Issue No. 6 / March/April 2003
Contacts...... 1
Interviews & Articles...2
Events...... 4
Reminders & Updates.....5
Other Information...... 5 / MISSIONSTATEMENT
As citizens of the United States, we seek to focus public awareness on America’s serious border problems and to encourage support and respect for the many federal, state, and local Law Enforcement Officers who risk their lives daily in the protection of our nation.
Our efforts are dedicated to the memory of
Kristopher William Eggle.
“To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men.” – Abraham Lincoln
It has now been over eight months since Kris’ murder. We have made many contacts that have helped us keep Kris’ story alive by talking about him on websites, by email, in the neighborhoods and towns, and also by contacting members of Congress and the leadership of our country. This is very important because Kris is the face of the common man; he is the face of the hardworking, dedicated, taxpaying American who tried to do his best everyday, even when the elements were not in his favor. His murder has caused our family much grief and pain, but we must stay focused on our mission to bring changes to the Law Enforcement structure of the National Park Service, to inform citizens what our border with Mexico is really like, to become advocates for major immigration reforms, and to encourage people from around our country to make our nation a much stronger and safer place. Please continue to support us with your help and through your thoughts and prayers.
Spring is slowly coming—the annual renewal we have always greatly enjoyed, as did Kris. Soon the fields will green, the trees will bud, flowers will blossom, and calves and fawns will come. Kris and the family had “ringside seats” to experience this beauty and to dialogue about these newborn qualities of nature and how that also affected the faith and inner renewal in each of our lives.
The Eggle Family
9051 30 ½ Mile Road
Cadillac, MI 49601
Phone: 231-775-8266
Fax: 231-775-7221 (call first)
/ The Meredith Family (Julie)
P.O. Box 516
East Jordan, MI 49727
Phone: 231-536-3578
Fax: 231-536-0357

CBS EVENING NEWS—February 13th
Allyson Taylor, Executive Producer for the Dan Rather Show, contacted us to do a phone and email interview about Kris’ death and the problems with the illegal aliens crossing the border. CBS had done a documentary with Dan Wirth (NPS Special Agent) and Randall Kendrick (Ret.NPS Ranger and Executive Director of U.S. Park Rangers’ Lodge) in a piece entitled, “Coming to America: A Walk in the Park.” Allyson and Sheryl Attkison have put together another interview where they featured Bob, some Congressmen and some Rangers as they visited the border during the week of February 18th-22nd and also the scene of Kris’ murder. CBS also came to D.C. on the 28th to film our family as we received the award for Kris’ heroism. This piece should be ready to be shown on national television soon. We want to thank CBS, Allyson, and Sheryl for understanding the gravity of this situation with our out-of-control borders and taking the time to talk to us about how this tragedy has affected our lives.
This issue again highlights the dangers at “The Wildest Park in America.” Writer Annette McGivney has written a gripping piece illustrating many of the dangers facing visitors and Law Enforcement Rangers/Officers who work in the area. She asks, “Do you want a taste of old-fashioned frontier adventure? Come to Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, a park with many faces—nearly all of them dangerous.” She further states that in no other place is the Border War more intense. Crowds of illegal invaders bring trash, violence, vehicles, drugs and weapons. Armed drug smugglers far outnumber the visitors and the Federal Officers, and caught in the midst of this is a fragile ecosystem that is systematically being destroyed by these illegal invaders. Annette goes on to say, “Organ Pipe is up for grabs; its future tangled in the politics of drugs, terrorism, and illegal immigration. There are peaceful places still to hike, if you have the guts and know exactly where to go. And it is an extraordinarily wild place, as a lawless frontier where freedom and danger go hand-in-hand. After you have seen the park’s contradictions up close, you might face one yourself: The last place you’d ever want to hike may be the place that needs you most.” Steve Howe did the photo display with very dramatic pictures. The more people see for themselves, the more they are convinced this Park and many others should have been protected much more rigorously years ago, instead of now trying to play catch-up after the murder of Kris Eggle. Bo Stone, one of the Law Enforcement Rangers who has worked there for 2 years says, “Cactus-huggers need not apply.” To fill out his depleted staff, Organ Pipe’s Stone wants what he calls “Danger Rangers”—a new breed of Park Police skilled with weapons, not just nature talks. To find more about this article, go to
Writer Dan White interviewed Bob about changes being made at Organ Pipe. They also discussed what Bob and the Congressmen hoped to achieve by taking another trip back to southern Arizona and to the border. Dan reviewed the different activities that had already happened and the interviews we had previously done. The Free Press has done a very good coverage of the tragedy of Kris’ murder and the steps our family and friends have made to ensure this does not happen again. Our thanks again to their staff and to Dan.
Owen S. Good, staff writer, and Maria Avila, photographer, joined the Congressional delegation as they toured the border area of Lukeville, Arizona where Kris was murdered last August 9th. Like the rest of the delegation, the reporters were also aghast at what they saw—a broken down fence or no fence serving as a border between two countries. Owen stated that the shoulder-high wire fence does no more to stop people than a first base line stops a foul ball. He heard people from different agencies tell stories of dangerous situations, and also noted how Congressman Tom Tancredo is asking for this issue to be elevated to the point of debate. Rep. Tancredo wants an up or down vote on securing the borders with the military until enough Federal Law Enforcement Officers can be trained and put in place to properly manage these hundreds of miles. Mr. Good also gave the opposing side’s viewpoint in his piece. We appreciate this forthright commentary and reporting and want to thank Owen for attending this meeting at the border and seeing for himself the devastation, destruction, and dangers there.
Tom Carr again interviewed us about the border situation, changes in National Park Service Law Enforcement, and the continuing problems with illegal aliens who cross our borders nonstop. Money has been set aside for the anti-vehicle barrier across Organ Pipe Cactus and Coronado National Monuments, but the donations of railroad ties are going to take a while. We also are encouraged that new permanent Law Enforcement staff is being hired—there are now 7 permanents on the ground and an Acting Chief Ranger. When Kris was murdered there were 4 permanents. Our appreciation again goes to Tom Carr for his insightful writing. To contact Tom or other staff members at the Record Eagle, please email Bill Thomas at .
CADILLAC NEWS—February 22nd & 23rd
Shannon McVay, staff writer, interviewed Bob and Congressman Peter Hoekstra on their recent trip to the Arizona/Mexico border where Kris was murdered. Visiting the area was a lesson in contrasts for Rep. Hoekstra, who stated, “At some of these areas, there is no border at all. It is nothing more than an imaginary line in the sand. We were at a part of the border right near where Kris was killed where folks from Mexico have ripped up our fence and used it to help fence in their pasture. They’ve taken the area over.” He also said, “It’s clear that an open border, as open as the border with Mexico is, is a threat to national security.” Shannon continues to follow our case and can be reached at .
Chris Simcox, owner and operator of this quaint western newspaper, submitted Representative Tom Tancredo’s floor speech from March 5th., entitled “Heroes on the Border.” He talked about Kristopher as a hero “on the front lines on a battlefield where people pay far too little attention to. He gave his life in the service to this country, and certainly deserves the designation as homeland hero.” Congressman Tancredo went on to introduce another homeland hero, Kris’ father, Bob. “Mr. Eggle is an incredible individual with whom I had the opportunity to spend some time in Arizona just a couple of weeks ago. He has become an incredibly articulate spokesman for the cause of homeland security. He understands fully that security begins with the security of our border.” In closing Mr. Tancredo stated, “Kris Eggle’s life was taken. Bob Eggle lives to tell us the tale, to help work toward changes, and to ask us to remember. That is the least we can do for Mr. Eggle, a true homeland hero.” Visit or email Chris at .
Staff writer Marta Drahos contacted us for comments about the legislation Rep. Peter Hoekstra (MI) and Rep. Tom Tancredo (CO) had submitted before the House. This legislation is seeking to rename the Visitor’s Center at Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument after Kristopher. Our family is very honored and humbled by this tribute, but at the same time we want continued pressure to stay on government leaders and agency officials to protect and defend the citizens of our country from foreigners who break our laws. We also want to know efforts are being made to secure our borders.
Writer Matt Whetstone also wanted our thoughts on the tribute being paid to Kris by Congressmen Pete Hoekstra and Tom Tancredo. Again we expressed our gratitude and feelings of blessings at how people had tried to make Kris’ sacrifice more meaningful. Through the different articles, interviews, and tributes being paid, we hope his legacy will continue to live on, and in so doing; Kris will be helping others as they hear about his story. Again, our thanks go to Congressmen Hoekstra and Tancredo for their ongoing discussions with co-workers about these dangerous risks that exist for our citizens and our national security.
John Clark, a Florida filmmaker, contacted us to do a documentary about Kris’ murder, the situations that caused his death, and to discuss the illegal invasion and what these people are doing to our lands, public and private. Bob, Bonnie, and friend Art Stevens did a live interview for this documentary. We will look forward to its completion. There will be other people interviewed as well. John will also show pictures of the hordes of illegal aliens coming across the border and into our country as uninvited guests. His email address is .
More Congressional attention is beginning to focus on our Arizona/Mexico border. Bob was invited to join the delegation of Hoekstra (Michigan), Tancredo (Colorado), and Shaddeg (Arizona) to this border and view the problems first hand. The tour began in Tucson, with travel to Coronado National Forest, Sierra Vista, Naco, Douglas, Apache, Bisbee, and Organ Pipe Cactus, all heavy smuggling corridors for illegal invaders, drugs, and weapons. Additionally, the group spent two days with ranchers on the border who told horror stories of their constant and often dangerous encounters with smugglers and illegal invaders. These ranchers and their families live in a combat zone and they are under severe stress.
While still at Organ Pipe, the group received a brief by the Tohono O’oddam Nation leaders about how the smuggling has caused a severe crisis for the people living there, and how the Federal authorities have largely ignored this. These gentlemen were the first Congressmen to visit them in years. Even their own Arizona Representative Kolbe has continued to ignore them!! At Organ Pipe Cactus they visited the scene of Kris’ murder and viewed the still gaping holes in the fence that constitutes our border. The mood at Kris’ murder scene was emotional and seemed to grip the Congressmen and steel their resolve. Organ Pipe has recently announced approval of a $7 million barricade fence on which construction will begin this fall. This anti-vehicular barrier had been requested several times before. The latest requests were in 1998 and 1999, but were denied as too costly and tabled for more study. The NPS priorities were to build or remodel Visitor Centers and bathrooms, and to do more research on plants and wildlife. Since Kris’ murder, the NPS set in motion a plan to start reallocating existing budget, not newly appropriated funding.
Hoekstra and Tancredo returned to D.C. with a resolve to work even harder on border and immigration reform issues. An “uphill battle” they have as indicated by the fact that Congressman Tancredo sent a personal invitation before this trip to every member of Congress, but these were relatively ignored. This intransigence by our elected officials is unbelievably sad. Recent communication from Peter Hoekstra indicates he knows Asa Hutchinson, the newly appointed Law Enforcement head of Homeland Security. Pete stated he plans to arrange a meeting for our family with Mr. Hutchinson so we can dialogue about border issues. If this meeting takes place, that will be another access for us.
Congressman Mark Souder and Senator John McCain recently visited the border on different trips. During the Souder trip, there was an arrest of 1000 # of drugs right near the Reservation School. This cemented the fact to this group that more Federal Law Enforcement Officers need to be placed along the borders. No word has come yet on the McCain trip.
“CAUTIOUSLY OPTIMISTIC” is our feeling now. Immigration and border reforms will not be quick, so please continue your communications to the Agencies and to Congress. It is important to remember that the National Parks account for 10% of the Canadian Border (100 miles) and 37% of the Mexican Border (300+ miles). As of January 29th, there were 10 NPS Officers on the Canadian Border and 30 NPS Officers on the Mexican Border. Thanks to each of you for your help as we continue to bring this valuable information to light.
Our family was invited to attend the 25th Anniversary Banquet in Washington, D.C. This association’ officers, whose members are over 19,000, hosted it. There was a beautiful catered meal, special music, a guest speaker, and the awards ceremony. Several different categories of awards were given, including News Awards, Bravery Awards, Awards of Appreciation, and Heroism Awards. Our family received the Heroism Award, given posthumously to Kris. He was given this because he went above and beyond his job description to help others at risk. Our thanks again go out to all the members involved who helped make this event a wonderful tribute to so many deserving recipients. A special thanks goes to our friend Dan Wirth who is a Special Agent for the NPS and also the Southwest Border Coordinator for the U.S. Department of the Interior.
The Tenth Annual Michigan Law Enforcement Officers Candlelight Memorial Service will be held at the Capitol Building in Lansing on May 5th at 6:00 p.m. There will be a legislative tribute to honor the 4 officers killed in the line-of-duty since last May. Each family will receive a memorial plaque. There will be speakers, music, and tributes to all men and women who have ever worn the badge of a peace officer. These activities will take about 1½ hours, with refreshments served afterwards in the Rotunda. If you are in the area, please come and join Bonnie, Jennifer, and other family and friends for this event.


The event will be held at 7:00pm on Monday, May 5th in Phoenix. The memorial will be a candlelight service on the Wesley Bolin Plaza at the State Capitol. Bob will be traveling to Arizona for this service and looks forward to seeing any of our ‘southwest folks’ who can attend. For additional details, contact Mary Ellen Carnero at the Arizona Attorney General’s office, (602)-542-8410.