KS1 PDMU Lesson 1 – Teacher Notes
Pupils will find out about BBC Children in Need and the children that the charity helps. They will begin to empathise, rather than sympathise, with the children whose lives are brightened by the projects funded by their donations. They will understand that BBC Children in Need helps children just like them, and should come to feel a renewed motivation to support 'their' charity. Throughout the lesson, pupils will work with a Learning Partner to talk through their ideas. They will think of ideas for a class fundraising activity so that they can become Champions of Change and help improve the lives of other children.
Learning Outcomes
Pupils will:
Understand about the charity BBC Children in Need
Consider ways that they can help
Related Resources
Teacher - PDMU Lesson 1 PowerPoint and Video 3: Where will your fundraising go?
You can print copies of these resources from the Teacher PowerPoint - no need for extra downloads!
Pupils – ‘My Favourite Fundraising Idea for our class’ sheet (slide 14)
Begin the lesson by sharing the learning outcomes (slide 2) and then warm up with Circle Time activities. You can use a Pudsey Bear, or teddy bear prop for both the Pass the Smile and Sharing Your Thoughts activities (slide 3).
Explain to the children that there will be lots of Partner Talk today and remind them of the rules for being a perfect partner including listening, taking turns and eye contact. You could partner up the more-able pupils with the less-able to provide further support.
Start by exploring some of the pupils' existing ideas about the kind of children that BBC Children in Need supports. Look at the photographs of the various children (slide 5) and develop a discussion. Ask the pupils which of these children look like children in need? Do the children look happy in the photos? Are they having fun? Do they look like you and me? What kind of problems might these children have? How could we help them and become Champions of Change?
Ask Learning Partners to share their ideas about Partner Task 1 (slide 6). Give them a minute or two to discuss together then ask them to ‘Snap Back’ (face the front again) ready to share their ideas. Initially, pupils may come up with answers like 'poor children' or 'sick children', all of which maintain an element of 'distance' or 'difference'.
Slide 7 is your prompt to begin an activity that reinforces the fact that BBC Children in Need supports children who are essentially, 'just like them', but whose current circumstances mean that they need help.
The activity goes as follows:
Ask all of the children to stand up, and instruct them to sit down IF they hear a description that does not apply to them.
'BBC Children in Need supports children who love their families.'
‘BBC Children in Need supports children who have awesome friends.'
‘BBC Children in Need supports children who like to play [you could name a game that your class likes].'
‘BBC Children in Need supports children who love to eat sweets or chocolate.'etc.
Continue listing statements that will apply to most pupils, ending
finally with;
‘You see - BBC Children in Need supports children who are just like you, but who are somehow facing a really difficult situation.'
Watch the video clip (slide 8) and explore some of ‘difficult situations' that children helped by BBC Children in Need have experienced. Maintain the emphasis on them being 'normal children, in difficult situations.'
Partner Task 2 - (Slide 9)
Ask the children to talk to their Learning Partner about their understanding of the word ‘charity’. Again once they have had a few minutes to discuss, ‘Snap Back’ to share ideas with the class. You can add value to these ideas by scribing on the board. Slide 10 provides a mind map to enable you to discuss the meaning of charity further with the pupils.
Share Video 4: ‘Fundraising ideas from our friends’ - (Slide 11)To begin to get the children thinking about how they can raise money.
Partner Task 3 - (Slide 12)
Encourage the children to think about ways that they can help to raise money which can be used by BBC Children in Need to help UK children. With their Learning Partner, ask children to think about the BBC Children in Need fundraising themes - Bake, Challenge, Dress-Up and Entertain - as they discuss their ideas. Remember, Dress-Up is already scheduled for the day of the Celebration of Champions. ‘Snap Back’ once again to contribute ideas to a big class discussion.
Writing Task - (Slides 13 -14)
After hearing everyone’s fantastic ideas, let pupils choose their favourite(s) and write (or draw) them. Print off a copy of slide 14 for every child to use and collect these in when children have finished.
Whole and Group Class Plenary
Explain that next lesson pupils will think more about the most popular fundraising ideas. They will then choose what their class fundraising activity will be. Explain to children that their activity will be one part of the whole school’s fundraising for BBC Children in Need. Remind pupils that they will have the chance to hear about everyone else’s fundraising and celebrate everyone’s achievements at the Celebration of Champions.
Don’t forget to tell your lead Champions your fundraising plans so they can give you a helping hand.
Remember, you can purchase merchandise items such as wristbands, key rings and Pudsey and Blush ears from the BBC Children in Need website. These can help facilitate your fundraising and get everyone in the fundraising spirit.
You can find more tools, tips and resources at bbcchildreninneed.co.uk/championsofchange