
KPTC – Committee Meeting Minutes –20 October2015


Present –P Budd, N Eaton; J Byrne, G Newnham, D Simpson,V Daggers, B Liu, S Close, D Fairy, B Tuckerman, D Edgley

Apologies – W Booth


Minutes of the previous meeting- held on Tuesday 9 September at 7.30 pm were approved


New action itemsarising from this meeting (see details in the minutes):

Item: / Lead / Due Date
Singles championship final incorporated with round robin doubles. – incorporated with Xmas event and bbq. Date 22 Nov. Brad to send email draft to Peter. – Social Doubles tournament can involve other non-members. Emails will be sent out advertising this event.. / Brad/Don/Peter / End of October
Junior tennis tournament has beenpostponed till Nov 15. 11 names already register.Information has been distributed to juniors. Don to email all members again. Mark to utilize his personal facebook. / Mark Walsh/Don / End of Oct
FOB system: Passwords in relation to computer to be stored in steel cabinet. / Don / ASAP
Committee decisions: Various actions from the committee decisions are in progress. The high priorities to be reported on at the next meeting. / various / November meeting

Action items completed:

Grant – Peter applied to purchase a ball machine

Action items still to be completed (carried over):

  • Club house items. (Jeff B). To be discussed at the priorities meeting.
  • Coaching agreement (Jeff B). 2 signed copies given to Dylan.
  • Men’s showers (Dylan E)

To be discussed at the priorities meeting.

  • TV Health Check: (Peter B)TV health check has been submitted to TV. Some errors within it need attention..
  • TV Future leaders program: The committee agreed that we should promote this with our junior members before the program in July 2016
  • Repairs to light posts: Don tabled quote of $1700 for possible repair to 2 light posts. We will discuss with WHC about the possibility of the council funding this


1.Sub-committees for the year (Jeff)

There are to be 2 sub committees - Club Operations, Club Promotions. There are suggested group allocations as follows:

Club Operations: Don, Steve, Nicole, Gary, Dylan

Club Promotions: Ben, Peter, Jeff, Brad, Gayle, Warren, Debra

Club Operations report:

Don was elected convenor.

New Chairs:Lower priority (3) given the cost of $5K approx.

Retiling of showers: This rated highly (1) and will be completedas soon as possible – Don/Lou

Paint pine wall: This was rated moderate (2) and will be done within 6-12 months. There is a need to examine the wall for damage.

Kitchen gadgets: Older items will be replaced over time.Further input from mid week Ladies

New curtains on Springfield rd side: – High priority (1). President to raise with the Ladies committee to take on this task.

Possible synthetic courts: – This was rated moderate (2). Review other possible versions other than synthetic. Start investigating 12months timeframe.– Dylan to lead

Lights on remaining courts: This suggestion was rejected as there is no current requirement.

Ball machine: Only if successful with grant.

Renewed BBQ area: This was rated highly (1),6-12 months timeframe, plans to be developed.- Gary to lead

More seating for spectators:This item was rejected. – possible further planting, mature trees, $500 grant possible.

Repair bent fence posts: This item was rejected

Calendar: Gary to assist Peter in getting the calendar back onto the website

Honour boards: – Moderate priority (2). Look to get a more modern design – Dylan tolead.

Wall mosaic clock decoration: – This item was rated moderate (2). Mosaic design using old racquets, 0-6 months timeframe – Gary to lead

Light boxes replacement with lighter weight more modern lights:This item was rated high (1),6-12 months timeframe- Don to lead. Health and safety concerns.

Water tank project: – This item was rated high (1), gather further information in order to be able to approach the Church again for water rights. 0-6 months timeframe– Don to lead

Club Promotions report (Ben convenor)

Promoting of hiring out of courts to casual players. This is not a high priority. The committee has already agreed to restrict court hire to groups such as school etc...

More flexible membership categories This is a high priority (1). Peter to investigate and come back with suggestions. Plan to make changes ready for renewal period in July.

Night/weekend tennis for beginners/non members. This is a moderate priority (2) but is linked into an item regarding adult coaching below.

Discount membership for parents playing tennis with their children who are members. This is a high priority (1). Peter to investigate.

Promotion within schools/shopping centres/leaflet drops. This is a high priority (1) 0-3 months. Current thoughts are to promote a 3 month summer membership for new players at a minimal cost. Jeff to lead.

More social tennis/adult group coaching sessions. This is a high priority (1). Brad to flesh-out possible logistics, timing and costings.

Revisit membership survey. This is a moderate priority (2)

Revival of club sponsorship program.This is a moderate priority (2). Look for a club member gifted in marketing to lead.



The September Treasurer’s report was accepted.

Need to invoice the coach the first quarter payment.



Mid week ladies:



Don has a list of members who are not financial that are currently playing -20

We currently have 221 members.


Season has started




Next Committee Meeting

Next meetingTuesday 10th November at 7:30pm.

Meeting closed at 9:30 pm

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