CHCCOM3C Activities Section 3


Activity: Organisational communication strategies

Activity: Respecting others’ views

Activity: Disruptive behaviours in group situations

Workplace activity: Organisational writing standards

Workplace activity: Meeting minutes

Activity: Organisational communication strategies

Identify four examples of information that is communicated to workers, clients or other agencies. These should include:

  • Two examples of organisational communications.
  • Two examples of case-related communications.

Determine the best method for communicating this information to others, and your rationale for using this communication channel. One example has been completed for you.

Message / Communication Channel / Rationale
Information on updated guidelines / Email / Ensures all staff receive a copy

Activity: Respecting others’ views

Think about a recent workplace situation where people demonstrated respect for the views of others. Write a brief scenario describing:

  • The situation and context.
  • Any cultural differences or personal experiences that may have contributed to differing views.
  • How respect was demonstrated, for example:
  • listening to others’ideas and points of view
  • talking about feelings and opinions
  • using a calm and moderate tone of voice
  • awareness of body language, e.g. maintaining a pleasant expression,
  • attempting to find areas to agree on.

Remember to respect the privacy of those involved and do not use names or other identifying details.

Activity: Disruptive behaviours in group situations

Go through the Reading ‘Disruptive behaviours in group situations’.

Choose one of the types of behaviour and reflect on how you might manage this behaviour in a group you are participating in.

Discuss your strategy with others in your group or workplace.

Workplace activity: Organisational writing standards

Choose at least three different types of written communications used within your organisation. For each example describe:

  • Purpose and style of the communication.
  • Appropriate organisational standards and where you would find them.


Your examples may have included communication standards such as:

  • Formal letters to clients that must be based on word processing templates on the organisation’s intranet.
  • Reports and submissions that must adhere to the writing conventions – e.g., punctuation, spelling and grammar and referencing – set out in the Australian Government Style manual or the organisation’s style guide.
  • Guidelines for Email Usage that restrict the transmission of inappropriate written content.

Workplace activity: Meeting minutes

Locate any standards for minute-taking that apply to your workplace, and arrange to attend a formal meeting, obtaining permission as necessary.

  • Record the meeting using a format like the sample shown below.
  • Write up the minutes according to your organisation’s standard.
  • Discuss the process, and your completed minutes, with your supervisor.

Sample minute format for a meeting



Subject / Notes / Action – person and due date
Meeting Closed at: am / pm
Next Meeting Date & Time:Location:

© The State of Queensland (Department of Communities and Disability Services Queensland) 2007.