A monthly account of
the Delaware County
Intermediate Unit’s
Board of Directors Meeting. / CONNECTION

Board of Directors

John C. McMeekin, II
Edward J. Cardow
Vice President
Thomas C. Brown
Treasurer, Nonmember
Theresa Hammond
Secretary, Nonmember
Maureen Carey
Jennifer Cheung
Nancy Galbraith
Michael J. Hanlon
Philip R. Hopkins
Stanley L. Johnson
John Liberati
Wanda Mann
Harry J. McElwee
William Montgomery
Christine Phillips
Dorothy Reed
Kimberly SanGiorgio
Christopher McGinley
Executive Director
Michael V. Puppio, Jr.
Adriene M. Irving
Editor / The Delaware County Intermediate Unit Board of Directors met on
November 7, 2007. The following are highlights from the meeting:
·  Approved the creation of several new full time Early Intervention positions, including Itinerant Teachers, Service Coordinators and therapists.
·  Approved a contract with Radnor Township School District for DCIU to provide special education services at Presbyterian Children’s Village during 2007-08 in the amount of $172,000.
·  Approved a contract with Nazareth Area School District for DCIU to provide travel instruction training during 2007-08 for a school-aged student at a cost of $125 per hour.
·  Continue to contract with PJM Associates, Inc. to provide a music program for preschool deaf and hard of hearing children two days per month during 2007-08 at a cost not to exceed $1,260. Funds are being provided through an Education Foundation grant and a generous parent donation.
·  Approved the creation of two full-time temporary School Improvement Specialist positions effective until August 20, 2008. Positions will be funded through a PDE school improvement contract.
·  Approved contracts with several individuals to facilitate collaboration between member school district Curriculum Coordinators, from November 8, 2007 until August 20, 2008 in an amount not to exceed $4,000 per individual.
·  Approved a contract with Allegheny Intermediate Unit to provide school improvement services as per DCIU’s contract with PDE effective November 8, 2007 to August 20, 2008 at a cost not to exceed $100,000.
·  Approved a contract with the Small Business Service Center for 2007 Act 1 mailing services of an estimated 47,300 Homestead Applications at a cost of $.19 per mailing and approximately $.3210 for postage. All costs will be reimbursed by the participating school districts.
·  Recognized the STARS recipients for the month of November, listed on the attached page.
·  Presented outgoing Board member Jennifer Cheung with a plaque in appreciation for her years of service on the DCIU Board of Directors. As this was Mrs. Cheung’s final meeting, Vice President, Edward Cardow thanked her and wished her well in her future endeavors.
·  Next meeting: December 5, 2007

Sharing Talent and Recognizing Service


Congratulations to the following STARS nominees for November 2007:

Nominee: Michele Hagar

Michele is being acknowledged and thanked for all of her outstanding qualities. She willingly took on the role of a mentor for two years in a row. She went above and beyond her requirements in order to train her colleagues as professional DCIU counselors. She made them feel welcomed, supported, and confident in their new roles. She generously shared her knowledge, work experiences, and resources and continues to do so. Her passion for what she does as a counselor is inspiring and she is admired by many for her dedication and loyalty to her students, schools, and colleagues. Her continued professionalism and compassion as a school counselor and as a friend are greatly appreciated and she is a well respected role model. These are just some of the many reasons she is deserving of this recognition.

Nominee: Rosemary Samuels

Rosemary consistently puts forth her best effort for the students she serves as a speech and language therapist. She uses a great deal of creativity and a tremendous amount of her own time when developing the therapy materials that her students both enjoy and benefit from. In addition, Rosemary generously shares her ideas and materials with fellow speech therapists on a regular basis, both during discipline meetings and after school hours. She is always willing to help a colleague with a difficult case or issue. Rosemary often takes on the added work and responsibility of student interns. There is no doubt that Rosemary deserves to be recognized as the committed, dedicated, and compassionate professional that she is.

Nominee: Jane Link Pangborn

During 2006-07, Jane worked tirelessly to gather and compile information useful for teachers and Personal Care Assistants. This information was essential in creating Early Intervention’s current booklet on PCA guidelines. She is truly a team player and a leader among her peers. She has made numerous suggestions to improve Early Intervention programming and systems and have pulled EI staff together for the common goal whenever necessary. We commend her for her hard work, for going the extra mile, for thinking outside the box and for being committed to the children and the betterment of the organization.

Nominee: Linda Navarro

Linda is a teacher assistant at the Marple Center. She is by far an asset to our organization. Linda is always professional and pleasant with parents, teachers, and administrators. She makes everyone around her feel comfortable either in person or on the phone. Linda's responsibilities are many and she does them so well. While trying to input data for Title I and Act 89 students (those who are enrolled in remedial reading and math, speech and language, counseling, DET, and Psychological testing) she is ordering supplies, organizing materials, HELPING 28 TEACHERS, and never missing answering a ringing phone. The helping 28 teachers is certainly not an easy task. Nothing is ever too much for Linda. No matter what is asked of her she does it with a smile on her face. When Linda is out sick it seems that things are out of sorts and we all can't wait until she gets back to the office. Linda is like the Marple Center "Mom". Her generous and thoughtful manner is something we should all admire. And we at the Marple Center certainly do. No one deserves this award more than Linda Navarro.

Nominee: Becky Millsbaugh

Becky is an expert in so many facets of what we do in Professional Development. She is our go-to person for technology issues and possesses a wealth of knowledge that supports the programs and students served by the IU and its programs. Most importantly, she is willing to assist anyone at any time and does so in a supportive, helpful way.

Nominee: Nancy Urban

Nancy has taken on additional responsibilities as the school secretary at the Don Guanella School. In an office usually run by two, Nancy has had the sole responsibility this school year of making sure all of her designated duties are completed and she also has done so many things for the teachers and students that are not part of her job description. She has always maintained a positive attitude. Nancy has a work ethic that makes her an exemplary part of the DCIU.