Heckington Village Trust
Is presenting
With official opening by
Writer, historian and radio personality Alan Stennett
This year sees the 150th anniversary of the opening of the station and the railway line through Heckington. An exhibition and a large display of model railways is to be held at the school on the weekend of Saturday 11th April, which is 150 years to the day when the event took place that would change the village forever.
This date falls on Easter weekend and so it is planned to have a celebration in Heckington Saint Andrew’s school hall Howell Road, Heckington, with as much involvement as possible by the schoolchildren. The Village Trust have compiled a history CD with text and photographs and this together with Trust historical publications, has been supplied the school who are incorporating the information in with their curriculum studies of Victorian history.
Anyone who is interested in taking part or thinks that they may have something to contribute are welcome to contact any of the phone numbers or email addresses below.
Chairman Peter Marshall on 01529469595.
Honorary Secretary Pat Banister on 01529460709.
HVTMRC. Peter Harris
HVTMRC. David Pagan
On Saturday 11th April from 10.00am to 5.00pm. The new ‘N’ gauge rail display of Heckington Station in its heyday is on schedule to be ready for the big event. This is currently under construction by the members of the Heckington Village Trust Model Railway Club based at the Heritage and Railway Museum, Station Road, Heckington. There is planned to be at least four other layouts there as well. It is planned that a PowerPoint presentation will also be put together with historical information and photographs. This will be left running on a ‘loop’ so that visitors can watch it at their leisure. Refreshments are being organised by the Heckington Guides and Brownies. Representatives of the Railway Police have said they will attend as well as Community Rail Development Manager Chris Watson.
There will be an admission charge of £1 for adults with accompanied children being admitted free. It was thought not to be wise to admit unaccompanied children for various reasons not least of which would be health and safety. Any profit made from the event will go to local village charities.