Krav Maga Self Defence Academy Monthly News Letter
Hi everyone. Well all in all its been a busy September with seminars down south for Mitch and his Full Urban Contact Training club and special IPS courses in Eccles for the guys from Liverpool. Both of which we're very enjoyable and I'd like to say thanks to everyone who attended these and also our own September seminars, I'm not sure why it is but Krav certainly does seem to bring out a sense of camaraderie and its allways a pleasure to teach.
Octobers looking no less busy with the instructors and intensive course running from the 9th October onwards. If your still contemplating attending these courses then I've extended the final booking date to Friday 5th October. For those of you who are booked on the courses then I've also now added a final payment option to the website to allow you to pay via our PayPal option.
Some bad news I'm afraid with regards to us moving to the Larger F1 unit. Despite assurances from the landlord informing me the roof had now been fixed I'm afraid to say, following the rains last week this simply isnt the case and because of this the move is now once more on hold. Other than that, all I can say is that as a club we are committed to finding new, more suitable and larger premises and to this end I have also now started to look at other options and available units in the Eccles area.
With regards to the new style “core component” classes. I'm now thinking of testing the new timetable before we move and as such this will hopefully commence week starting the 22nd October once the instructors course has completed.
Last Chance to book your places for Octobers Instructors and Intensive courses.
7 Day Instructor Courses Starting 9th October
Want To Become a Krav Maga Instructor
The last course for 2012! Sign up now to make sure your club is set-up and running for the post Christmas “I need to get fit” surge
This event is a 7 Day Level 1 Israeli Martial Arts Krav Maga Instructors course where all aspects of the KMSD (UK) Israeli Martial Arts syllabus will be taught including both basic and advanced Krav Maga and Kapap techniques. Along with the outlined syllabus taught in the 5 day Intensive training event Instructor candidates will also receive specialist Instructor training which will allow them to teach and conduct their own classes while adhering to the Israeli Martial Arts teaching format. The basic course outline is shown on our website and is enhanced with more specialist instructor training and final examination taking place on the second weekend.
Final payment option now added to the website at
5 Day Intensive Training Event
In Krav Maga there is a saying that 'one solution will solve many problems'. Longer sessions such as our 5 day courses allow students to better understand and see how one technique applied against a knife can also be applied against a gun and even a punch, this is what we call cross training and the benefits to the students can be beyond reproach. The course offers 40 + hours of training back to back. If you were to attend the standard one weekly class each week it would take you over 6 months to amass this many hours but then you would have to work out your level of information retention. Also bare in mind how much time you save by not having to spend 20 minutes of each class doing a warm up and other general repartition techniques.
Final payment option now added to the website at
3rd Party & VIP protection - 10th November
Ok, so we're not talking about defending the Prime Minster here but what would you do if your out shopping one day and all of a sudden a knife is put against your wife's or husbands throat and a demand is made for your wallet and purses?!
You may be the best martial arts expert in the world but defending a partner or associate is something entirely different. Not only do you have to work out and accept the risks to yourself but you also have to consider and accept the risks of your actions to the person in danger. To minimise those risks knowing good techniques and understanding the principles of defending a third party can make a world of difference.
In this seminar the first thing we're going to teach you is how to asses the threat. Its not rocket science but in the above scenario why not simply give the attackers your wallet and purse?! If they then let you go and no escalation in violence takes place then this has to be a good thing! But what happens if they simply want more, maybe now their forcing you into a car to take you to a cash till or worse, maybe their taking you somewhere else. Are you going to trust the words of these people and if so, to what point?!
Once we've had time to asses the threats and risks, the time to react comes. In this seminar your 'll learn how to move and re-direct a VIP away from a incoming attack. In some instances this may mean applying distraction techniques to allow you to preemptively move between the attacker and the VIP. In other instances you may have to forcefully apply techniques to re-direct the VIP out of the way of an immediate attack and then move to block and counter that attack. We'll teach you basic techniques for when you need to rescue someone from a fight or brawl so you don't become a victim yourself and finally we'll teach you weapon threats against a VIP such as a knife to their throat or a gun to their head.
Course length 4 hours, Price £29.00
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