District of Minnesota
Effective October 5, 2015 - I understand that in addition to completing this form, I will also need to sign up for an individual PACER account and apply for
electronic filing access through the “Non-Attorney E-File Registration” option
for the District of Minnesota through my PACER account.
PursuanttoFed.R.Civ.P.5(e)andLocalRule5.1,electroniccasefilingisauthorizedinthe DistrictofMinnesotaandimplementedbyCourtOrder. Electroniccasefilingisgovernedbythe standardsandproceduressetforthinthemostrecentversionofthe“ElectronicCaseFiling Procedures for the Districtof Minnesota,” whichmay be found on the Court’s website at
TheCourt’sElectronicCaseFiling(ECF)systemisforuseonlyincasesdesignatedbytheU.S. DistrictCourtfortheDistrictofMinnesotaandmayonlybeusedtofileelectronicdocuments. InordertofileelectronicdocumentsthroughECF,proselitigantsmustsubmitthisapplication. OnlyproselitigantswhohaveamatterpendingbeforetheU.S.DistrictCourtfortheDistrictof MinnesotaandarenotprohibitedfromfilingelectronicallyinthisCourtmayapplytofile electronicallyonECF. TheCourtreservesthe rightto addorremoveconditions tothis application.
Upon review andapprovalof theapplication,theapplicantwillhaveprivilegestoelectronicallyfiledocumentswiththe Court and toreceive electronic service of filings in their cases. Please note that electronic filing occurs through PACER and that the applicant must have a PACER account in order to electrically file.
Pro Se Litigant Information and Certification
First/Middle/Last Name:______
Street Address:______
City/State/Zip Code:______
Daytime Phone Number: ( )______
E-mail Address:______
Pending Case Number(s) in this Court:______
By signing below, I certify that the information provided above is true and correct.
Date: ______Signature: ______
Pro Se Litigant Consent
Should my Application for Pro Se Litigantto File Electronically be approved, I,
, the undersigned pro se litigant agree and consent to the following:
1. To abide by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure,andtheLocalRulesfortheUnitedStatesDistrictCourtforthe Districtof Minnesota.
2. IunderstandthattheprovisionsofLocalRule5.1,“ElectronicCaseFiling,”the“Order AdoptingElectronicCaseFilingProcedures”signedbytheCourtonMay17,2004,and themostrecentversionoftheCourt’sCivilandCriminalECFProceduresGuidesforthe DistrictofMinnesotaapplytoelectronicfilinginthisDistrictandIagreetoabidebyall provisions set forth therein.
3. Iagreethatallmytransmissionsforelectronicfilingsofpleadingsanddocumentstothe ECF system shall be titled inaccordance with the approved directory of civil and criminal events in theECF system.
4. I understand and agree that I must obtain a PACER account in order to file electronically in the District of Minnesota. I understand that I can obtain a PACER account at:
5. IagreethatthecombinationofmyUsername and Passwordwillserveasmysignaturefor purposesoftheFederalRulesofCivilandCriminalProcedure. Ifurtheragreetoprotect thesecurityofmypassword. IfIbelieveitisbeingusedwithoutmypermission,Iwill change my password andwill informthe Clerk of Court by telephone of the misuse.
6. IhavereadandIunderstandtheprovisionsofFederalRuleofCivilProcedure11andI understandthattheprovisionsofRule11applywithfullforceandeffectto all documents filed using ECF.
7. IconsenttoreceiveserviceofnoticeofCourtOrdersandjudgmentselectronically throughtheCourt’sECFsystem underFederalRuleofCivilProcedure 77(d)andFederal RuleofCriminalProcedure49(c),andItherebyagreetowaive serviceofsuchnoticeby othermeansunderFederalRulesofCivilProcedure5(b)(2) and77(d)andFederalRule of Criminal Procedure 49(c).
8. IconsenttoreceiveelectronicservicethroughtheCourt’sECFsystemofpleadingsand otherpapersunderFederalRuleofCivilProcedure5,andIthereby agreeto waive service by other means under Federal Rule ofCivil Procedure 5(b)(2) and Federal Rule of CriminalProcedure49,unlessservicebyelectronicmeansis notallowed underthe Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and Criminal Procedure.
9. IunderstandthatIwillreceivetheinitialelectroniccopyofadocumentfiledatno charge whenIam anofficialrecipientofthedocument(the“freelook”provisionin ECF). After that,Iunderstandthatallremoteelectronicaccesstothecasefile documentsoccurs throughtheJudiciary’sPACERsystemand I understand that I will be charged an access fee at a per-page rate.
10. IunderstandthatIcanviewelectronicdocumentsanddocketsheetsinperson atthe
four divisionalClerk’sOfficesintheDistrictofMinnesotaatnochargeonthepublic access terminals.
11. IunderstandthatabuseofECFaccessprivilegeswillresultinrevocationofmy ECF access.
12. IunderstandthatmyECFaccesswillbedeactivatedfollowingclosureofmy pending matter(s) and the expiration of all applicable appeal periods.
13. Iagreetoupdateanychangestomycontactinformation,includingmye-mailaddress, I must do so through my PACER account and/or usingtheUtilitiestabinECF.
Date: ______Signature of Applicant: ______
Warren E. Burger Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse
Attn: Admissions
316 North Robert Street, Suite 100
St. Paul, MN 55101
*The Clerk of Court will not accept this application transmitted electronically or by facsimile.
The application must be submitted to the Clerk of Court with the original ink or wet signature.
PLEASE NOTE IN ADDITION to mailingor delivering this application to the above address, I understand that I MUST also applyfor electronic filing access through the “Non-Attorney E-File Registration” option with the District of Minnesota through my PACER ACCOUNT.
For detailed step by step instructions, click here. If you have any questions about this application form or the application process, please contact an Admissions Clerk at 651-848-1100 or the ecf helpdesk .
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