Seeking position: docent

Contact information:

Leningradskaya 54-12,

Samara, Russia. 443099

tel: (cell) +7 905 3010782

tel: (home) (846) 3330826


Web site:

Date of birth: November 7, 1979

Educational background:

Samara State University, postgraduate study.

Specialization: Social structure, social processes and institutions.

Title of dissertation: “Money in modern Russian society: institutional aspect”

November 2003 – October 2006

Dissertation project was defended in Russian Humanitarian University (Moscow) 29/05/2007.

Degree: candidate of sociological sciences

Central European University (Warsaw-Budapest) /University of Lancaster (UK),

Sociology Department

Track: Economy and Society

Program was performed in English

Dissertation Title: «Money, its Meanings, Significance, and Place in Modern World: Sociological Interpretation» (written in English)

September 2002 – August 2003.

Degree: MA in Economy and Society

Samara State University, undergraduate study

Department of Sociology

Specialization: Organizational Sociology

September 1997- June 2002

Specialist in Sociology

Other courses/programs/scholarships completed:

•Working German-Russian workshop “Social distribution of different types of solidarity: the comparison between Germany and Russia”, Samara State University, Sociology Department, 11-15th of October, 2010. Workinglanguages: English, Russian, German

•“School for writing researchers”, Centre for Independent Social Research, St. Petersburg, 25th of August – 4th of September, 2010

•Workshop “The results of ReSET project”, Novosibirsk State University, 25-28 August, 2009

•Learning visit to the Centre for Russian, Central and East European Studies, Glasgow University, April – May 2009

•Participation in program “Course Development Competition”, CRC, Central European University (Budapest), OSI, 2008-2009. Working language: English

•Workshop “New (bio) technologies: power, politics, and ethics” and scientific conference “Bodies, sexualities and biopolitics: contemporary Russian context”. Losevo – St. Petersburg. SRC “Region” (Ulyanovsk), CISR (St. Petersburg). Granted by Heinrich Böll Foundation and McArthur foundation. 20-26th of July, 2008.

•Summer School «Aspects of Identity & Culture», St. Petersburg, Centre for Russian, Central and East European Studies (Glasgow), SRC “Region” (Ulyanovsk), CISR (St. Petersburg), 7-20th of July, 2008. Working language: English

•HESP Regional Seminar for Excellence in Teaching «Social Identities in Transforming Societies», OSI, Novosibirsk, 2005-2008; Working language: English, Russian

•Sociological School “Pokolenia.net”, granted by McArthur foundation. SRC “Region”. 2-7 of November, 2007. Elabuga.

•Learning visit to the Center of Independent Sociological Research (St. Petersburg), granted by Ford Foundation, the program “Global Travel and Learning Grants’, September-October, 2007.

•Summer School “Symbolic codes of soviet social politics: ideology and reality of reforms in everyday culture”, granted by McArthur foundation. Saratov, 12-18th of August, 2007;

•Practical Seminar “Body, technologies, practices, representations”, Buinsk, CISR, SRC “Region”, Heinrich Böll Foundation, July 2007;

•Practical Seminar «From the exclusion of Other to the recognition of Different”, Buinsk, CISR, REGION, Heinrich Böll Foundation. 2006;

•IX Fulbright summer school, Moscow State University, St-Petersburg State University, «Consumption as communication », St-Petersburg, 25-30th of June, 2006;

•The Workshop on sequential analysis, ZDES, Saint-Petersburg, May, 17th-21st, 2006;

•Research school «Russian-Abkhazian frontiers: everyday life in the conditions of instability”, CISR, Bell foundation, October-November, 2005;

•Professional course “The Sociology of Everyday life”. Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow. Center of Independent Sociological Research, St-Petersburg. May-June 2005.

•Professional author’s course of doctor of Sociological Science Devjatko I.F. “Contemporary Sociological Theory”, Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Science, May-June 2004.

•Course of Gender Sociology (CEP) by Zhidkova, Samara State University, 2002.

•Course on Industrial Sociology, presented by prof. Dr. J. Feldhoff - November, 2001 at Samara State University

•Completed the professional program at Summer School “Methodological potential of qualitative sociology, ways of its realization in sociological research” Samara, 23/07/2000-02/08/2000

Conferences/Round tables:

•Roundtable “ProjectofpublicsociologyandRussianperspectives”, SamaraStateUniversity, SociologyDepartment, 27th of September 2010

•International conference “Youth solidarity of 21st century: old names – new styles/spaces/practices”, Ulyanovsk, SRC Region 20-22d of August 2010.

•Second International Symposium of CORPUS “Foreign bodies: enhancing & invading the human body”,Moscow, May 17th-18th 2010. (language of conference: English)

•Round table “Soviet gender order and its version in the context of individual biographies: experiences and constructs of soviet youth”, SRC Region,Heinrich Böll Foundation, 2009

•CRCEES 3rd Annual Research Forum, Glasgow University, May 2009. (language of conference: English)

•Scientific and practical conference “Social problems of labor in the transition to innovative development of the society”, St. Petersburg State University, 24-26 of April, 2008

•Russianscientificconference “Problemsoflabor, labor relations and quality of life”, Samara State University, 11-12 of September, 2007

•Scientific conference of young scientists “Consumption as communication”, St. Petersburg State University, 2006

•Russian scientific conference “XXI century: new horizons of humanitarian sciences”, Samara State University, 2004.



Samara State University

Sociology Department


  • Chair assistant (Chair of Sociology and Politics), 2003-2006
  • Senior Lecturer (Chair of Methodology of sociological and marketing research), 2007– 2009
  • Docent(Chair of Methodology of sociological and marketing research),2009- present

Teaching courses:

For specialists:«Methodology of sociological research», “Sociology of Money”, “Academic reading and writing”, “Identities representations in media”, “Basics of non-commercial marketing”, “New forms of political protest: analysis of identity politics in new social movements”

(before I also taught: Economic sociology for distant students (zaochnoe otdelenie), and Social Psychology Methods)

For MA students: “Methodology of mass media studies”

Tutoring of students’ project in Sociological practicum, of semester papers, and diplomas.

I also lectured in International Summer School “Well-being phenomenon: Russian-German interpretations”, 17-18 of August, 2010.


Co-teaching (withEchevskayaOlga, k.s.s.) of the course, developed in CDC-program: «DebatingSubjectivity: CriticalIntroductiontoIdentityStudies», Spring, 2009.


Participation in theprojectsofresearchgroupatSamaraState University:

Participation as researcher (analysis, interviewing, field work) in the projects:

  • “Social distribution of different types of solidarity: the comparison between Germany and Russia”, Samara State University, University of Fribourg, Pilot project. 2010-2011.
  • "GenderorganizationofprivatelifeinRussia”, EuropeanUniversityinSt. Petersburg, 2009-2010
  • “Evaluationofworkers’ attitudeinCompany “Vesna”, 2007.

Research Group “Svobodnoe mnenie” (Free Opinion):

Participation in research projects as a researcher:

  • “Soviet youth of 30-60th” - project of scientific research network “Pokolenia.net”, SRC “Region” (Ulyanovsk), granted by McArthur Foundation, 2009-2010;
  • “Poverty in post-soviet capitalistic society” (granted by Hamovniki foundation), 2006-2007;
  • ‘Obschepit’ (public catering): an everyday struggle with urban public life in late 1950th (Samara case). Independent research as a part of the project “Social Policy in the context of transforming society: ideologies and realities of social reforms” implemented by Center for Social Policy and Gender Studies funded by McArthur Foundation (2006-2007)

Local coordinator:

Seminar “Relations of Russia and EU on the eve of sammit” (organized by Russian-German Exchange, European University, Centre of German and European Studies – St-Petersburg), 2007.

Sociological Centre, Russian Academy of Science

Participation in research projects as a researcher:

  • Monitoring research “Adaptation to market economy in Samara region”. (1999-2007)
  • “Organizational Structure in Transformation: Analyzing YUKOS Changes” (Studies of organizational identity), funded by “YUKOS” Company (2004-2005).

Centre of humanitarian technologies and research “Social Mechanics” in coordination with the “Centre of social politics and gender studies” (Saratov)

Coordination and participation in the projects as a researcher:

  • “New ideology and practice of social services: regional models of work evaluation in the conditions of liberalization of social politics” (granted by Ford foundation, McArthur foundation), 2006.
  • “Proactive approach to the salvation of the violence problem toward children: analysis of the situation and the formation of politics of interdepartmental interactions” (granted by CAF, IREX, USAID), 2006.


  1. Krupets Yana “A (non)love story, or “We wrote, we wrote, and our fingers got tired” in Changing Places: Sociology on the Way. Ed. by E.Omelchenko, G.Sabirova. Ulyanovsk. PublishingHouseoftheUlyanovskStateUniversity. 2010. P. 101-108.
  2. KrupetsYana “PublicSociologywithoutProfessionalSociologists: InSearchofaNewUtopia” in Laboratorium, 2009, № 1. P. 179-181.
  3. Echevskaya O., Krupets Y. “Debating Subjectivity: Critical Introduction to Identity Studies. Course syllabus” inSocial Identity in Transforming Societies ed.by Anisimova А., Echevskaya O. Novosibirsk, 2009. P.7-16 (syllabus is in English)
  4. Zaporozhets О., Krupets Y. “Soviet consumer and regulated publicity: new ideology and everyday life of public catering at the end of 50-s” in Sovetskaya socialjnaja politika: sceny i dejstvujushie lica, 1940-1985. M.: OOO “Variant”, CSPGI, 2008. pp.315-336.
  5. KrupetsY. “MoneyinmodernRussia: thepossibilitiesofitssociologicalresearch” in Problems of labor, labor relations, and quality of life: collection of scientific materials of Russian scientific and practical conference. Samara: Publication “Univers-Group”, 2007. P. 297-304.
  6. KrupetsYana. “Analysisofobjectiveandsubjective aspects of material status of Samara inhabitants” in Socialjno-ekonomicheskaja adaptacia naselenia Samarskoj oblasti: urovenj I kachestvo zhizni, rasporjazhenie zhiljem, finansovye praktiki / Gotlib A.S., Zaporozhets O.N. and others. Samara “Univers-group”, 2007. pp. 41-46
  7. Krupets Yana. “Analysis of financial practices of Samara Region inhabitants” in Socialjno-ekonomicheskaja adaptacia naselenia Samarskoj oblasti: urovenj I kachestvo zhizni, rasporjazhenie zhiljem, finansovye praktiki / Gotlib A.S., Zaporozhets O.N. and others. Samara “Univers-group”, 2007. pp. 46-52.
  8. Krupets Yana. “Money as things: the possibility of sociological research of money in contemporary society” in Consumption as communication: Scientific conference of young scholars. Materialsofconference. Spb.: Intersocis, 2006. pp. 29-32.
  9. Krupets Yana. “The possibility of money studies in social sciences” in Relevant problems of social knowledge. Samara: Univers-Group, 2006. pp. 152-161.
  10. Krupets Yana“Money in contemporary society: analysis of classical theories of A. Smith, K. Marx, and G. Simmel.” in Contexts of social knowledge: interdepartmental collection of scientific articles. Samara: Univers-Group, 2005. pp. 140-153.
  11. Krupets Yana. “Money as the object of sociological analysis: research experience” in Sociology today: puzzle of directions, approaches and methods: Materials of scientific conference. Vol.1. Samara: Univers-Group, 2004. pp. 126-129.
  12. Krupets Yana. “Social well-being as an integral indicator of the level of adaptation” in Sociological Research (Socis) 2003. № 4. pp. 143-144.
  13. Krupets Yana. “Some reflections about qualitative sociology” in Methodological potential of qualitative sociology and ways of its realization in sociological research. Materials of Summer School. Samara, 2000. pp. 112-116.