Bath County School District

Owingsville Elementary School

School-Based Decision Making Policy

Policy Number
9.0 B con’t.
·  Students who are below grade level will receive Interventions (30 minutes / day).
·  Reading of non-fiction books will be a focus during Theme studies in order to increase the reading in Core Content areas for all students.
·  4th-5th grades will have 60-90 minutes of daily Language Arts (including reading).
·  Students will participate in the science fair in the spring.
·  4th grade students may participate in Environmental Camp in the fall.
·  4th and 5th grades will participate in 4-H.
·  All students will receive and participate in PRIDE classes.
·  All students will receive instruction and participate in the classroom science activities related to Core Content that teach the Scientific Method and Process Skills.
·  One open response will be written, given, and graded as related to science unit/content on a weekly basis.
·  “Science Studies Weekly” will be used as a resource newspaper each week.
Social Studies:
·  Students will be exposed to multi-cultural experiences on a theme day, such as Pioneer Day, one time during the school year. Teachers will be responsible for planning an activity to be used in each classroom at their level.
·  One open response will be written, given, and grades as related to science unit/content on a weekly basis.
·  Students will participate in Veterans Day Activities.
·  Teachers will implement Harcourt Brace Core Program for Social Studies. Supplemental theme topics will be implemented to meet requirements of Core Content and Program of Studies.
·  “Social Studies Weekly” will be used as a resource newspaper each week.
Arts and Humanities:
·  Students will participate in Club Days.
·  Students will be exposed to artists and art culture through out the year.
·  Students will be exposed to elements of dance and drama by participating in field trips, guest speakers, and instruction.
·  Students will be exposed to
v  Structures in the Arts
v  Purpose for creating the Arts
v  Humanity in the Arts
v  Processes in the Art
Policy Number
9.0 B con’t.
Practical Living:
·  Students will be exposed to:
v  Health Education
v  Consumerism
v  Physical Education
v  Vocational Studies
·  Students will participate in Career Day
·  Students will participate in Group Guidance
·  Students will participate in “Second Steps” Program
·  Family Resource Center will instruct classes in Character Education
·  4th-5th grade will continue to utilize the STAR Test and GRADE for reading assessment.
·  On a daily basis, students will be given an Open Response question to answer and one On Demand question per week for 5th grade and bi-monthly for 4th grade.
·  Teachers will implement assessment strategies to aid in test taking skills.
·  Test-taking skills will be taught at all levels using basal assessments and sample CATS/CTBS tests.
·  Low achieving students will be identified in Math and ESS services will be provided, as funds are available.
·  GRADE/DIBELS assessments data will be analyzed to monitor student progress, drive instruction, interventions, and to monitor goals of individual students and targeted groups.