to assist Englandin implementing their optional guidance however there are a few updates that fit with NHS Scotland requirements and these will also be updated for us. Due to the number of developments needed v6.3 is being implemented in two stages, (a) and (b). The details of v6.3 (a) were shared at the meeting and will also be emailed out to everyone. Also included in this version are some changes to reports as agreed by a 4 country group.

Testing on v6.3 (a) has just been completed and AMC has returned 7 pages with error fixes that need to be made before any sign off can be agreed. Once the fixes have been made the testing phase will be carried out again prior to sign off. It is hoped that the update will in place by the end of June 2011 at the latest. The development for v6.3 (b) will then be started and this should be in place by the autumn however there are no real developments for NHS Scotland in this final update. If anyone has any queries on the updates please contact AMC to discuss.

  1. KSF & Bank staff

AC updated on the KSF & Bank staff pilots that were run in NHS Fife, NHSForthValley, NHS Grampian, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde and NHS Lothian. The pilots each explored different practical applications of KSF for bank staffbut the findings were similar in that these proved to be resource intensive and there was a lack of staff engagement.

All final pilot reports have been received and AC is collating the findings for presentation to MSG and SWAG together with recommendations for progress. June Livingstone and Helen Cheyne updated on the pilots at their Boards.

AC stated that she would reconvene the Bank Staff sub-group to review the collated paper and agree recommendations for MSG and SWAG. NHS Highland stated that they are experiencing the same issues as pilot groups when trying to implement KSF with their bank staff.

  1. Regional updates

No regional meetings have been held since the last Leads meeting.

  1. AOCB

Scottish Living wage

AC informed the meeting that she is presenting a paper to SWAG regarding the implication of the Scottish Living Wage circular which means that there are only effectively 2 pay points now in Band 1.The recommendation in the paper is that there should only be 1 gateway and no need for a foundation outline for Band 1 posts. Guidance will be issued following SWAG approval.

Partnership & KSF

Ken Brown highlighted concerns that he has at NHS Ayrshire & Arran regarding the future of KSF as they no longer have any partnership Leads. It was confirmed by those present that they were still continuing with their same process of including staff side in all aspects. AC stated that the AfC handbook is clear regarding staff side involvement.

Email to Leads

Fiona Pollock raised a query regarding using outlines for recruitment/ redeployment and also corporate objectives and KSF and what other Boards were doing in these two areas. June Livingstone queried what other Boards were doing around Appraisal/ Performance Management. AC stated will she email around all Leads requesting information which she will collate and circulate.

  1. Date of next meeting

The next KSF Leads meeting will be held on Wednesday 31st August2011 in the Mackay room at NES, Central Quay, and 89 Hydepark Street, Glasgow from 10.30 am.