Kodak Kiosk Locator

Unit Test Plan Document


Version 1.0


Team kiLO

Sponsored by Kodak

Team kiLO Kodak Kiosk Locator – Unit Test Plan


Version / Primary Author(s) / Description of Version / Date Completed /
1.0 / Shawn Ellis / Initial revision. Document creation / 03/10/2006
1.1 / Shawn Ellis / Edited based on tests review / 3/16/2006

KodakKioskLocator_UnitTestPlan.doc (3/16/2006) Page i

Team kiLO Kodak Kiosk Locator – Unit Test Plan

1 Introduction

1.1 Objectives

The Kodak Kiosk Locator is a client server software product. It will provide assistance in finding the location of Kodak Kiosks to users of mobile devices. This document will outline the system test plan that is in place and testing responsibilities.

1.2 Scope

This document should be used as a reference of the testing methodologies used by the kiLO team.

1.3 References

Version / Document Name / Document Location /
1.0 / Project Schedule / Current kiLO Project Schedule.mpp
1.3 / Software Requirements Specification / KodakKioskLocator_SoftwareRequirementsSpecification.doc
1.0 / Error Message Document / KodakKioskLocator_ErrorMessage.doc

1.4 Outstanding Issues

Issues not covered within this document include the unit testing document. This area will be addressed as more detailed design of the system takes place.

1.5 Approvals

To proceed with the testing of the system, the team and project sponsor must sign-off on the system test plan document.

1.6 Test Responsibilities

1.6.1 Team kiLO

Team kiLO will carry out all testing related to the operation of the Kiosk Locator software. This includes, but is not limited to, providing regression tests, testing methodologies, test tracking, code inspections and removal as well as defect tracking and removal. Team kiLO will also keep this document up to date as per the status of the project.

1.6.2 Project Sponsor

The role of the project sponsor is to sign off on key testing decisions as the project moves forward.

1.7 Defect Reporting and Data Recording

The defect reporting mechanism used for this project is Bugzilla. Bugzilla is currently installed on the project server and can be accessed at this address:

Data obtained while testing will be recorded and the results saved; a testing results document will be established to record such information. Other information that will be recorded is: the laptop that was used to test and the internet connection method that was used.

2 Tests

2.1 Test Description

The following sections will describe the test cases that will be performed. All Error Message in the form of E followed by a number should be referenced from the Error Message Document located in section 1.3 above.

2.1.1 Client

·  Verify Client can receive geo-coordinates

·  Verify geo-coordinates are valid (Visual Test)

·  JRS-Service is down – Ask user for zip code

·  JRS-Service is down – Invalid zip code displays error message E4

·  Verify Client can make HTTP Requests successfully

·  Client must handle unsuccessful HTTP Requests due to timeout after 10 sec

·  Error message E2 must be displayed if HTTP Request times out

·  When Error message E2 is displayed the user is given the option to Retry the request

·  Client must handle unsuccessful HTTP Requests due to corruption

·  Client receives kiosklist.xml properly formatted

·  Client receives map.xml properly formatted

·  Client receives text.xml properly formatted

·  Client must handle improperly formatted kiosklist.xml file

·  Client must handle improperly formatted map.xml file

·  Client must handle improperly formatted text.xml file

·  Kiosk Locations are displayed on the screen properly (Visual Test)

·  Kiosk Locations show their number in the list

·  Kiosk Locations show the current users distance from the kiosk

·  Kiosk Locations show the kiosk address

·  Kiosk Locations show the phone number of the kiosk location

·  Kiosk Locations list size is correct & screen displays correctly – when 1 kiosk listed

·  Kiosk Locations list size is correct & screen displays correctly – when 20 kiosk listed

·  When 0 kiosks are listed error message E3 must be displayed (Visual Test)

·  Kiosk Locations list strings are truncated if too long (Visual Test)

·  Kiosk Locations list strings wrap if they are under the truncation limit but longer than the screen

·  Kiosk Locations are shown in order of distance (closest at the top, further way at bottom) (Visual Test)

·  Highlight the 1st Kiosk Location

·  Highlight the 20th Kiosk Location

·  Highlight the 10th Kiosk Location

·  Kist Locations list shows first element in the list if the user selects the down arrow on the 20th element in the list

·  Kist Locations list shows 20th element in the list if the user selects the up arrow on the first element in the list

·  Select kiosk & verify “Map Directions” menu screen directs to correct Kiosk Map

·  Select kiosk & verify “Driving Directions” menu screen directs to correct Kiosk Text Directions

·  A map is selected and Displayed on the screen

·  A map for specific kiosk shows the current kiosk location

·  A map for specific kiosk shows the route of travel

·  A map for specific kiosk is accurate (meaning one can get from point A to point B)

·  A map for specific kiosk is not left, right, up or down scrollable

·  Directions are selected and displayed on the screen

·  The directions are turn-by-turn

·  The directions show the distance per route

·  The directions show each turn

·  Each turn of the directions must be numbered in ascending order

·  The direction elements (the turn-by-turn listing) can be navigated using the up and down keys.

·  The direction list can be scrolled up and down

·  The direction list shows first element in the list if the user selects the down arrow on the Nth element in the list (where n is the number of elements in the list)

·  The direction list shows Nth element in the list if the user selects the up arrow on the first element in the list (where n is the number of elements in the list)

·  Selecting back on “Find Kiosks” goes to applications

·  Selecting back on “Kiosk Locations” goes to “Find Kiosks”

·  Selecting back on “Map or Directions” goes to “Kiosk Locations”

·  Selecting back on “Map” goes to “Map or Directions”

·  Selecting back on “Directions” goes to “Map or Directions”

·  When any back operation is performed the previous kiosk remains selected

·  Selecting options on “Find Kiosks” goes to “Options”

·  Selecting options on “Kiosk Locations” goes to “Options”

·  Selecting options on “Map or Directions” goes to “Options”

·  Selecting options on “Map” goes to “Options”

·  Selecting options on “Directions” goes to “Options”

·  Selecting “Kiosk List” on “Options” goes to “Kiosk Locations”

·  Selecting “Map Directions” on “Options” goes to “Map”

·  Selecting “Driving Directions” on “Options” goes to “Directions”

·  Selecting “Exit Kiosk Locator” on “Options” exits the program

·  A progress indicator will be displayed while the Client is waiting for the servers response

·  If a kiosk is further than 10 miles from the users geo-coordinates the kiosk will not be displayed

2.1.2 MapPoint.NET Component

·  Map requests made to MapPoint Server

·  Map request made, MapPoint returns valid map

·  Map request made, MapPoint times out (doesn’t respond in time)

·  Map request made, MapPoint returns corrupt map (MapPoint connection will be removed for testing and a stub will be introduced to inject bad data)

·  Directions requests made to MapPoint Server

·  Directions request made, MapPoint returns valid directions

·  Directions request made, MapPoint times out (doesn’t respond in time)

·  Directions request made, MapPoint returns corrupt directions (MapPoint connection will be removed for testing and a stub will be introduced to inject bad data)

·  List requests made to MapPoint Server

·  List request made, MapPoint returns valid list

·  List request made, MapPoint times out (doesn’t respond in time)

·  List request made, MapPoint returns corrupt list (MapPoint connection will be removed for testing and a stub will be introduced to inject bad data)

2.1.3 Request Handler & Response Generator

·  Requests to get locations can be made

·  A Kiosk List is requested and a Kiosk List is returned

·  Requests to get map can be made

·  A map is requested and a map of requested location is returned

·  Requests to get directions can be made

·  A direction list is requested and a direction list is returned

2.1.4 Coordinates from Location API

·  The coordinates returned from JSR-179 are accurate

·  The coordinates returned from JSR-179 are valid

KodakKioskLocator_UnitTestPlan.doc (3/16/2006) Page 6