Koi purchases – Terms and conditions of purchase


Please note that all koi purchased or reserved must be paid for in full at the time of purchase, regardless of whether quarantine has been completed or not.

When you reserve a Koi with us you are agreeing to purchase the fish in question at the price quoted. If for any reason you subsequently decide not to take the chosen fish then we will attempt to resell your Koi as soon as possible, but should we fail to do so within 3 months you will be required to remove it from our premises.

Should any koi purchased die whilst in quarantine we will refund the purchase price in full or offer an alternative fish of the same value.

We keep all new Koi imports for a suitable period of between 4 – 8 weeks in quarantine. During this period our koi will receive appropriate checks and treatments where necessary in order to ensure that they remain in prime health whilst at our premises.

When purchasing koi our customers are advised to leave them with us until quarantine has been completed even if they have adequate quarantine facilities. Those customers wishing to quarantine stocks themselves do so entirely at their own risk and on the understanding that we can accept no responsibility whatsoever for the koi’s well being once they leave our premises.

When collected we strongly advise our customers to keep their new purchases in quarantine for at least a further month before mixing with existing koi stocks. However, quarantining koi in inadequate facilities will do more harm than good and if you do not have quarantine tanks large enough for the koi you have purchased then in our view it is far better to house your new koi in your main pond. We are happy to provide guidance on an individual basis as required.

We cannot accept responsibility for health problems once koi have left our premises and been housed in customers’ ponds, but we will always do whatever we can to assist customers with advice and guidance on all aspects of aftercare.Please ask if you are unsure about any aspects of Koi husbandry before collecting your koi.

At the end of the quarantine period we ask that you collect your new purchases at your convenience. Whilst we are normally able to keep koi even after quarantine has been completed for a short time, we reserve the right to apply a suitable charge to cover ‘board and lodgings’.This charge will automatically be levied on any Koi left with us for more than a month after quarantine is complete at £10 per fish per month.

Please note however that we can only offer a ‘board and lodgings’ service if we have adequate water space to do so!

However,regardless of space issues we can only keep customers’ koi for a maximum of 3 months after quarantine has been completed. Any koi left with us after this time are liable to be resold or otherwise disposed of. Proceeds from such a resale will be returned to the original customer less any board and lodgings fees which have accrued plus a handling charge.

Customers leaving fish in our care do so entirely at their own risk. We cannot accept responsibility for koi left in our care after quarantine is completed.